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Shana Dieli


Sunset Sunday-Peeking through trees

I found my little point and shoot camera last week and was able to snap a few shots of the sunset on Friday. To say I have missed my camera would be an understatement. Thank goodness for cell phone cameras and my little point and shoot camera. If I didn’t have those I’d be going through some major withdrawals.

I love looking at sunsets through trees. It’s like looking at things in a different perspective always makes you stop and think. No day is exactly the same, just as no person is exactly the same. And that is truly a beautiful thing. I hope wherever you may be that you take the time to sit and enjoy the sunsets.

Craig from Stay Adventurous and I have teamed up to help spread the word on Sunset Sundays. We would love it if you would join us in sharing the simple joys of sunsets & the memories they bring back for you.

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Guess what? I am a Verizon Ambassador!

Over the next three months I will be posting about the Verizon Droid Razr! I was selected to be an Ambassador with Verizon. What does that mean? It means I get to take a test drive for three months and explore the new device, learn all about it, and of course play with it and give my thoughts and opinions on it. I am very excited to start this little adventure and I have already started playing around with the Droid Razr. 
 First impression was “ohhhhh hunny isn’t it pretty”. I was a bit excited. The phone is very light weight and upon initially picking it up I was worried I would drop it because of that (and I am a bit of a klutz) but it wasn’t long before I got used to it and now I prefer how light weight it is. I also like the big screen with options to use wide screen mode for taking photos or normal screen.
One thing I did noticed upon turning it on was it took well over 30 seconds to it completely startup. Now since this was only my second time turning it on it could just be a fluke. The more I use it and learn about it I will share here. 
But real quick I wanted to ask my readers a question. If you use an Android based phone what are you go to apps? Favorite apps? So far I have the basics such as facebook and twitter. Can anyone suggest a good photo app? I’d love to hear what your favorites are.
Verizon Ambassadors

*Disclosure: I am participating in the Verizon Wireless Ambassadors’ Program & have been provided with a wireless device along with 3 months of service in exchange for my honest opinions about the product.*

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Wordless Wednesday-It’s all gone!

I am going to keep this short because I am still upset that my husband took the clippers to my youngests hair & all his beautiful curls. Yes I know it will grow back & that I am being silly but I don’t care. Give me some mommy misses her babies curls & misses his little baby face that seems to have gone away along with all his curls. Either way both my boys are seriously cute 😀

Looking at my youngest with no hair is like looking at my oldest five years ago, only difference is my youngest has some big ole cheeks.

For more inspiring photos be sure to check out:
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Tuesday Tunes-A little bit of GNR

In 1985 the band Guns N Roses formed. I was just a wee babe back then so I didn’t get to experience the oooh’s and ahhh’s when they became popular, but ever since I can remember I have been a fan of their music. And here we are, 27 years later and they can still kick ass like no other.

An amazing experience

Last year my husband and I got the privilege to see them perform live and I can honestly say it was hands down, the BEST concert I have ever been to. Axl can pull of those high notes and long notes as if it were 26 years ago. I watched an interview he did a little while back and when asked how he does it he said it is getting harder but does voice exercises to help. Actually he said something more along the lines of….I have no %&^#($) idea LOL. 

There is no possible way to pick just one favorite song by GNR. There’s just too many in that pot and this post would probably take a week to read. So I’ll just list off a few today.

I may have a slight obsession with the lead guitarist of GNR, DJ Ashba. The man is seriously drool worthy and he has some serious skills. Here’s a video of his song that he plays at every concert. I think if I met him in person I’d faint, or loose all ability to speak.

Hello sexy

Everyone knows the popular songs such as Sweet Child O Mine, Paradise City, Don’t Cry, Knockin’ on Heavens Door, Nightrain, and November Rain but those are what I want to share. While they are all good songs I’ve never been one to promote the ever popular. Instead I like to promote the unpopular so people can appreciate more then just the over played songs.

So here we go, a “few” songs.

And I just have to share this song because it is actually one of my favorites. Notice I said one of, not the only. Again so many songs to choose from to choose just one but this one does make it to the top of my list.

If you’d like to participate in Tuesday Tunes be sure to link up over at Amandas site High Impact Mom! You can also check out Rachel Ferrucci & The Morris Bunch for more fun tunes.

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Wordless Wednesday-Dr Seuss Week

In celebration of Dr Seuss’s birthday the kids get to dress up to a new fun theme each day this week.

  •  Monday-Silly sock day
  •  Tuesday-Crazy hair day
  • Wednesday-Whacky day

Unfortunately my oldest is out sick 🙁 but no worries, he’s sitting here with his shirt turned inside out so even though he may not be in school he’s still participating.

I was hoping to find my pipe cleaners so I could have done pippy long stocking type hair on my daughter on Tuesday but since that was a no go we did four braids instead. And today I kind of ran out of ideas (shame on me I know). Even though this week has been a whacky week I still think she looks absolutely adorable!

For more inspiring photos be sure to check out:
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Tuesday Tunes-Train Drive By

One thing I love about the radio is the volume button, and the ability to switch the channel if you don’t like a song. If you ever ride in a car with me I apologize in advance for changing the channel and million and one times. I am constantly switching back and forth between stations to find a song I like. I may not even listen to the entire song before changing the channels again. Annoying right? Heck I even annoy myself sometimes while I am doing it but I can’t help it. I get bored very easily listening to the same songs over and over. That’s one of the down sides when songs become popular. They get way over played, sometimes ruining the appeal of the song. At least that’s how it works in my mind.

That being said I HOPE that this song isn’t one that falls into the over played category simply because I am selfish and really like this song and would like to continue to keep it on my upbeat happy go lucky play list.

Oh yeah, what song am I talking about might be helpful information huh. Drive By by Train. I am not really a big Train fan, they have a few songs that are catchy most of them are too poppy for my taste but I just love Drive By. Yes it’s poppy and catchy and I sound like a complete hypocrite but it’s also romantic and I can’t seem to help but turn up the radio whenever I hear it and start singing along and dancing.

Instructions: Do not listen to this song on low volume, you can only appreciate it if you blast it. You’re welcome.

If you’d like to participate be sure to link up over at Amandas site High Impact Mom! You can also check out Rachel Ferrucci & The Morris Bunch for more fun tunes.
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Dealing with phobias in children

I wrote this post in May of 2010 but for some reason it never made it to the published folder. My daughter has started to grow out of her phobias, well some of them, not all but I still wanted to share this advice and hopefully get others opinions and/or advice on this subject. 

The other week the kids and I were driving to pick my husband up from work when the older two started freaking out. There was a fly in the car. Now my oldest has always been a little panicky over little things so I was used to his reaction. What I wasn’t prepared for was my daughters. She was in full breakdown mode. Shaking, lots of tears and you could tell just by looking at her she was terrified. We had a similar experience a few days ago while she and I were running some errands. This time the bug was no bigger then the tip of a pencil. When I parked she climbed into my arms and told me she didn’t want the bug to kill her. This just broke my heart hearing her say this.

So I started researching phobias in children. The definition of phobia is a persistent, irrational fear of a specific object, activity, or situation that leads to compelling desire to avoid it (from Anxiety and phobias are completely natural in children. It helps them grow. When your child goes through separation anxiety, it is a phobia of being away from you. According to some of the most common fears are as follows:
  • Babies experience stranger anxiety, clinging to parents when confronted by people they don’t recognize.
  • Toddlers around 10-18 months old experience separation anxiety, becoming emotionally distressed when one or both parents leave.
  • Kids ages 4 through 6 have anxiety about things that aren’t based in reality, such as fears of monsters and ghosts.
  • Kids ages 7 through 12 often have fears that reflect circumstances that may happen to them, such as bodily injury and natural disaster.
Every child experiences these phobias/fears differently. My son used to be afraid of the dark and sleeping. This was caused from how many times we moved in a short period of time. Adjusting his sleeping situation really caused havoc on him feeling safe in his own home. There were many nights spent sitting on the floor next to his bed holding his hand or stroking his cheek until he fell asleep. Here are some signs/symptoms of having a phobia (Taken from
  • becoming clingy, impulsive, or distracted
  • nervous movements, such as temporary twitches
  • problems getting to sleep and/or staying asleep longer then usual
  • sweaty hands
  • accelerated heart rate and breathing
  • nausea
  • headaches
  • stomachaches
While my daughter is facing her fears (she notices a bug) I hold her and tell her the bug will not hurt her and that I am here for her. I do this over and over until she calms down. We saw a snake a few months back and it brought on nightmares for a week. Soin addition to her normal bedtime routine we also held her hand as she closed her eyes since that was usually when she would have the hardest time. We also explained all about snakes while she was awake and answered all of her questions. I’ve found that children have an easier time dealing with their fears if they know all about what it is they fear. A lot of fears are simply because it’s unknown to them. So educating them is a great way to help them.

Now, how do you handle this with your children? Are there certain tricks that have worked with your little one?

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Wordless Wednesday-Our first snow

The other week the kids got to experience their first snow in Oklahoma. To say they were excited would be an understatement. I felt bad that my oldest had to go to school so he didn’t get to play in it here at the house but hopefully he had the chance to play at school for a little bit in it. 

This was the face he gave me when I asked if he wanted to go play outside

I actually had a hard time getting a decent picture of my daughter this time around, she just kept running everywhere
He may look sad, but don’t worry, he was just worn out from all the running and playing 🙂
For more inspiring photos be sure to check out:
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Tuesday Tunes-Bringing back the classics

Okay so my generation may not view this band/singer as a classic but in a way it’s my own personal classic because hearing any song by Genesis and/or Phil Collins instantly brings me back to my childhood. The good ole 80’s. Yes I was an 80’s baby. You have two types of 80’s people. The people who were old enough to rock it through the 80’s and feel those born in the 80’s aren’t “true” 80’s people, and then those of us who were actually born in the 80’s. We might not have been able to rock the 80’s but that time period still had an impact on our lives. For me it was the music. The hair bands, the new metal and of course the bit of easy going music such as Genesis, Peter Frampton, R.E.M., Michael Jackson, Madonna, Kenny Loggins, Tears for Fears, Fleetwood Mac. I could go on and on but I wont because the list is seriously too long. But you get the idea.

One song that I absolutely LOVE is Land of Confusion by Genesis. I am not sure why it doesn’t get much airplay anymore. It is one of those songs that you can see the video playing even though you may be listening to it on the radio. Don’t say I am crazy because I see cartoons playing in my head. If you haven’t seen the video you might not understand how awesome it is. If you have five minutes to spare sit down and watch this video.

See what I am talking about? That song & video were pure genius.

I remember when this CD came out in 1991. It was the first CD I owned. That and Michael Jacksons Dangerous album. It seems like a life time ago that these bands were the it bands, that music was sang by people with real voices, talent and no machines to duplicate their voices. And that is why I titled this post with the word classics in it. Not to be confused with the real classics from the 1950’s and before.

So there you have it. This weeks Tuesday Tunes. If you’d like to participate be sure to link up over at Amandas site High Impact Mom!

*Image Credit Genesis Picture: Amazon

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Sunset Sunday-Fire at sunset

Three years ago during fire season a fire broke out in Southern California that was near our town. Not too close that we were in danger but it was pretty darn close. I remember taking the kids to the fair along with my Mom and wondering if we should really be outside because the smoke, while not over us was like looking at a giant wall. It was a spectacular sight to see and one I will never forget. The smoke had turned into clouds and it was almost an ominous sight.

These were taken as we were leaving right as the sun began to set.

Craig from Stay Adventurous and I have teamed up to help spread the word on Sunset Sundays. We would love it if you would join us in sharing the simple joys of sunsets & the memories they bring back for you.

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