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Shana Dieli


Shutterfly’s Home Decor Giveaway

The first official day of Spring is March 20th. That’s only nine days. One week two days. Two hundred and sixteen hours. Either way you put it it’s coming up quickly! For me Spring time is a wonderful time, the flowers start to bloom, the trees get their beautiful green back and the weather warms up enough for everyone to play outside. The other thing I love is the annual spring cleaning of the house. Okay I lied, I loathe it. I am unorganized and cleaning is my least favorite thing to do BUT I do it anyways every year around this time. My favorite part of spring cleaning is rearranging. I typically rearrange the kids rooms and the living room. That includes the furniture, the bookshelf and the pictures. I try to mix up the photos adding new one’s and rearranging current one’s to give it a fresh look.

Right now I have zero photo’s on my mantle. In fact I may or may not still have my Christmas town scene on my mantle. For shame I know. But once those come down which will hopefully be soon I will need to put something else up there. I love showcasing my family and what better place to put it then above my mantle right. I think this classic Monogram Black Canvas (middle pic) would fit perfectly above my mantle or maybe the Love Collage (left pic) would go better or what about Acrylic Print? Shutterfly has an entire Home Decor section online with sixteen different photo decor products.

    • Canvas Prints
    • Fleece Photo Blankets
    • Woven Photo Blankets
    • Dimensional Wall Art
    • Desktop Plaque
    • Acrylic Photo Block
    • Mounted Wall Art
    • Photo Cubes
    • Acrylic Prints
    • Plates
    • Cups
    • Ornaments

    Between all the different design options with each product the options are endless and Shutterfly recently added two new products to the line. New Canvas Print Designs –  and New Decorative Wall Decals. The Flower Power decals are absolutely adorable and would look perfect in my daughters room around her window. Even the colors match perfectly with her walls and bed spread. Adorable isn’t it?


    Tomorrow March 12th join Resourceful Mom for the Shutterfly Pinning Party. You can find out more about the party and RSVP here. I encourage you to check it out, a party with Amy is always guaranteed to be fun!

    Today I get to offer you all a fabulous giveaway for a 5×5 Photo Gallery Acrylic Block that you design plus shipping from Shutterfly.  

    Mandatory Entry:
    Visit Shutterfly’s Home Décor page and comment with your favorite item that you’d love to have in your home.

    Additional Entries:

      • Follow @Shutterfly on twitter (leave your username in the comments)
      • Follow @Shanamama9197 on twitter (leave your username in the comments)
      • Tweet “I just entered a @Shutterfly 5×5 Photo Gallery Acrylic Block #giveaway from @Shanamama9197 you too can enter to #win” (Leave the url of your tweet with your comment)
      • Follow Shanamama on Pinterest (leave your username in the comments)

      Giveaway ends March 19th at 11:59 pm CST and is open to residents of the US only.

      UPDATE: Giveaway is now closed and a winner has been chosen. There were two entries that came in on March 21st after the giveaway was officially closed so there were only 73 official entries.

      Congratulations to……….commenter number 18, Debbie Jackson with the lucky comment 
      “I love the photoblankets”. Debbie I will be emailing you right now.

      I have been compensated with product in exchange for participating in this campaign. All opinions expressed therein are my own.


      Wordless Wednesday-Heavy Metal

      Not heavy metal as in the genre of music but instead heavy metal as in this giant piece of metal artfully placed over a new section of the freeway out here. Wait…I’m sorry, it’s the highway or is it the interstate. My husband keeps telling me they don’t call them freeways out here. Oh well I will call it a freeway as long as I live out here.

      Anywho, back on track here. I have no idea what this is, what it means and why they put it over the freeway BUT I like it. It’s a neat sculpture and you can’t deny that it is pretty eye catching.


      I took these photos with my insanely awesome HTC Windows 8x phone. Not too shabby huh? Especially considering I was in a moving car. The camera on this phone is insane. By far the best camera phone I have ever come by.

      I also edited it on the Windows phone with this nifty app called Fhotoroom. Think Instagram but for the Windows phone and with a TON of editing options. You can sign up for an account and share you photos within their app as well as socially or you can just use the editing software and save the picture to your phone. Me, I do the later because I have enough social sharing sites as it is, I am not sure if I could handle another right now. But that doesn’t stop me from using their great editing software.

      For more inspiring photos be sure to check out:



      Tuesday Tunes-Cradle of Filth

      Cradle of Filth is I guess what you would call an extreme goth metal band. They’re from England and  formed in 1991. Side note…why are all the insanely awesome metal bands not from the US? I mean cool for them but sucky for us Americans who want to see them play.

      When I first heard of Cradle of Filth I couldn’t tell you but I do remember the very first song I heard by them…Hallowed be thy name which incidentally is a cover of another awesome band, Iron Maidens. How apropos of them to cover one of their songs seeing as they were a big influence on the members of Cradle of Filth and I do love me some Iron Maiden.

      Before watching these videos make sure there are no children around, secondly if you are easily offended by the crude and naughty and slightly disturbing behavior just skip this whole post. If you are slightly interested in hearing what they sound like but don’t want to watch then by all means, press play but don’t look. If you don’t care then enjoy my friends.

      There is no official video and the others were all animated (blah) so enjoy watching some (silent) Underworld while listening.

      The second Cradle of Filth song I heard was From the Cradle to Enslave. 

      I was sharing a few of their songs on Facebook earlier this morning as I was listening to them and of all people to comment my Mom did. And I totally laughed at her comments. “I was good with this until he started singing” naturally I had to share more and push the envelope so I shared Lilith Immaculate. Her response “What the hell was that??? You can’t possibly call Lilith Immaculate a song!” ROFL. Yeah I know they may not be everyone’s cup o tea but the “nice” side of me loves to play Cradle of Filth during Halloween night just to scare the bejeebus out of people haha, hush don’t judge me, I have a twisted sense of humor. 

      So if you listened to either of the videos, what did you think?

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      PieOgraphy’s Banana Cream Pie with Chocolate & Caramel

      Oh yes, I did just say Banana Cream pie with Chocolate Ganache.

      Let me introduce you to Jo Packham. the creator and Editor-in-Chief of Where Women Cook. I’ll wait while you go peek at her site….and you must peek because it’s gorgeous and FULL of amazing recipes and soooo much more. Back to Jo now, in addition to her amazing website she also owns a publishing company where she creates the bestselling magazines Where Women Cook and Where Women Create, Where Women Create Business vand she is also an author! I don’t know about you but I think Jo is amazing and I bow down to Jo and her awesomeness. On February 1st she released the Where Women Cook PieOgraphy cookbook, where pie meets biography.

      You always hear how a recipe has a story behind it but what happens when you don’t get to hear the story? You’re left wondering what it was, was it a good story, I wonder who actually created this recipe because damn is it good, man I wish I knew what it was! At least that’s how it runs through in my head. So when I was approached about reviewing Jo’s new cookbook the first thing that stuck out at me was the fact that you actually get the story. You may get the story behind the person who created the recipe, the story behind the recipe heck you get both. I really love that about this book, I may even love it more then the actually recipes….wait who am I kidding, I love food how could I say that. All joking aside I really enjoy both parts of this book, getting to know the person behind the food and knowing the story of the recipe as well as the drool worthy pictures. Have I mentioned the pictures yet? Forgive me for not sharing them….they are drool worthy.

      I couldn’t review this book without making a recipe from it, it just wouldn’t be right. One of my all time favorite pie’s is the Banana Cream Pie so when I saw there was a recipe in PieOgraphy for it but with a special twist I knew this would be the pie I would make. Confession….I’ve never made a pie before from scratch so I was a little scared. Yeah I’ve made one that involved pudding and whipped cream but I don’t count that because the ingredients for the filling were already made, nothing done from scratch. So with a deep breath I gathered my baking confidence and got to work.

      I didn’t follow the exact recipe since I wanted to make sure it would be something my whole family would eat (kids, they’re picky you know) so I left out the salted butter caramel sauce but I kept the chocolate ganache because dude, it’s chocolate!

      And because this was my first time making a pie I finally got to pull out my Grandmothers old pie dish that she passed down to me ages ago that has sat in the hutch collecting dust.

      I even pulled out her beautiful pie server.

      Not too shabby for my first attempt at making a pie huh? I have to thank the amazing instructions from the recipes creator, Nancy Soriano. And the drool worthy photos which caught my eye and conviced me to make this pie.
      Really quick, another thing I enjoyed about this book is that it’s not just dessert pie’s in it. You also have delectable, savory pies included in there such as spinach quiche, heirloom tomato pizzas, chicken pot pie and more. So the reference of pie encompasses all types of pie’s. If you would like to take a peek at the book for yourself click HERE. And since I know you will fall in love with it instantly here is the link to where you can buy it.

      You can also keep up on the Where Women Cook community on their Facebook page, Twitter and their Pinterest page.

      I received an advanced copy of Where Women Cook: PieOgraphy to facilitate my review, the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.


      Get your kids outside more with the EzyRoller

      Having three kids ranging from ages four to nine who all love to play outside is such a wonderful blessing. Having them grow so fast they they get to big for their bikes within a year…not so fun. But now I have found this awesome new thing that all three kids can ride on. Yes all three and even better is it’s something that they can play on for years to come. It’s not quite a bike, not even a scooter, it’s the EzyRoller.

      I know you’re wondering what the heck is that? Those were my first thoughts when I saw it and even after reading about it I was still a little….confused. I’ve seen these new fangled trikes/bikes but this isn’t quite that. My next thought was maybe it’s a type of scooter. While it has the wheels similar to a scooter the fact that you are sitting and the handle bars are not like that of a scooter I was even more confused yet intrigued.

      I am not the most handy person out there, I like to think I am and I love to take on projects but they usually end up a little….eh a little sad looking. I assumed something this awesome would have tons of pieces for me to mess up so when I opened the box and pulled out everything I was pleasantly surprised that there was only four pieces in all and set up was really easy. 

      Even my little man got in and helped set it up.
       In less then ten minutes we were ready to roll!
      Whala, I give you the EzyRoller
      I’m not sure what I love more about the EzyRoller, the fact that it has already provided my children hours upon hours of entertainment or that all three of my kids can use it. My four year old can reach the “pedals” with it set up with the medium height bar but it’s easier for him if I don’t put a bar in at all but then the other two are a little big so I keep the medium bar in and they all do just fine. I also love that it came with the two size bars so when they get older they will still be able to use it because we can just make it bigger with the larger bar. 

      So lets see the EzyRoller provides hours of entertainment for all three of my children, it will grow with them as they grow and at $99 it’s reasonably priced. I think…no I know I love the EzyRoller and I may need to buy one or two more so the kids can each have their own and we can go on walks/rides together.
      I received an EzyRoller to facilitate my review, the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
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      Nominate your sitter for Sittercity’s America’s Top Sitter

      Remember back when you were in your early teen years and spending most week day evenings and weekends babysitting your parents friends kids. No? This is how I spent most of my preteen and teenage years. I had one steady family that I babysit on a weekly basis for a few years and then other families on an as needed basis. Looking back on those days is always a great memory. I had fun watching these children grow and I felt blessed that I was not only being trusted to care for these kids but I was also being welcomed into these children’s hearts. I wasn’t just a babysitter and it wasn’t just a job for me, I was like extended family. I often wonder where are those “little” kids now. I even remember my babysitter from when I was around five years old. Nay-nay was what we called her, Renee was her actual name but you know us cute five year olds and not being able to pronounce words all the way. We (my sister and I) always had so much fun going over to her house and spending the day or even just a few hours. I remember one summer day all of us kids and Nay-Nay got into a water fight which somehow turned into a shaving cream fight. Such fun memories. Nay-Nay for me was like an Aunt or the older sister I always dreamed about. She lived in the same apartment complex as us and when it came time for us to move my sister and I were heart broken because she wouldn’t be our babysitter anymore. That’s how close we all had become. Just like family.

      Do you have a sitter who has become a part of your family? One who is amazing with your children? One who goes above and beyond the call of duty when it comes to the care of your children? If you do right now Sittercity is having a contest and they are looking for the absolute best of the best for their 2013 America’s Top Sitter Contest! You can nominate your babysitter for the 2013 America’s Top Sitter Contest in a matter of minutes. 

      • You can tell them why your sitter is the best of the best in 200 words or less and upload a photo of your awesome sitter, but don’t delay the period to nominate your sitter is only open until February 25, 2013.
      • Next a panel of judges will pick ten finalists from all of the entries
      • Then those ten finalist will be put to a voting round from March 5th through March 15th. The one finalist with the most votes will be names America’s Top Sitter and win the grand prize of $5,000!

      So hurry up, if you have an AMAZING babysitter who you think deserves this go nominate them here.

      I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective, and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.


      • Manu

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        All the best, I’m excited to watch your journey! Keep it works and share your amazing thoughts.

        Great share and thanks again for the mention here,

        Thanks and Regards!
        Manu Singh.

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      Wordless Wednesday-A treasure to keep forever

      My youngest who will be five in May isn’t much of a drawer. It just doesn’t interest him. So when I picked him up from school the other day and his teacher told me that he drew me something special. At the mention of him drawing something, drawing me something I was very excited and I couldn’t hide my smile. She told me it was a keeper, something for me to keep in a frame and treasure forever. Not being able to hold out anymore I dug in his backpack and pulled it out. I all but cried when I saw it. My little mans very first picture and it was a picture of both of us. He drew himself as a baby, inside my tummy. Yes, yes I cried. What can I say I am an emotional sap. But this sap loves her babies very first drawing and will treasure it forever.

      For more inspiring photos be sure to check out:


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      Kids Corner on the Windows 8x phone

      We live in the digital age and our kids are growing up smack in the middle of it. What does this mean for us adults? That our kids constantly want to use play on our phones. This can be all fine and dandy until things get changed around and inevitably apps get deleted. The Windows phone has this nifty feature called Kid’s Corner. What exactly is Kid’s Corner? It’s pure awesome that’s what it is.  

      “Create a child–friendly space within your phone using Kid’s Corner. They can access only the apps, music and videos you permit.”-Verizon Wireless

      Think of it like a computer within a computer, or a better example might be if you have more then one user account on your computer. It’s a separate screen within your phone that you can pick and choose which apps you want your child to be able to access.

      You ask what is so special about that? Don’t other phone’s offer something like that?  Well that is a yes and no answer. The iPhone allows you to set restrictions on the phone but in my experience it’s more of a hassle to deal with then anything and not worth doing because by setting the restrictions I am then limited by the restrictions unless I go back in and change all of the settings again. Back to the Windows phone. Setup on kids corner is really easy and again, you get to pick and choose what you want on Kid’s Corner that your kid’s can have access too. Here are step by step instructions on how to set up kids corner on you phone.

      • From your home screen scroll all the way down to the bottom and click the little arrow
      •  Select settings
      • Scroll down until you see Kid’s Corner, select it
      •  Simply turn it from Off to On

      •  From there your settings screen will pop up.

      • Click any of the options Games, Music, Videos or Apps and it will bring up a new window with all available items on your phone from that genre for you to pick and choose which you would like on Kid’s Corner.

      The great thing about Kid’s Corner mode is that the kids cannot enter the regular side of the phone. The only way to get back to the regular home screen is to press the power button on the top of the phone. It then goes into standby mode and when you go to use your phone the next time it will bring up the home screen. To access kids corner from standby mode press the power button and then swipe your fingers from the right of the screen to the left.

      I do want to point out one possible downside to Kid’s Corner is having a password on your phone. I always assign passwords out of habit and not wanting certain little one’s deleting items on my phone. By having a password enabled on your phone you cannot access Kid’s Corner without entering it. At times that may be a downside but on the other side of that it ensures no one will be getting into your phone, either your side or the kids side.

      * I am part of the Verizon Wireless Ambassador program. A device was provided to me with three months of service in exchange for my honest opinions about the device. All thought and opinions expressed therein are my own* 

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        How to take a screen shot on a HTC Windows 8x phone

        Today I want to talk about how to take screen shot on the HTC Windows 8x phone. It’s one of the first things I learn how to do when I get a new phone and I usually figure it out pretty easily, but it took me up until ohhh five minutes ago to finally do it. I assumed it was like most phones and that you had to press the power button and the start/home screen button. I kept pressing those buttons but I would get one of two results.
        1. The phone would go into standby mode
        2. It would go into voice recognition mode
        Neither of which was what I wanted to do…insert frustration here. I was about to give up on the whole thing but decided to send out a tweet asking if anyone knew how. I figured if the twitter-verse doesn’t know then it’s probably not meant to be. Verizon Wireless support got back to me almost immediately.

        You know the saying that sometimes it just takes another set of eyes for you to see things? Well in this case it rang true. As soon as I tried it after reading Verizons tweet the strangest thing happened…it worked! Don’t you love how that happens? Despite my frustration I am just happy I finally was able to get a screenshot.

        So here’s what you do.

        • Press the power button. That’s the push button on the top right of the phone. 
        • At the same time, literally the same exact second,  press the start touch button. The start touch button is the middle button on the bottom of the phone. The one that with the windows icon.

        Until you get the hang of it it may be a trial and error/frustrating experience. Or you may be lucky and not have the struggles that I had attempting to do this. But once you get the hang of it it will be a lot easier.

        * I am part of the Verizon Wireless Ambassador program. A device was provided to me with three months of service in exchange for my honest opinions about the device. All thought and opinions expressed therein are my own* 

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        Wordless Wednesday-Meet Theta

        Eleven years of marriage, three kids over five years and countless moves later we finally added the last piece to our family….a puppy. Meet the newest member, Theta. She is nine weeks old and just the cutest, sweetest little puppy ever!

        Our older two kids are still at school so they haven’t met her yet, we didn’t tell any of the kids we were getting a puppy. We wanted it to be a surprise. I CANNOT wait to see their faces when they get home!

        For more inspiring photos be sure to check out:

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