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Shana Dieli


Wordless Wednesday-Bumblebee

Dude I have been such a bad Wordless Wednesday participant. I can’t remember the last time I participated in one, and for me, the picture holic, that is just crazy.

Since I am in a mad rush to get some things done before I have to head out to pick up the littles I am going to stay true to the Wordless part of todays meme and just share my photo. So here you go, I give you……dun dun dun……bumblebee.

For more inspiring photos be sure to check out:
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Week in my life: Monday Monday

Mondays are a little dreaded in my house. The song just another manic Monday almost always rings true for me. Thankfully yesterday wasn’t nearly as bad as some I’ve experienced. Monday means it’s time for school which is a love hate thing for my kids. Here’s how yesterday went down.

My alarm went off at 6:15am and I very slowly dragged myself from bed. First things first, the making of the coffee. I don’t do anything until that is done. Then I woke up baby girl. She is not a fan of mornings so she takes a little bit longer. I went in to wake her up, she lays back down so I went into wake the boys up. My oldest woke up immediately with huge tired eyes and literally rolled out of bed. My youngest didn’t open his eyes so I picked him up and carried him out. When I sat him down on the couch he then finally opened his eyes. Then I went back to get my daughter and carried her out into the living room.

From there it’s on to breakfast time. I sipped gulped my coffee while I got the kiddos some breakfast. Then they/we got dressed. By now it’s time to fight brush their teeth. I don’t know why at ages four, five and eight that it is still a struggle but the kids do not like to brush their teeth. Sometimes it is so bad that it results in one or two, maybe even three full blown meltdowns. It may be my least favorite part of the day.

By 7:30 were out the door and on our way to school We all walk in together and my oldest goes off to class by himself while I walked the two littles to class. We give our kisses, hugs and goodbyes then I come home to silence! Funny thing as I am drinking my coffee and working all I want to do is climb back into bed. Too bad by this time I am fully awake and couldn’t fall back asleep if I was given anesthesia.

One thing I like about being up insanely early (at least by my standards) is getting to see the sunrise

While the kids are in school it’s a pretty quite time. My youngest gets out at 10:30 so quiet time doesn’t last for long. Pick him up, come home, make lunch. That’s our routine. Yesterday I had to work though so instead of doing random miscellaneous things I got ready for work. Oh yeah I forgot to mention I got a job! Happy joy joy…sort of. Mixed emotions there but I wont go into that now.

 Sunset as I walked out to my car when I got off of work. Orange sky with orange leaves, it was beautiful.

So while I worked until 7 the hubs watched the kids. I got home to a bunch of craziness that I wont speak of and bore you all with. Short story….I got home, fed the kids and put them to bed. The end.

So that was my Monday. Not as hectic as most which I will gladly take! Oh yes and tomorrow I should *hopefully* have more then a whopping two pictures.

  • Manu

    Great Share!

    First off, congratulations on this post. If You are searching for latest government jobs in India. Other department for state and central government job. This bucket list for you to know the right jobs detail.

    This is really awesome but that’s what you always crank out my friend. Reading your story got my face leaking and my heart singing. Find qualification based government job and vacancies with employment news at:

    All the best, I’m excited to watch your journey! Keep it works and share your amazing thoughts.

    Great share and thanks again for the mention here,

    Thanks and Regards!
    Manu Singh.

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Sunset Sunday-Similar yet different

One thing I love about having storms, other then the awesome amounts of lightening, is seeing the cloud formations. That coupled with the sunsets and you have a recipe for a beautiful sight. Last weekend was no exception. While we didn’t get the severe storms that were predicted (which I have no complaints on) we did get some really neat clouds.

These two shots were taken within a few minutes of each other. The first right as the sun was setting, and the second was right as the sun had almost sully set. Very similar yet completely different in coloring.

Have a wonderful Sunday! And don’t forget to link up one (or a few) of your sunset photos in the linky below.


Mobile hotspot setup is as easy as 1.2.3

Have you been wanting to set up your mobile hotspot but aren’t sure how? I am here to tell you it’s literally as easy as 1.2.3.

This set up example is for a Verizon Samsung Galaxy SIII. The setup is similar on other Android based phones so you can use this as a starting point for other phones.

Step 1:
Open setting

Step 2:
Select Mobile Hotspot & turn it to on

Step 3:
Use it

To connect your device to the mobile hotspot simple open your network preferences and connect to the wifi on your mobile device.

See, I told you. In three short steps you will have successfully turned on your mobile hotspot and you can begin using it on other devices. Now of course there are other options when setting it up but the steps above are the basics. If you want to customize your mobile hotspot, that is another easy process. I am the type that doesn’t like to dig really deep because I worry that I will eventually forget what I did and not remember how to change the settings back to their original state, and that I will completely screw everything up. Despite my fears I dove into the advanced settings and played around. And guess what? I didn’t mess anything up. I changed the password and added my device to be automatically recognized next time I turn it on and it works like a charm!

I hope these simple step by step instructions help you out if you’ve been putting off taking advantage of your mobile hotspot.

Verizon Ambassadors

I am a Verizon Ambassador. I have been given a Samsung Galaxy SIII and three months of service in return I will provide my honest feedback.

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Sunset Sunday-Repost of a favorite

A while back I took a photo of a sunset that I knew as soon as I took it I would love it. Sure enough when I put my pictures on the computer and brought it up I ohhhhh’d and awwwww’d at it. Now I may be a bit biased but hey, I am allowed to be right.

I was feeling a little inspirational the other day so I added this amazing quote to the photo. You know just in case any one needs any inspiration or cheering up. I hope this photo inspires you like it has for me.

Have a wonderful Sunday! And don’t forget to link up one (or a few) of your sunset photos in the linky below.

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Get unjunked with UnReal

A few weeks ago I had a party with a few friends and their kids to introduce them to a new candy line called UnReal. I have been looking forward to this for months because I had tried the candy before and at first bite I new we would make the switch. I have tried many times to give up on sweets but every once in a while I caved and of course I always felt horribly guilty afterwards. But now I don’t have to feel half as bad with UnReal candy. No it’s not a candy claiming to be fat free, it’s even better. UnReal is candy that is unjunked. And by being unjunked it has no hydrogenated oils, no corn syrup, no artificial colors, no artificial flavors, no preservatives AND no GMOs!

And for me (one of) the best parts….it tastes amazing. Imagine eating a peanut M&M and biting into the tiny thing in the middle. Yeah it’s crunchy but does it taste like a peanut? Eh not really. Now when you have UnReals UN 54 aka Candy Coated Chocolates with Peanuts the first thing you notice is how big they are, then you bite into them and realize dude those are actual peanuts in there and they really taste like a fresh roasted peanut.

I absolutely love that I can give in every once in a while and let my kids have candy and not have to worry about what is it the candy. How many different words I can’t pronounce, how many additives, etc. And I may sneak a bite or a whole candy bar for myself once in a while too. I asked my youngest who is four which one is his favorite and he said “all of them”.

Here are a few pictures from our party.

The loot
In each bag UnReal provided a breakdown of ingredients and nutrition information for each candy

The boys all played Wii Fit while the girls hid in the room and played dress up after the party

Here is a fun little video that digs a little deeper into the story of UnReal

If you’d like to try UnReal candy for yourself but haven’t seen them in your local store. Don’t fret! You can find UnReal candy at CS, Walgreens, RiteAid, Food 4 Less, Kroger, Fred Meyer, Staples and more.

This is a sponsored post in part with Global Influence Network and UnReal. While I was supplied products and compensation to host my party all opinions therein are my own.

  • スキーウェア collectionlapon style

  • Vacancysquare

    Great Share!

    First off, congratulations on this post. If You are searching for latest government jobs in India. Other department for state and central government job. This bucket list for you to know the right jobs detail.

    This is really awesome but that’s what you always crank out my friend. Reading your story got my face leaking and my heart singing. Find qualification based government job and vacancies with employment news at:

    All the best, I’m excited to watch your journey! Keep it works and share your amazing thoughts.

    Great share and thanks again for the mention here,

    Thanks and Regards!
    Priya Singh.

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Samsung Galaxy SIII, my initial thoughts

This morning my husband asked me if I prefer using the Samsung over my iPhone and I couldn’t answer the question. There are many things I love about both phones but to choose one or the other I was stumped. So he changed his question to which do I prefer….the android operating system or the IOS of an iPhone.

That one was easy. I prefer the Android. Sure there are a few features that the iPhone has that the Samsung does not BUT the Samsung puts the iPhone to shame in how much more it offers. Here are just a few things I mentioned to him that I prefer.

  • First and foremost is the back button. Something so simple yet very, very useful. 
  • Camera Megapixels. I know more is not always better but on a itty bitty phone I think it definitely helps take better quality photos. 
  • Speed. This one I have actually argued with my husband about on a few occasions. He didn’t believe me that the Android put the iPhone to shame in the speed of use. Especially while using apps such as Facebook and Twitter. I cannot tell you how many time my iPhone froze or took over two minutes just to load. I have never had either issue with an Android. 
  • Complete customization. I love playing around with the settings and making the phone my own, not just a standard everyone has this phone. There are so many different ways to customize your phone that I know I have barely scratched the surface. 

Over time I am sure I will have changed my phone over at least ten times. The fun with that is being able to rediscover things and discover new things about the phone. So far though I am absolutely in love with the Samsung Galaxy SIII.

Verizon Ambassadors

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Making holiday shopping easier with Kmart layaway

This is a sponsored post, I am a Kmart Layaway blogger, though all opinions are my own.

BLG_Logo_Horizontal.jpg (3 documents, 3 total pages)

Would you believe that I have never actually used layaway? Yeah, sad isn’t it. I have always wanted to use a layaway program and this year I plan to take full advantage with Kmarts free layaway. For me it’s kind of like going on a shopping spree for free. Okay not really free free but being able to make payments and having no service fees associated with Kmarts layaway is a HUGE help for a single family income. Another thing I love and I think is genius is that their layaway program is not just during the holidays but year round! So you can start your holiday shopping or birthday shopping at any time during the year. Here is a brief breakdown on what Kmart layaway offers versus some other major retailers.

Kmart Free Layaway Grid 09_12.jpg

Another benefit is being able to shop from home. I know many of you might not think this is a huge deal but being a stay at home Mom to three children does has it’s disadvantages when it comes to shopping for gifts. It’s rare when I get a chance to go out with out my kiddos so given the chance to shop online or in the store I will choose online. It’s not just for the conienance either. My kids, bless their little hearts but they don’t know how to keep a secret and I don’t want any surprise ruined for any of them by someone saying “ohhhhh Mommy and Daddy got you a _________” for Christmas!” Yes it has happened and I have since learned my lesson on shopping for holiday gifts with my little ones.

I’ve been browsing their layaway and have already found a few…okay a lot of things that I would love to get my kids this year.

My kids would absolutely flip over this playset. Not only would it look great in the yard but it would provide hours of fun for the kids.

My daughter has been asking for a Monster High Doll ever since they first came out.

My youngest is all boy and loves all things Lego, he has been known to steal his big brothers Legos as soon as my oldest turns his back so this would be perfect for him.

And my oldest while he is also a lover of Legos he is also a lover of airplanes and has been hinting about wanting a remote control airplane. I think this one would be a great starter for him to take to our local remote control airplane strip.


As if we would need another reason to go check out Kmart and their layaway program, right now they have a fabulous giveaway kick off this years holiday season. Kmart’s Big Layaway Giveaway. There will be one winner, every every week from every store who will win their remaining balance of their layaway cart being paid off. Yes you read that right, they will pay the balance on your layaway cart! So what are you waiting for? Head on over to Kmarts free layaway and start your holiday shopping!

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Food safety and common myths debunked

Being a (newly) working Mom of three little one’s dinner time is not always easy peasy. I try my hardest to plan out our meals so my children will have home cooked food every night. But planning it out doesn’t always mean that it will happen. Long days, cranky kids, tired Mommy can equal me looking for a fast fix. And by fast I mean using the microwave. While it is easy it’s not always better.

Today I want to talk about a few food myths with you all and how to be safe in preparing food for your family.

MYTH:  “If I microwave food, the microwaves kill the bacteria, so the food is safe.”

Have you heard that statement before? I have and I have never understood why someone would say that. I mean yeah it heats up your food really fast BUT do they not think about exactly how is it that it is heating up their food and are you sure it’s even cooking it all the way?

Fact: Harmful bacteria may remain harmful if food heats unevenly.

Bacteria doesn’t just up and disappear on it’s own. You need to ensure that you are following the directions of the food that you’re preparing in the microwave. You also need to take precautions such as washing food if it needs it, stirring food occasionally while cooking, rotating your food while cooking to make sure that the food is being cooked throughout.

MYTH:  “I don’t need to use a food thermometer.  I can tell when my food is cooked by looking at it or checking the temperature with my finger.”

FACT: YOU NEED TO USE A FOOD THERMOMETER. Color, texture, and steaming are NOT indicators that a food is safe to eat. The only sure way to know food is safely cooked is to use a food thermometer.

HELLO? Really? This one should be a no brainer. I know when you are pressed for time and rushing around trying to get dinner ready sometimes it’s the most important things that we overlook. This should not be one of them. I never ever cook pork without my handy dandy thermometer. I have read that you can tell just by looking at the juices but for me that isn’t enough for me to feel comfortable. I want to make sure my pork is fully cooked so I am not feeding undercooked meat to my family and risking their health. The great thing about meat thermometers is they are fairly inexpensive. So the next time you go to the store pick up one, or two, or five. Keep them in a drawer next to your stove so they are readily available next time you cook meat.

Below is a handy dandy printout for you. Print it out and hang it on your fridge for quick reference while cooking food for your family. If you’re like me and cooking is a passion, one that you plan/hope to pass down to your children, you might like to be educated in making sure your cooking is doing more good then harm, then you might want to check out Food Safety and Fightback to educate yourself on popular food myths and safety. 


Drive safe with the Safely Go App

Did you know that 23% of ALL traffic crashes (which is at least 1.3 million crashes every year) involve cell phone. And an estimated 1.2 million crashes each year involve drivers talking on cell and at least 100,000 additional crashes are related to drivers who are texting. Those numbers are scary and insanely high. While modern technology is fantastic and always evolving and helping our lives they can also be a distraction, one that we cannot afford while driving. 

Safely Go by Safely is a new free app for Android based phones that is aimed at cutting down on the distractions while driving.
Here’s how it works.

  • When you set up your account you can choose to make three contacts your “VIP” contacts. In doing so you will only be allowed to receive phone calls and/or text from those three individuals.
  • While driving and having Safely Go on if you receive a text from someone that is not on your VIP list it will automatically send a text message that you’re on the road and driving safely.
  • Automatically enables calls through your Bluetooth or other hands-free device while driving
  • It will only give you access only to your top three driving apps such as maps, navigation or music. 

Setting up the app is very easy and pretty self explanatory. Make sure that you have your contacts in your contacts list on your phone that you plan on selecting as your VIP’s because if they aren’t in there they wont show up in Safely Go. When selecting the auto-reply message you can either stick with the default message or type one of your own. 

    Starting this app is not difficult at all and I personally love that and think it’s fabulous because it’s not a ten step process for you to go through when you get into your car. Simply open the app and select the green “GO” circle. Your screen will then look something like the photo below. And that’s all you have to do. When you’re done driving simply select exit and the app will close.

    I plan on running this app on my Samsung Galaxy SIII every time I get in the car because while I try my hardest to keep my full attention on the road and not distracted by technology, alas I am not a saint and I am after all only human. With the app being free and with the statistics out there why wouldn’t you want something to help keep your attention where it should be.

    Verizon Ambassadors
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