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Shana Dieli


Back to School with SuperMe cape backpacks

This is the first year that all three of my kids will be in school. My youngest is in Pre School and while they are required to bring a back pack to school it isn’t something that is filled up every day or needed to carry books and lunches in. Keeping that in mind I knew we wouldn’t need a full sized backpack.
When we received our SuperMe cape backpack in the mail the very first thing I noticed was how light weight the backpack is. SuperMe cape backpacks are made with a material called EVA. What is EVA? EVA stands for ethylene vinyl acetate aka an expandable rubber. One of the great features to EVA, especially where kids are concerned, it that it’s water resistant so if your child spills on it you don’t need to fret. Just spot wash or throw in the washing machine and line dry and it will be as good as new.
With each backpack a starter patch and a mask are included. If you choose you can also get individual patches and masks. The entire back of the patch is velcro and attaches nicely to the front of the backpack. If you do end up getting more the one patch there is an extra spot on the back to store your extra patch. They currently offer fifteen patches and five masks in their store. With such a wide variety it’s easy to mix and match patches along with masks for your child’s ultimate super hero identity.

I chose the Ninja backpack for my son since he is a huge fan of all things Ninja, and to say he was excited when he saw it would be an understatement.  And of course the best part for him is the cape and mask. To be able to have his backpack be something that is fun as well as functional is a huge thing for me because not only does it help with his imagination but in a way it says that school is fun too.

Ninja SuperME cape backpack. The straps go across the front of the child & snap so you don’t have to worry about it falling off.
When opening the front flap there is a storage spot for the mask & above that is the zipper for the main opening of the cape backpack.
Best part about the space for the mask…it buttons so it wont fall out!

The SuperMe cape backpacks retail for $45.00. Now my initial reaction was that’s a little pricey but then I remembered that most backpacks, quality backpacks go for around the same price. But the thing that makes this backpack stand out amongst the others is the story behind it and the what it can do for a childs imagination.
If you’re interested in keeping up to date on SuperMe you can follow them on their Facebook page or their Twitter account.

I just received word that during Labor Day weekend (Friday Aug 31 – Monday Sept 3) SuperMe will be offering 20% off of EVERYTHING in their store with the promo code LABORDAY!

*I received a cape backpack from SuperMe to facilitate this review. All opinions expressed therein are my own.*

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California Teachers Union Putting Our Kids at Risk

California Teachers Union Putting Our Kids at Risk
-Guest Post by Christine Young

As a mom of seven, and a parent of four children in public school here in California, I’m disgusted with how special interest groups like the teachers’ union always put our children last, behind their bloated paychecks and pension benefits.

But, now they’ve gone too far.  Earlier this year, the California Teachers Association killed a bill in the legislature that would have made it easier to fire teachers who are known child molesters! 
It’s almost too hard to believe, right? Well, read for yourself what one Los Angeles area teacher did to his blindfolded students – Associated Press story and how the teachers union conspired to keep perverts like him in the classroom – LA Weekly article.

California isn’t alone in having a teachers union that protects sexual deviants – New York is battling a similar problem.

This is why we need reform like Prop 32, which is on the November ballot in California.  We have to stop the special interest money that keeps these groups powerful and detached from doing what’s best for our children.

Of course the opponents of the measure are spreading lies about how cops, firemen, teachers, et al are against 32, but keep in mind it’s only the union leadership that is against 32.  I know plenty of teachers who don’t like what their union does and certainly don’t want sexual predators in our classrooms!

See for yourself what California Prop 32 will do, it’s very strait forward.
And join our Facebook Group “California Parents for Reform” where we discuss this and other issues facing our schools and families.

Christine Young is the mother and blogger behind, where she shares about life with lots of kids and how to make it fun.

*I am not typically one to talk about politics on here, heck I rarely talk about them online at all or in person with someone because there are so many differing views that sometimes it can seem like an endless circle of debating. But there are exceptions to my rule when it involves children. More specifically the safety of our children. When my family and I made the decision to leave our long time home of California the school system was one of our top reasons for leaving. When Christine mentioned the bill that was shut down by the California Teachers Association I couldn’t believe what I was reading so to help raise awareness on this issue I quickly jumped at her offer to guest post regarding this issue. If you live in California and have school aged children PLEASE read the links above, be informed and be involved!

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Wordless Wednesday-Food while traveling

I haven’t had a chance to go through all of our photos from our trip last week so I am pulling some pictures from my phone for this weeks Wordless Wednesday post. And seeing as I am a food lover and I was blown away by our food on our flight I figured I’d start the picture sharing with some good eats.

 Of course I had to get wine. My husband even drank some which was funny since it was his first time. After three full glasses each we looked at each other and giggled that we could already feel the alcohol.
 First course: Smoked salmon with some mayonnaise sauce and a celery, bell pepper and radish slaw, tomato bisque and a roll.
 Second course: Salad

Main course: Chicken dish. Cold chicken breast with this amazing dressing that I have no idea what it was but it had mangos in it, lobster salad, onions, deviled egg and there’s an artichoke heart hiding there somewhere. 

 My husband got the Cod with green beans and risotto. All I kept thinking about with his dish was the movie Airplane. And the best part, my husband and I were laughing about it together since we both thought of the same thing.
 Fourth course: Dessert. I went for the cheese and fruit platter so I’ve cut back on my sweets intake.
 Breakfast: French toast, eggs, turkey sausage, fruit, coffee and orange juice.

All that food was just on one flight. It just kept coming, and all of it was amazingly good.

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Buffalo Chicken Salad

I love salads. I don’t think I have ever come across a salad that I haven’t liked. There are a few that I thought for sure they would be horrible but I was proven wrong. Typically I don’t like to be proven wrong but when it comes to new foods I am good with it because my belly is nice and full with delicious food. Mmm mmm good.

A go to salad in my house is a Buffalo Chicken Salad. I don’t make mine like a typical salad. Actually a lot of times buffalo chicken salads can be a tad boring. So I add my own person touch to them with a bit more variety. Here is my simple yet very tasty recipe for Buffalo Chicken Salad.

Buffalo Chicken Salad
Pickled Beets
Hearts of Palm
Kidney Beans
Green Onions
 Orange Bell Peppers 
Mixed baby greens
Romaine lettuce
Previously cooked chicken, diced and cooked in Franks Hot Sauce
Crumbled Gorgonzola Cheese
Yogurt Blue Cheese Dressing

Diced hearts of palm, pickled beets, tomatoes, kidney beans, green onions and orange bell peppers

Thinly sliced (because I like small bites) mixed baby greens
Throw in diced veggies
Add some sliced romaine
Top with your precooked chicken, some crumbled Gorgonzola and yogurt blue cheese dressing

Toss is all together and enjoy!
By precooking the chicken you save some time so you can just dice up what you need and throw it all together. Right after I go shopping I typically take about three to four chicken breasts and cook them up specifically for salads for that week. It helps cut back on prep time which is always a help with three kids.
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Sunset Sunday-Vacation time

While I am on vacation for a little bit I had planned to ask some friends if they may want to share any sunset photos and wouldn’t you know out of the blue I received an email from Erin of A Parenting Production with a photo she took while she was on vacation offering to let me post it on a Sunset Sunday post. Talk about timing, and once I saw the photo I knew I had to post it.

Erin took this gorgeous photo at Lake Waukewan in New Hampshire. I don’t know about you but this photo just screams peaceful to me. What a gorgeous view to watch a sunset from, and there is not a single edit done to this photo. Beauty at it’s best that’s for sure. Thank you so much Erin for sharing your gorgeous photo!

Do you love sunsets? Have tons of photos of them, or maybe even just a few? I would love for you to join us in Sunset Sundays and share a few of your favorites.

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Wordless Wednesday-Flowers in the sky

For some reason I have Lucy in the sky with diamonds in my head right now hence the odd name for this post. While we were at Kennywood and I was watching two of my babies get soaked on the boat ride there were these beautiful flowers that I couldn’t resist taking a picture of. One quick shot and then we were off, on our way to another ride.

Somehow, someway I managed to capture a shot that is kind of beautiful. It’s peaceful and yet vibrant and it speaks volumes to me. How can one photo say so many different things?

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Tuesday Tunes-Soundgarden

I don’t know if I mentioned before that I am a fan of Soundgarden. If I haven’t I don’t know why. I remember being in High School listening to Soundgarden while hanging out with friends doing things I wont mention in case my kids one day read this. Yes I was a wee bit wild in my youth. I love that I can hear a band now and it instantly brings me back. Some more so then others. Soundgarden happens to fall into the more so category.

I love that they are making a come back and with the song Live to Rise they’ve done a job well done with it. Although I don’t think they needed to do it by hooking up with The Avengers movie. I think they are awesome enough to just come out with a CD and bam be back. Although I can’t deny the smartness of the move and for those in the younger generation (omg I can’t believe I just typed that) to experience the greatness that is Soundgarden.

Anywho, enough rambling, onto the music!

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Sunset Sunday-Cell phone edition

You’d think with all the traveling we’ve been doing that I would have gotten some sunset shots. Yeah I had thought so to and then I realized I totally didn’t even think about grabbing photos while out and about. I was just a wee bit bummed when I discovered that.

So I went to the next best thing….my phone, and again barely any photos (insert frustration here)! I did manage to find two so those I will share those with you all but I still felt like we needed more oomph. So I went to some awesome friends of mine and asked if they had any photos they wanted to share. Thank you so much Angela, Andrea and Jessica for sharing your photos this week.

 Driving home last night.

 Flying from OKC to Detroit earlier this week. I’ve never caught a sunset in plain view while flying before and it was magnificent.

Angela from Untrained Housewife shared this beautiful photo she took. Lovely with the rays shining up isn’t it.
 Andrea from Lil Kid Things shared this photo from her awesome birthday dinner that her hubby treated her to. 
This photo is from Jessica at It’s My Life and it is absolutely stunning. My jaw may have dropped when I saw it and I may or may not have stared at it for five minutes before being able to take my eyes off of it. 
Many people discount cell phone cameras after snapping a picture and they never look back. But even those pictures taken in a fleeting moment have storys to tell. I encourage you to go through your phone photos and relive a special moment in doing so.
Do you love sunsets? Have tons of photos of them, or maybe even just a few? I would love for you to join us in Sunset Sundays and share a few of your favorites.
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Fun times and memories made

Oh my goodness. This week has been such a whirlwind I don’t even know where to begin. I was originally going to post this as my Wordless Wednesday post but we were amidst our travels and the in air wi-fi wasn’t working on one of our flights so instead of posting at 12AM Thursday morning when we got home I just opted to skip this weeks Wordless Wednesday.

Soooo where to start, oh yes on Saturday my husband mentions taking the kids to Kennywood. I said sure that’s fine, you know the kids will love it. Well I never heard anything more about it so I assumed he nixed the idea. Fast forward to Tuesday afternoon my husband comes running in asking if I am ready. Laughing I told him no, you never told me when we were leaving I haven’t even packed!  Forty minutes later we were at the airport, packed with the kids in tow waiting to board the plane. Are we a little crazy….possibly. Ready for an adventure….absolutely!

Our flight got in a little before 11pm and we immediately headed to the hotel. Once checked in we grabbed a quick bite to eat (nothing beats pancakes in the wee hours of the night) and then got back to the hotel to put the littles to sleep. The following morning we got up, got dressed, ran out the door with a quick stop along the way to get some discount tickets (always make sure to search for deals before going to a new place, we ended up saving $10 off each ticket ($50) and got all five of us in for the price of one Disney Land ticket! ).

And now to the pictures….there are a lot.

My little family heading in to Kennywood
 Little man having a blast in kiddie land and baby girl keeping him company
 This picture cracks me. He was so excited to go on this and he kept bouncing back and forth between scared and loving it. This happens to be his scared face LOL

 Everyone enjoying their ride on The Whip

 You can’t see them but in the front seat of the boat sat my two babies
 Doing the “I just got soaked and it was awesome” dance
 Daddy and his princess on the swings
 My handsome boy
If there ever was a sign on fun being had at the end of the day this would be it. They were completely passed out!
Even though this was a very short trip it is one I will treasure forever and one I hope my kids will be able to look back upon with nothing but happy thoughts.
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Sunset Sunday-Partial eclipse

First I want to apologize if I haven’t responded to anyone’s comments recently. As you can see I redid my blog last weekend and I did not notice that my comment system had been turned off and put into moderation mode. And since I don’t use the typical blogger comments I can’t publish them. They are there, and I saw them I just can’t publish them or respond. I wasn’t ignoring you I promise!

Now onto the Sunsets. I didn’t get out and take photos last night like I had planned so I am digging through the archives once again. It’s always fun going back and finding treasures you might not have known about or may have forgotten about.

These were taken bake when we had the eclipse. I drove all around town trying to get a decent shot, one without some type of obstruction and it was nearly impossible due to the direction the sun sets. But despite the obstructions I kind of like how they came out.

Last week I challenged you all to take a drive and enjoy the sunset. I hope you all remembered your cameras because I can’t wait to see what everyone captured!

Do you love sunsets? Have tons and tons of photos of them or maybe even just a few? I would love for you to join us in Sunset Sundays and share a few of your favorites.
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