Sunset Sunday-A perfect weekend
I hope you all had a beautiful weekend.
I hope you all had a beautiful weekend.
I have been using the Droid Razr for just about a month now. My initial reaction when opening the box and seeing the phone was all ooh’s and ahhhs and one month later I am still ohhh’ing and ahhh’ing. I love new technology and learning how it works.
Here are my initials thoughts.
Great graphics: The graphics are amazing! Especially when viewing apps or streaming a movie or TV show. The colors are nice and crisp and clear. And having the 4.3 inch screen is a definite positive in my opinion. It doesn’t feel like you are attempting to watch a movie on a tiny screen and reading wont hurt your eyes because the screen is so small.
One of the biggest things that I have had a hard time getting used to it how lightweight the phone is. It’s a catch twenty-two. I love it because I am not carrying around a big ole clunky phone but at the same time it’s so lightweight I feel like I am going to drop it at any second. And with me being slightly accident prone it makes me just a tad nervous. Also the top feels a little heavier then the rest of the phone. If you hold the phone flat you will notice that it sticks out a little further. It’s not a big issue you just need to make sure you keep a good grip on the phone, especially if you tend to drop your phone a lot.
One of my favorites features of the Droid Razr is the notifications. No more worrying about missing a call, an email, a tweet, text, maybe someone mentioned you on Facebook. You will get a notification about it on the very top left of your phone. To access your notifications just touch the top of the screen and drag your finger down. You can also set it up to make a tone. But even if you don’t hear your phone the next time you pick it up it will be right there on the top. It doesn’t go away until you clear it. When I first got the phone the default tone was the Droid voice and I couldn’t figure out why it kept saying Droid. It was comical watching my son every time I would get a notification and he heard the phone “talk”. His eyes got big and he would always tells me “Mom your phone is freaking me out”. Once I figured out oh hey that’s my notifications I changed it but I am slightly tempted to change it back to the Droid voice just for the giggle factor.
I can’t wait to learn and share more about this phone. Right now I am on the hunt for some amazing apps. If you have a Droid what is your must have app?
*Disclosure: I am participating in the Verizon Wireless Ambassadors’ Program & have been provided with a wireless device along with 3 months of service in exchange for my honest opinions about the product.*
This week I am reminiscing a bit. I seem to be doing a lot of that lately. The other day while my family and I were driving I was looking out the window at all the greenery and for some reason the grass was greener popped into my head. I always do that. That one lyric just randomly pops into my head every other day or so. Okay maybe not that often but it is quite a bit. This time I said it out loud though and my husband looked at me like I was some nutcase. Not that I can blame him for thinking that though. Here’s how it went down;
Me: The grass is greener
Hubs: What?
Me: Dude don’t you know what song that is from?
Hubs: :::Insert look you give nutcases here:::
Me: Seriously? You don’t know? HOW could you not know? It’s only one of the best songs every done by Pink Floyd.
Hubs: Uh I have no idea what song you’re talking about
Me: Dude it’s that one, you know that one, the one that says the grass is greener!
Yeah, I don’t have the best memory so sometimes the name of a specific song will slip my head. This one though there is no excuse for it seeing as it is in my opinion the best song by Pink Floyd and my favorite song by them. And because we live in a wonderful technology filled era I didn’t have to wait until we got home to look it up, I just pulled it up on my phone and listened to it right then and there. Yay for technology.
I don’t care what generation you are from but EVERYONE, and I mean everyone knows who Pink Floyd is. Even my kids know who the band is and they’re just wee youngins. I believe in giving a child a wide variety of music to listen to so they can appreciate all types of music. So far it’s working because my oldests (8 yrs old) favorite band is Led Zepplin. How awesome is that! And on that note I will leave you with my favorite Pink Floyd song, High Hopes.
Do you have a favorite Pink Floyd song?
For once I am speechless on what to write for this weeks Sunset Sunday. The photos I took were just after a storm had passed by. It was truly a breath taking sight. But the photo is not what has me speechless.
Today would have been my Grandfathers 81st birthday. It has been almost two years since he passed and I still have a hard time with it. I know he is in a better place and that he is watching over us but I miss him so much. He was the first real man in my life, the best Grandfather anyone could have asked for and an amazing Great Grandpa. So I am going to leave this post rather short but I want to dedicate this weeks Sunset Sunday to him. Papa, I love you with all my heart and I miss you every day.
Do you love sunsets? Have tons and tons of photos of them? Even just a few photos? Craig from StayAdventurous and I would love for you to join us in Sunset Sundays. On the last Sunday of every month we will include a linky at the end of our post for you to share your photo. We can’t wait to see everyone’s Sunset Sunday photos!
I am not going to make any silly claims that this recipe is healthy for you because it’s not. It’s full of creamy goodness and nothing this good was ever intended to be healthy. It’s not like heart attack in a bowl though so don’t put it on the make once a year shelf. This soup is great for the fall months, winter and in between. I’ve made it….maybe I shouldn’t admit how many times I’ve made it in the last six months. I’ll keep that little tid bit to myself. Just know that it is by far my favorite soup.
I look forward to it so much each time I’ve made it that I have completely forgotten to take pictures of each step. It’s like my mind goes on a one way track and all I think about is broccoli soup. When will it be done? Is it done yet? Can I have some of that creamy goodness now!
And one of the best parts about this recipe is it’s relatively simple.
* Rinse the broccoli, finely chop and let dry on a paper towel.
* Melt butter and add in your onions. Cook onions approximately 3-4 minutes or until opaque.
* Now it’s time to make your roux. Grab your whisk and stir while slowly adding in a little bit of flour at a time.
* DO NOT add it all in at once or you will end up with clumps. Add in a little bit, stir, and when it’s completely smooth and start to ruse add in a little bit more.
* Once you have mixed in all the flour it’s time to add in the cream. Again only do a little bit at a time. But you have to be fast because as soon as the liquid touches the roux it will want to turn to putty. So start mixing before you’ve even added the cream and keep mixing until you’ve added all of the cream.
* Add in your milk.
* Dump all your broccoli in and give it a good stir
* And lastly add in all of your seasonings. Nutmeg, garlic salt, cayenne pepper, onion powder.. It may seem like you are using a lot of seasoning but don’t worry. It won’t be over powering at all. Since you’re using small amount of each nothing will strike out at you and take you over in flavor. It will all blend perfectly together.
* Bring the soup to a boil, cover, lower the heat and simmer for 30 minutes.
* Prior to adding in the cheese give it a good stir and a taste test. If needed add some salt and pepper to taste.
* Add cheese right before serving.
And there you have it, delicious broccoli cheese soup that is as addicting as it is melt in your mouth good.
The clouds seem to be such a permanent fixture these last few weeks. Some would be annoyed that it seems to dark but that’s not always the case. Today was absolutely gorgeous outside. A nice little breeze, in the low 70’s and what….oh yeah cloudy. But the clouds didn’t take away they added to the beautiful day.
Now as it’s getting a little darker and the storms rolling in I will keep thinking that even though that can bring on the rain they can also bring beauty to what would normally be a boring landscape.
Oh yes, I am going there. I know there used to be a lot of controversy over this group but I don’t buy into that crap. And that’s all I will say about that because you don’t want me going on a rant, trust me.
Marilyn Manson is one of those bands that I can listen to any time of the day. Doesn’t matter if I am in a good mood, bad mood, etc. I will cook to it, clean to it and dance to it. And I have no problems admitting I have a little bit of goth love in my heart. They are another band that it is hard to pick out just a few favorite songs because it’s not just their new songs that I like, it’s the old one’s too. They are all great. My first attraction to the band was how completely different they were to every other band in that time. Imagine little blond 11-12 year old. already listening to metal but annoyed with the selection of music played on the radio. And then I hear Marilyn Manson and the love affair began. I remember buying the cd and hiding it from my mom so she wouldn’t know I was listening to such obscenities. Awww the memories.
Warning: These videos may not be appropriate for littles eyes and ears.
Oh hey did you notice the chick from Greys Anatomy is in the video. The one who plays “little Grey” aka Lexi. And of course Jamie Pressly is in it also.
Also if you haven’t noticed I have a thing for cover songs, especially when they are have a bit of darkness added in.
And who can forget about the “classic” songs.
If you’d like to participate in Tuesday Tunes be sure to link up over at Amandas site High Impact Mom! You can also check out Rachel Ferrucci & The Morris Bunch for more fun tunes.
Sorry didn’t mean to yell but I am ecstatic that I have it back and in working order. Now as not to jinx it I will quite talking about it.
This Thursday the kids and I spent about two hours after dinner playing outside. They took turns running, jumping, riding bikes and riding scooters. It was so much fun just sitting there watching them. Now my kids know they are only aloud to go where our sidewalk start to turn/to the street light, and then it’s time to turn around. We have a double lot so it’s not like I only give them five feet of playing area. That would be cruel. Keeping up with status quo my youngest likes to push the limits and drift off farther and farther past like street light. So on my many little man chase-downs that night I noticed how spectacular the sunset was. Blessing in disguise maybe?
The first two photos I took from my backyard, the first one I like because there is just something about seeing the sun shadowed by the clouds and the rays peeking out that just speaks to me. The second one, I don’t remember why I took it but hey it helps in seeing the progression right.
And these next two are my favorites out of the group. I don’t think I have ever seen the sun quite so big and brilliant as I did this night. I’ve looked at these photos over twenty times since I originally took them and I love them more and more every time.
Do you love sunsets? Have tons and tons of photos of them? Even just a few photos? Craig from StayAdventurous and I would love for you to join us in Sunset Sundays. On the last Sunday of every month we will include a linky at the end of our post for you to share your photo. We can’t wait to see everyone’s Sunset Sunday photos!
Since the horrible haircuts boys haircuts I have been seeing a lot of similarities in them. I’ve never seen it before so at first it was quite shocking. Last week I walked in to check on the boys before I went to bed and as soon as I saw my youngest I immediately started to cry. It was as if I walked in to my oldests room five years ago and was looking at him sleeping. Yes I am an emotional sap, you should know this by now. It was just so much of a shock for me I kind of just stood there and stared. Then I ran and got my husband and the camera. I had to see if I was the only one who saw it or if the hubs noticed it also.
Tell me, what do you think? And can you guess who is who here?
I only learned of Volbeat a little over a year ago but from the first time I heard them I loved them. The lead singer Michael Poulsen has the kind of voice that just pulls you in and holds on to you. They aren’t too heavy that you can’t understand what they’re saying and maybe the worlds finally getting smarter but I have even heard them play a few of their songs on the radio. About time they play decent music on the radio. At least that’s what I said when I heard them playing Volbeat.
Now if we could take over the world get more music like this played on the radio it would awesome. Heck I might even buy a radio hah.
These two songs are my favorites by Volbeat.
See, not too heavy, very catchy, makes you want to turn it up and sing along with it.