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Shana Dieli


Disney’s Brave Review

Ever since I first heard word that Disney was going to be creating a new kind of Princess movie I knew I wanted to see it. First off, I am a huge Disney fan. Second, what’s not to love about introducing a new type of Princess. One who is strong, independent, maybe slightly stubborn, and one who wants to be in control of her destiny. Personally I think it’s awesome. Now I am not knocking the other Disney Princess characters, I think they are all great but I really loved the idea of bringing in some change.

My family and I had the privilege of attending a screening of the movie Brave a few days ago. I don’t know who was more excited, my daughter or me. It may have been me LOL. I was a little worried that my youngest might not be too interested since the main character is a girl (he’s really into super heros right now) but I think he enjoyed the movie. In fact this morning he said he wanted to see the movie again. My daughter absolutely loved it. It was too cute for words to look over and see my baby girl laughing at the funny scenes and at the others she had a perma smile plastered on her face. Now I did hear from a few others that there were some scary scenes in it but I don’t think they are anything to be concerned about if you’re thinking of dismissing the movie just for those few scenes. Neither my five year old or my four year old made a fuss about it.

I will try not to give away too much info in this quick breakdown of the characters. They were all great in their own way. The star Merida was headstrong, fearless and she has this thirst for life that is unquenchable. Her Mother Queen Elinor was torn between doing what was expected and not wanting to hurt her daughter. Her Father King Fergus was hilarious. He seemed like the type to find humor in anything and one who has troubles sticking to the straight faced serious sides of life (I can relate to that hah). The three brothers were too freaking funny. Little mischievous boys which were adorable to watch. And who thought they could be even cuter as bears.

All in all I absolutely loved the movie. I laughed, I cried (shhh I am an emotional person so I tend to cry a lot), I ohhh’d and awwww’d and I would go see it again right now if I could. I’ve already told my daughter we will be buying the movie as soon as it comes out on DVD. It quickly climbed my list of favorite Disney movies. The message behind the movie is one that will touch you, especially if you’re a mother. It will even touch you for being a daughter because lets face it, at one point in our lives there was a time when we didn’t agree with our Moms. Would I recommend this movie, you bet I would! And not just for little girls. I think this is a great movie for kids of all ages, boy or girl.

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Wordless Wednesday-Water fun

With school out for summer (YAY) and it being so warm outside (seriously it’s already in the 90’s here) the best thing to do is get wet. Since we don’t have a pool the house is the next best thing. Trust me, it’s a heck of a lot better then lounging inside while you and the kids go out of their minds from sheer boredom.

Oldest: “Mom watch while I get him”.
Without even trying little man got him before J man could LOL
This smile makes me smile
And so does this one 🙂
And this one makes me laugh at everything he does

:::Insert hysterical laughter here:::
For more inspiring photos be sure to check out:
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Sunset Sunday-Mammatus Clouds

Every time I see those clouds like look like bubbles I ask my husband what kind of cloud it is. I am sure he is sick of hearing me ask it but I think the name may finally be stuck in my head. I was even able to answer someone when they asked me what type they were. Mammatus. They are seriously awesome to look at.
Last week we had a pretty good storm and a few hours before it hit the sky was filled with Mammatus clouds. And when I say filled I am not exaggerating. It was an awesome sight. 

I wish I had a camera capable of taking landscape shots because these next two should be viewed side by side. While the sunset wasn’t that easy to see, it was still beautiful because what you could see was so brilliant and then right next to those brilliant colors was a huge storm cloud. It’s times like these I wish we either had a two story house or lived in the middle of nowhere.

Do you love sunsets? Have tons and tons of photos of them or maybe even just a few? Craig from StayAdventurous and I would love for you to join us in Sunset Sundays and share a few of your favorites.

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Verizon Droid Razr Review-How to manually refresh emails

I feel a little silly admitting I still don’t know all the in’s and out’s of the Droid Razr, but then on the other hand I love that I am still learning/finding new things.

Here is something I discovered today while wondering why my email wouldn’t refresh. Sometimes it’s not always an automatic thing like some of us may be used to. So if you’re staring at your phone wondering “why aren’t you showing me my latest emails, I’ve already seen these one’s from four days ago” here is what you need to do.

Depending on which app you use for your email it will go one of two ways. Here is the first way which is by using the email app where you can group different email accounts into the one app.

1. Don’t yell at your phone (it’s not the phone’s fault, really I promise).
2. Open your email.
3. See that little double arrow in the upper left corner, click it.
4. It’s not in the menu/three lined area so don’t look there.
5. Depending on the last time you refreshed your email it may take a bit, but not too long so don’t keep pressing buttons. Just give it a minute or two and you will be all up to date.

The second way to have your emails is if you have the direct app, say Gmail for example. Again this is a very simple process and it makes me wonder how on earth I didn’t discover it sooner. 
1. Open app
2. Click menu/three lines at the bottom of the screen
3. Click refresh

Wasn’t that easy! I tell you the things you learn while in the midst of frustration can be awesome and make you feel rather silly that you’re just now learning something new when you probably should have known it by now. But hey I will look on the bright side and take it as lesson learned and now I know what to do next time my phone doesn’t work it’s magic and auto refresh.

Verizon Ambassadors

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Claritin Mom Crew

Now that spring has sprung (shhh I know I am a few weeks late) that means it’s allergy season. Yippee! Unfortunately my whole family suffers from allergies. My boys are lucky that theirs are minimal, the occasional sneeze attacks and runny noses with the rare asthma flare up, but for my daughter allergy season can be miserable. In addition to the sneezing and runny nose my daughter has eczema that flares up as well as hives that come and go.

While we all love Spring time because it’s so beautiful outside it can also be dreaded since spending time outside can mean more susceptibility to allergy attacks. It’s hard because the simplest of things that most kids enjoy aren’t always as joyful as they’re meant to be. Such as picking flowers for Mommy and rolling around in the grass (we don’t even attempt that one anymore). We have tried almost all of the childrens allergy medicines that there is to try but the one constant that has always worked for her is Claritin. I am thrilled to announce that I am part of Claritins Mom Crew. What does this mean? It means I will be learning and sharing some tips with you all in dealing with allergies. You can find some very useful information on Claritins Facebook page here.

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Wordless Wednesday-The beauty of nature

I love nature and being able to see it/watch it is truly an amazing thing. And best of all it’s something to share and teach my children. The kids have been so excited to watch these little birds grow, I’m might be a bit sad when they leave the nest. On second thought I may not, the mess they have made of my front door is disgusting so I wont miss that. Oh who am I kidding, they’re too cute, I will totally miss them.

And I love flowers. I even have a tattoo of three orchids on my calf and I have two more flowers tattoos picked out. They’re so beautiful and fragile yet they bloom every year and bring a little bit of beauty even to the smallest of places.
By the way does anyone have any idea what type of flower this is?

For more inspiring photos be sure to check out:

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Find your perfect style with Style United


I like to think of myself as a stylish person, one who knows the latest fashions and that I keep up with the current trends. The reality though is that I kind of have my own style of fashion. And I fully admit it’s rather boring. I am a jeans and shirt kind of gal and I go for the comfort over the stylish options. Heck I still have some clothes that I wore in high school. Not that I fit into them anymore, yet there they sit in my closet.
I recently heard of a site that will help you find the perfect style, naturally I was instantly intrigued. And when I learned that it’s not just for clothes but for your skin, makeup and hair as well. My first thought “bring it on”.

Here’s what you need to do. Sing up for an account at StyleUnited.
Once you are signed up you can either browse through the site or you can start by taking the Style 360 quiz. These are the four quizzes:
1. Fashion Focus
2. Mad for Makeup
3. Skin Deep
4. Hair Affair
Don’t worry the quizzes only take a few minutes each and some of the basic questions such as you age are remembered so you don’t need to keep inputting it. Once you complete each quiz StyleUnited will you give a result based off your answers with style suggestions complete with fashion approach, color palette, your ideal outfit (that you’ve put together), and of course your wish list. One of the things I really liked about the quiz was each time you receive a new question there is a tip on the right hand corner that applies to which quiz you were taking. For example, did you know that you have approximately 20,000 pores on your face?
After you finish all four of the quizzes you can will be able to view your complete style profile, from head to toe ideas and tips made just for you. I almost forgot to mention that StyleUnited also offers a 1 on 1 consultation. How awesome is that!

My results for the fashion focus quiz was: Casual Cool with a hint of Classic Tailored. I mean tell me these are not some seriously cute styles, especially those boots, swoon.

If you join StyleUnited you are eligible to enter their New View, New You Giveaway sweepstakes. What is the prize you ask? Two winners will receive a $500 gift card for Macy’s or Nordstroms (winner’s choice).


So make sure you go sign up, take a peek around, do some quizzes and then go enter the fabulous giveaway here.

*I was given the opportunity to use StyleUnited for this review while working with SheSpeaks. I will also receive a beauty gift from P&G. All opinions therein are my own*

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Wordless Wednesday-National turtle day

I recently heard that today, May 23 is national turtle day. Who knew right? I find it a little funny because on my drive home yesterday I saw this tiny little turtle walking in the middle of the road. And me being the bleeding heart for animals I pulled over, ran across the road & brought him/her home with me. Like I said bleeding heart.

 In celebration of National Turtle Day Groupon is having a fundraising campaign called the American Tortoise Rescue. If you are interested in supporting this campaign click HERE to view all the details on Groupon. 

For more inspiring photos be sure to check out:
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Sunset Sunday-Country Roads

I had to go digging through the archives for this weeks Sunset Sunday photos. They aren’t that old, took them about a month or two ago. I haven’t been able to get any sunset shots recently because most nights around here have been cloudy. If it isn’t cloudy and I do manage to get a shot it’s typically from my cell phone. And while cell phone photos can be awesome the quality isn’t always the greatest, especially when you take a shot while in a moving car. Yeah doesn’t always turn out the clearest.
I love digging through the archives and finding gems such as these that I have totally forgotten about. These were taken one day while driving around exploring the surrounding areas. I am not sure what town this is or even where I was but I’ve always enjoyed driving country roads and exploring with my children.

Do you love sunsets? Have tons and tons of photos of them or maybe even just a few? Craig from StayAdventurous and I would love for you to join us in Sunset Sundays. On the last Sunday of every month we will include a linky at the end of our post for you to share your photos. We can’t wait to see everyone’s Sunset Sunday photos!

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Wordless Wednesday-A week in review picture style

I haven’t taken my camera out for a little while but I’ve been snapping photos with my phone like crazy. I love technology. So here is a little peek into our life over the last week.

 I somehow managed to get a photo of not one but two butterflies
 With 80 degree weather you have to pull out the pool
 And of course we can’t forget weekly trips to the park!
 And because it’s early morning and I like to torture people share my creations, I give you egg sandwich, healthy and completely filling.
 Oh look more torture. Mushroom chicken, this was AMAZING! And again healthy. 

  I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always, As long as I’m living my baby you’ll be.
 Gross yes but kind of neat to look at, as long as it’s not in my house
 It may be a bit hard to see but there is water at the base of the plant
 I love sunflowers, they’re wild yet vibrant and beautiful
And last but not least, last nights creation for dinner

There you have it, a review of our week through photos. I think my favorite part of this passed week has been watching the kids smiling faces while either at the park or playing in the water. What was your favorite part of last week? 

For more inspiring photos be sure to check out:
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