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Shana Dieli


Tuesday Tunes-Songs to slow dance to

Well maybe you could have slow danced to these songs back in the 80’s at clubs such as The Roxy but probably not now. I have to admit I am a little bummed that this month is coming to an end because I have really enjoyed taking a look back and doing Amanda’s nostalgia theme. But alas all good things have to come to an end at some time right.

I have always been a big Duran Duran fan. There’s just something about their music that speaks to me. I can’t not listen to it. It doesn’t matter what song may come on the radio, if it’s a Duran Duran song I will not change the station. I know I mentioned my favorite song by them last week but I couldn’t just leave it there because there is another song by them that comes in as another favorite.

Keeping with the slow’ish rhythm I couldn’t pass up sharing Mad World by Gary Jules. Now I know it’s not the original and I may be slammed for saying what I am about to say but….I like this version better. Don’t get me wrong, the original by Tears for Fears is okay but I like the heart put into Gary Jules version. It’s more melodic which in my opinion is what makes it a heck of a lot better.

I included a link to both versions of Mad World. Now tell me which is your favorite?

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It’s Grilled Cheese Month

Did you know that the month of April is Grilled Cheese month? I didn’t either until recently. Maybe that explains why my youngest has been requesting a grilled cheese almost everyday this week. My other two aren’t big fans of grilled cheese but my youngest, well he loves it. To be honest I haven’t had a grilled cheese in ages. Last time I think was before I had kids. Such a same considering I am a huge cheese lover.

My favorite thing to eat with grilled cheese is some tomato soup, I especially love dunking my sandwich into the soup. But alas I have no tomato soup. I made two versions of grilled cheese this week. The classic and then my own simple yet full of flavor version.

Each version starts the same way, with buttering your bread (for the classic I used the Millet Chia bread from Udi’s).

Next brown the bread with your cheese on so it can start melting into it’s ooey gooey goodness. Once it’s to your desired brownness put the other piece of buttered bread in and flip the already browned piece and place on top of the piece you just put in.

A lot people tend to cook it on a high flame with will get you browned results faster but you also risk burning your bread while waiting for the cheese to melt. Try next time cooking on a medium heat, it will take a little bit longer to brown but you won’t end up with burnt bread.

The ends result. Not too crispy, not too browned, just perfect.

Oh look at all that cheesy goodness.

Now for my version I used the Omega Flax & Fiber bread from Udi’s. Same basic instructions as the classic version but with this one I used a slightly bigger pan so I could cook up some a lot of sliced red onions and both pieces of bread all at the same time. When the onions were all  done I placed them on the piece of bread with the cheese on it, then I topped it with a handful of baby spring mix and then placed the remaining piece of bread on top.

The final result was mouth watering. The combo of sharp cheese, extra sharp cheese along with the onions and lettuce was amazing. I added this to my favorite recipe list.

I was provided samples from Udi’s and coupons from Horizon Organic to facilitate these recipes. No monetary exchange was made. All opinions expressed therein are my own.


Wordless Wednesday-Lion face

My little mans facial expressions always make me laugh. He comes up with new one’s all the time and they are almost never the same.
He calls this his T-Rex face but I think it looks like a lion face
Lemon face? 

For more inspiring photos be sure to check out:

The Bonafide Life, Better in Bulk, From Dates to Diapers, Not Your Momblog, The Divine Miss Mommy, Colorado Moms, Rajean Blomquist, High Impact Mom, BrainFoggles, The Centsible Life, Rachel Ferrucci, Lil Kid Things, Resourceful Mommy and Zensible Mama and don’t forget to link your own photo stories.

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Tuesday Tunes-Growing up

It’s week three of Amanda’s nostalgia theme on Tuesday Tunes and today instead of keeping around my teen years I decided to go back a wee bit further. Just a wee bit though because :::cough cough::: I am still a youngin. I will not however be revealing the years because it should be easy enough to guess the time frame based on the music. I’m going to make you think while you listen to the music I have this week, I know I know so rude.

So here we go. Some of my favorite songs from when I was younger. These are should be in order by year.

Joan Jett & The Blackhearts, I Love Rock ‘n Roll

Eurythmics, Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This

Culture Club, Karma Chameleon

A-Ha, Take On Me

I have always loved this video.

Duran Duran, Wild Boys

My all time favorite song by Duran Duran.

 Don’t forget to go visit Amanda and link up your Tuesday Tunes!

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Our first time in the shelter

My babies were a little worried but handled it much better then I had originally anticipated.

Today was our first time using our tornado shelter and man am I glad we have it. A tornado touched down in our town around 4 pm today. It was only a few miles away from us and my husband was able to view the funnel cloud from our house. The tornado went down parts of Main street and did some damage. I don’t believe it was devastating damage but in a time like this damage is damage. The storms are predicted to get worse tomorrow for Oklahoma so good thoughts, positive vibes, prayers, anything, the people out here can use them, as well as the people of Kansas since it will be heading there tomorrow night.

Being a Cali born and raised girl the thought of tornadoes scare the crap out of me. I have never wanted to experience once but I knew once moving here it wouldn’t be something we could avoid. That’s why when we went on the hunt for a home having a storm shelter was number one on our priority list. We didn’t have too many must have’s because we were realistic in our home purchase, but having a shelter was not something we wanted to budge on. Would you believe that out of all the homes we looked at there was only ONE with a shelter. None of them even had a basement. Guess which house we bought? Yup the one with the shelter.

Now I don’t know if we were just being paranoid seeing as were Cali folk and all but this is my/our thinking. If all hell breaks loose and we ended up being in the path of a tornado we wanted the absolute safest option for our family. One were the possibility of us coming out completely unscathed was at it’s highest and for that to be accomplished you either need to have a basement or some type of shelter. So if you can get one why the heck wouldn’t you try to?

Since spring and summer are the season for storms I am thankful we made the decision not to budge on our priority list. While the shelter makes me claustrophobic and it’s hotter then a mofo with five people shoved in there I wouldn’t be able to take comfort in the fact that we have a place to take cover.

If you live in Oklahoma please check out Red Dirt Ready for information on preparedness, volunteerism, youth education and neighborhood security for Oklahoma weather.

Also if you are interested in getting a shelter but worried about the cost Oklahoma now offers a Storm Shelter Rebate up to $2000 for most cities and some cover up to $2500.

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Instagram now available for Androids

Have you heard the great news??? Instagram is now available for Android based phones. If you aren’t excited you should be. I may or may not have jumped up and down with glee with I heard the news. Yes I am a dork but I love taking photos and Instagram is my favorite smartphone photo app. So naturally I downloaded it immediately.

Instagram allows you to either choose from your existing photos or to snap one directly while using the app. After you have your photo chosen you can then edit it with the
And don’t worry, there are social options for you to share your photos on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and even Foursquare. There’s also talks that sharing to Flickr is in the works. When you connect your social account’s it’s easy to follow all of your friends. You can comment on peoples photos and like the photo by taping the little heart or by double taping the photo. Changing to the different edit options seems to be running a little slow but I’m sure as time goes on the little quirks will be resolved.

I have heard some mixed reviews from users using this app but I myself have not experienced any problems. I have every option available while on the Droid as I did on my old iPhone. So in short, if you love sharing photos and haven’t tried out Instgram!

Verizon Ambassadors

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Wordless Wednesday-Medieval Fair

A few weeks ago the kids and I took a little trip to the local Medieval Fair. I think I may have had more fun then the kids since there was so much to take photos of and I don’t let the kids go on carnival rides. I know I am such a mean mom but they scare me so no kids on carnival rides. I won’t bombard you with all of the photos I took but I did want to share these beautiful birds they had there.

For more inspiring photos be sure to check out:

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Tuesday Tunes-The era of mixed tapes

Making a mixed tape is not something we hear very often anymore. Those days are long gone, which is a darn shame because seriously what better way to tell your girlfriend I have the hots for you then with a tape filled with songs about being sexy. The 90’s were an awesome time!

Continuing with Amandas nostalgia theme I dug through my nightstand and pulled out the tape my husband, then boyfriend made me back in 1997. It was the first mixed tape he made me and I promised him I would never loose it. Fifteen years later I still have it. I have made sure it stays in my nightstand so it would always be close. For someone who is notorious for loosing everything I think I’ve done pretty darn awesome that I still have it. Yay me.

So today I am sharing a few, some who am I kidding. I am sharing a lot of songs off the mixed tape that my husband made me many moons ago.

Side A Song #2: Think of Me by Good Riddance

Side A Song #7 Smile by Lagwagon

Side A Song #25 Hazardous to yourself by No Use for a Name

Side B Song #5 Skin Deep by Guns N Wankers

Side B Song #22 Gotta pull myself together by Hi-Standard

Side B Song #21 Andrea by MXPX

I will stop now so I don’t completely bombard you with my songs of the past. I really love going back and revisiting things of the past, music especially. It always brings up great memories for me. What songs bring back great memories for you?

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Wordless Wednesday-Spring has arrived

While the kids were on spring break the other week I packed up a lunch, loaded them in the car and took them to the park for a picnic and some fun. Between all the flowers, the gorgeous 70 degree weather and smiling kids that ended up playing and not eating, it was a perfect day.

For more inspiring photos be sure to check out:
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Tuesday Tunes-A blast from the past

This week in honor of the amazingly talented and all around awesome Amanda and her upcoming birthday I will be sharing some music from days passed. But first HAPPY early BIRTHDAY Amanda!!!!

I take you back 12-15 years ago, vision a bleach blond chick wearing holey jeans, inappropriate shirts, vans shoes, smoking, all around kick ass chick. That was me, at least I like to think I was kick ass. My music taste hasn’t changed much since the days of high school but the music has. Back then the teeny bop sensations were Britney Spears and N-Sync. :::Insert gag::: Unfortunately I had a younger sister who was very much into them so I was exposed to such atrocities but have no fear, I did not let it take me over. I kept my metal and rock playing loudly, just loud enough to piss off the parental figures and drive them slightly mad. Ahhhh fun times LOL.

One of my favorite bands way back when was Pantera. They are still a favorite of mine and I am always in the mood to hear a good Pantera song. A lot of songs bring back memories of me growing up. Ex boyfriends, parties, hanging out with friends, driving around….oh wait I didn’t have a radio in my car. I always get so excited when I hear a Pantera song on the radio. Mind you it’s not often and it’s usually only at night but it always brings a smile to my face. My absolute favorite song by them is Shedding Skin. The solo is just amazing. Trust me the louder you play this the better.

Now I wasn’t an all metal girl. I liked the grunge bands and others in that genre. One band that has a bad rep to it is Hole. You know the whole Courtney Love killed Kurt debacle so everyone hates Courtney and all that she has done. Meh….I don’t let it affect my judgement in music. If it’s good I say play it.  One of the reasons I loved Hole was because they weren’t your typical band that was afraid to touch the things they shouldn’t touch on. You want loud, you want inappropriate, raw, and of course some punk thrown into the mix well them Hole is your band.

Metallica. Yes I listened to them but I wasn’t one of those crazy people that thought they were the best band ever and the fathers of Heavy Metal. I argued back then that they weren’t and I will argue today the same thing. But still you have to appreciate the early Metallica. They were a great band.  I will not however argue what their greatest song was and I don’t have a favorite so I just chose at random the song that I am going to share.

And of course it wouldn’t be a flash back post without me mentioning Faith No More. A group I still listen to now, they never get old. I know that their most popular song is Epic and what a great song title because the song is Epic. It is my favorite by them and I don’t care what people say about Faith No More, they are a great band that was seriously underrated back in the day.

So there you have it. A glimpse of what I was like and what I listened to back in the day. Told you my taste hasn’t changed. If you’d like to participate in this weeks Tuesday Tunes how about joining Amanda in her birthday celebration and share some songs from your past.

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