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Ghirardelli Milk & Truffles squares

If you are a lover of chocolate I am sure you have heard of Ghirardelli. For many they are know as the finest chocolate makers. A statement I cannot argue with because…well have you tried their chocolates! I was given the opportunity to try out a new line of chocolates they are now offering called Milk & Truffles squares. Now who am I to turn down trying chocolate.

I am no connoisseur but I do enjoy chocolate. Here are my opinions on the Milk & Truffle squares. The outside of the chocolate is made with milk chocolate. Smooth but hard yet not too hard. Only enough to provide a slight crunch when you bite into it. The filling is a chocolate truffle filling that is again, smooth but it is also rich & delicate at the same time. The richness is not overpowering, it’s a perfectly blend of dark and milk chocolate with a hint of truffles.

In other words, absolutely divine.

Ghirardelli Milk & Truffle squares are currently sold at Target, Walmart, Walgreen & at other major retail stores. You can search for a store near you here. They come in in 4.63 ounce bag and while some may say that’s too small you have to remember these aren’t the type of chocolates you are supposed to chow down & devour in a matter of minutes. These are to be savored. On the bottom of the bag it says “Moment of timeless pleasure” and that is exactly how these should be enjoyed. As a little timeless escape, savored and enjoyed.

You can find Ghirardelli online via Facebook right here or directly at their site here.

*I wrote this post while participating in the SheSpeaks Ghirardelli campaign in which I received a sample of chocolates to try. All opinions expressed therein are solely my own. I received no monetary compensation.*

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Tuesday Tunes-Tunes that speak to you

Every once in a while there is a song that comes out that completely takes your breath away after hearing it for the first time. You know it’s a great song when it continues to do so each and every time you here it there after. For s singer to pull that off with not one but many of their songs takes pure talent. There’s no way around it folks. You just cant pull some rhymes out of your bum and expect to be an instant hit.

I recently purchased Christina Perri cd after getting sick of always having to go to YouTube to hear one of her songs. So as I sit here and listen to the cd, I also have it in the car and on my phone. Obsessed much? Eh not really, I just can’t stop listening because her music speaks to me.  I first heard of her about two years ago (my timing may be a tad off just because I am bad with timing, but it was some where around 1.5-2 years ago). I am sure you have heard of the song Jar of Hearts. No? Well here, listen….I’ll wait.

You hear that natural talent. No special effects on her voice. Just raw beauty. The first time I heard this song I loved it and I have continued to love it every time I hear it on the radio. Then the other day I heard a new song of hers and again, instant love (also if you love Twilight it’s on the new soundtrack for the last movie).

I don’t know if I can express what it is I love about her music but I will try. Her voice, hello it’s amazing. It’s real, raw, beautiful, natural. Her lyrics, I am a romantic and I feel that a lot of her songs have to do with romance/love in some way. Not all of her songs do but a few of my favorites do. Ink, she has tattoos which I know some people see as a turn off but I think they’re hot. They add to her look and in turn adds a piece to her. Tattoos in my opinion are an expression, a piece of art just not in a showcase room but the showcase is your body. I love tattoos and I am of the mind frame, the more the better.

So there you have it. This weeks Tuesday Tunes. If you’d like to participate be sure to link up over at Amandas site High Impact Mom!

And just because I love you all I will leave you with another one of my favorites.

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Wordless Wednesday-Completely random

I had planned on this weeks Wordless Wednesday being completely wordless (seeing as I can’t seem to do a completely wordless post) but as I sat down this morning to decide which photo to use I realized that my Lightroom gallery was empty. Completely empty, not a single photo in there. Nada. And to top it off I cannot access any photos on our server from my laptop. Will.not.panic. Must.remain.calm. Wooosaaaaa.

So in the mean time all I have are some photos from last week that I put on Facebook.

My boys at the park. My oldest is not a big swing lover so just that he sat with his brother so they could swing together completely melts my heart.

Random sunrise photo with our local oil rig. It makes me giggle that they put trees around it attempting to make it “pretty” since they are building homes right behind it. Still some might see as an eye sore but now I am actually starting to enjoy the view. Makes it feel a little bit country.

Now excuse me while I go wake my husband and have a mini freak out session.

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Tuesday Tunes-Written in the Stars

I like a lot of different types of music. I know I have said I am a metal girl at heart and while I am I still listen to other genres of music and enjoy them equally. Country is not one of those genres though. Now don’t go bashing me because I don’t like country, I don’t hate it but it’s just to…twangy for me. Back in the day there were a few country artists I did listen to but not anymore. I am not quite sure why I even brought Country music up as it has nothing to do with my song choice this week. Guess I just wanted to give you a little history. Anywho, being one that tries not to discriminate against different genres I wanted to share something other then heavy music today.

For some reason this song doesn’t seem to get much airplay. I am not sure why because I think it’s an amazing song. Not only is the beat along with the harmony beautiful but the song itself speaks volumes and has such a good message behind it. From the first time I heard it I stored it in the “favs” memory bank. If you watch the video I dare you not to be touched by it.

I have been known to pull this song up on YouTube and blast it while I am cleaning, and possibly putting it on repeat. What, don’t tell me you’ve never done it 😉

I love finding songs that reach down in you and make you really think. Thing about what the day holds, what life could have been and what life is and in the end being thankful for everything. To me this song does that. Not in a selfish way because I know there are people out there that struggle but it brings a sense of calm and hope that they will all be okay. Not naive, just hopefull. 

Don’t forget if you are participating in Tuesday Tunes to head on over to High Impact Mom and link up so we can all listen to each others tunes! Click here to be brought directly to the linky.

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Sunset Sunday

I love those moments when you’re out driving around and all of the sudden you realize how gorgeous the sunset is at that exact moment. There’s nothing you can do except pull over and enjoy it. And if you’re lucky you can catch a picture of it. Seeing as my camera isn’t really light enough to carry with me all the time I am grateful technology is as awesome as it is and I take pictures with my phone.
Two nights ago I had just dropped my son off at a friends and as I was climbing back into the car I looked up and knew I had to go find a spot to take a picture.

 Craig from Stay Adventurous and I have teamed up to help spread the word on Sunset Sundays. We would love it if you would join us in sharing the simple joys of sunsets & the memories they bring back for you.

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    Priya Singh.

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Chicken a la Shana-Serrano Chicken Recipe

Get it??? Like Chicken a la King but since this is my recipe it’s Chicken a la Shana. Actually I don’t even know what Chicken a la King is but I like saying it, so it helped me name my recipe that has been nameless for seven years.
If you do not like spicy dishes turn away, do not, whatever you do, do not look at this recipe and see it’s deliciousness scream at you and invite you to try a bite of it’s spicy goodness. 
When I made this prior to having kids I would occasionally double the amount of peppers. What can I say I love me some spiciness. 
Chicken a la Shana
5 chicken breasts
1 whole red onion (chopped)
2 Serrano chili peppers (sliced long way & seeds removed)
1 red Jalapeno (sliced long way & seeds removed)
3 garlic cloves (minced)
Sea Salt
Garlic Salt
Onion Powder
Cayenne Pepper
Oregano (I use a ground up powdered version so measurements may vary)
Tomato Sauce (2/15oz cans or 1/28 oz can)
Olive oil

De-seed and slice up your peppers. Make sure not to rub your eyes after handling these babies

Season your chicken with the salt and pepper. Cook approximately six-seven minutes on each side in one tablespoon of olive oil

Chop your onion. I left the pieces a little chunky because my oldest is not a fan of onions so I usually pick them out for him and then put them on my plate. Waste not right

 Put another tablespoon of olive oil in the pan and cook up the onions, garlic and peppers for two-four minutes. I like my onions slightly crunchy so I typically only cook them for two minutes

 Next add in the tomato sauce

Put the chicken back in

Add in remaining seasonings (oregano, garlic salt, onion powder and cayenne pepper)

 Simmer on low for 15 minutes

Whala….Chicken a la Shana

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Wordless Wednesday-A beautiful sight

This morning started off with a bang. Somehow my after I snoozed my alarm it went into silent mode so when it went off again there was not a single noise being made to actually wake me up! It wasn’t until 7:19 when my youngest came strolling in that I jumped out of bed. As we rushed to get out the door and get my oldest to school I noticed the sunrise and ran back inside to get my camera. 
I know you’re probably shaking your head at me. No worries, I would did to but it’s something deep wired in me, if I see something spectacular I have to get my camera, running late or not. So enough talking, this is supposed to wordless after all.

Now I am no weather specialist so I will not make any claims as to what that thing is coming from the cloud that looks like the beginnings of a cyclone, I will say it was really neat to see it though.

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Tuesday Tunes-Paradise Lost

I am a metal girl at heart. I love heavy songs, deep voices, meaningful lyrics, and a good melody. I have so many bands that I consider my favorites that some may view it as kind of silly. But I am not the type of person that can pick one band and say that’s my favorite. Because while they may have some amazing songs I feel it’s a disservice to all of the other bands in the same genre. So I am a lover of many. But I can tell you some that I will listen to over and over and it will never get old. One of those bands is Paradise Lost.

My husband and I have always wanted to see them live but sadly they very rarely, if ever play in the states. So imagine my surprise when I found out last week I won tickets to a metal festival in Europe and one of the days Paradise Lost is playing! It was an insane moment for me realizing I get to have two dreams come true. Not only do we get to see a band play that’s we’ve long waited to see BUT we also get to go to Europe for the first time. Insert Shana dancing around like a lunatic and giggling like a school girl. Oh yeah and Anthrax is playing as well as Exodus and Chimaira. Color me excited.

Sorry getting off track. I have been listening to Paradise Lost since I met my husband back in 1997. He introduced me to so many different bands and he used to quiz me on some of them back in the day. Ah fun times. So way back when, when I first listened to Paradise Lost I was instantly ohhh’ing and awww’ing in my head. Love at first listen. Corny maybe but I’ve mentioned before, I love music. Their sound has changed since they first started but they are like a fine wine, they only get better with age. And with that, I will leave you with two of my favorite songs by Paradise Lost.

Don’t forget if you are participating in Tuesday Tunes to head on over to High Impact Mom and link up so we can all listen to each others tunes! Click here to be brought directly to the linky.
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Make a Weeknight Meal Special Challenge

One of the best things about the cooler weather this time of the year is that it also means it’s soup season! I love soup. I am a creamy girl at heart but knowing that’s not always the healthiest route it’s good to keep your options open and not discount vegetable based soups. 
Bertolli recently came out with a new line of frozen meals called Meal Soup. They offer four different varieties to choose from.
Chicken Minestrone, Roasted Chicken & Rotini Pasta, Tomato Florentine & Tortellini with Chicken and Tuscan-Style Beef with vegetable. 

Here are a few facts about Bertolli
·      Bertolli® Frozen Meal Soups are hearty and fresh-tasting with vegetables, meats, pasta and herbs individually flash frozen at the  peak of freshness.
·      Bertolli® Frozen Meal Soups are available in the frozen aisle, and can be prepared on your stovetop in minutes.
·      With robust flavors and rich textures, new Bertolli® Frozen Meal Soups are available in four varieties: Chicken Minestrone, Roasted Chicken & Rotini Pasta, Tomato Florentine & Tortellini with Chicken, and Tuscan-Style Beef with Vegetables.
Since this is a fairly new product and I live in a small town I was only able to locate one store out here that carried them, and was shocked to see that out of the shelf provided for the soups only one remained. I took that as a good sign that people are enjoying them. If you are worried that the soups aren’t carried in your area click here and you can search for a local store that carries the soups. The one that was left on the shelf was the Tomato Florentine & Tortellini with Chicken. Quite honestly even if they had all four in stock I probably would have bought the same one because I am a sucker for tomato soup. I also thought that since it had the tortellini in it then the kids would be more willing to try it. 
I was challenged to make a special meal with Bertolli Soups and do so in under an hours time. One thing I love about doing soup for dinner is it goes with pretty much anything you can think of. The other night I made a chicken and pasta dish that fit right into the Italian theme and since I had plenty of leftovers I decided what better to pair the soup with then our left overs. And it saved me a lot of time just reheating the food as opposed to creating the whole meal.

Many people discount leftovers but they are great for many reasons. A lot of times the flavors become more intense because you’ve let everything sit together overnight. You can create a whole new dish with leftovers. And best of all, they save time!

Tips on keeping meal prep time down:
Growing up we always ate meals together as a family and I want that for my family. While not always possible since my husband works and attends school I try to get everyone together as often as I can. Some things that I have found that get the kids more excited is serving them in “grown up” dishes. We have three different sets of dishes. Plastic, Corel (glass but break proof glass) and our fancy set that my husband and I use. By serving the kids the Corel plates/bowls they feel more like big kids and what kid doesn’t love to pretend like they’re older so there is usually less of an issue in getting them all to sit down for dinner which saves me time in chasing them around.
Planning ahead is a BIG time saver when preparing a meal. Making sure you have all ingredients needed so if you find out you are missing one ingredient you wont have to make a mad dash to the store. If it’s something that requires a lot of chopping you can pre chop what you need the night before or in the morning, put them in Tupperware and in the fridge until needed later.

Also choose one day a week for an easy meal. Whether it be soup, salad, sandwiches, pizza, wraps, even spaghetti can be started in the afternoon and simmered on low until you’re ready for dinner. Just go for something that does not take a lot of prep time but is still tasty.

Now onto the good part, our meal. With my leftovers out and being reheated all I had to do was prepare the soup and dinner would be ready. Pay close attention because here’s the difficult part.

1. Put the package in a pot
2. Add one cup of water (per package)
3. Bring to a boil

In five minutes you will end up with an amazing soup that will shock you at it’s deliciousness. 

Being a soup lover my expectations were high. I tried to keep an open mind but as soon as the soup started to boil and the smell spread throughout the house I knew the soup would be good. To say I was pleasantly surprised would be an understatement. The spinach was perfect, no stems and it was all ripe so it tasted wonderfully. The chicken was tender and full of flavor and I loved that they were tiny little pieces. They were good size chunks and not a single piece of fat was on any of the pieces. The tortellini was amazing. Just the right amount of cheese filling that was nice and creamy. The pasta was slightly al dente which is a good thing because you don’t want soggy pasta which leads to the filling leaking out. And of course the tomato bisque was pure perfection. Nice and creamy without being to heavy. It was full of flavor without being overwhelming. And it paired very well with our leftovers.
All in all this was an amazing soup. That is the first time I have ever said that about a store bought soup. I will admit, I can be very picky when it comes to soups but this one was a home run. Not only from the overall taste of the soup but the cooking time was very fast. Definitely will be keeping this on our favorites list. 

You can connect with Bertolli on Facebook at or on Twitter at and their Website at

*I was compensated by Bertolli to participate in the Weeknight Meal Special Challenge. As always all thoughts & opinions stated are my own*

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Tuesday Tunes-Soul touching tunes

Do you have a song that no matter what your mood may be it always brings you to tears? You know those songs that reach down into your core and pull at your heart strings. There’s nothing you can do to stop it, only give in and have a good cry. 
I have two.
The first time I heard Only Time by Enya I bawled. It’s such a beautiful song. And after 9-11 they played it a lot. So not only did it make me cry because it’s beautiful but from the emotions of 9-11. For a few years after 9-11 if I heard this song I always had a soul cleansing cry. Hearing it made me think of all the things that weren’t going right, the negatives and then the tragedies of that fateful day and it would smack me in the face at how grateful I truly am for what I have. To this day it still makes me tear up and every once in a while I will put it on when I need some calming tunes to help me regain my wooosaaa.

Now for the second song. It all started during those good ole days of ER. You remember that show right? Remember when Dr Mark Greene spends his last days with his daughter on the beautiful island of Hawaii. Season 8 episode 21, you know you remember it. It is one of the most widely remembered episodes of the show, the one when he passes away. Peacefully. Insert full and complete breakdown with snot and tears flowing freely. Well does anyone remember the song that was playing during this scene? I do. It was Somewhere Over the Rainbow by Israel Kamakawiwoʻole. I loved it the first time I heard it, and then I became a mom and it took on a whole new meaning for me. Every time I hear it I think of my children, from the time they were born until who they are now. And without fail it bring me to tears. Sometimes if I know I need a good cry I will put it on. Of course my kids look at me like I have five noses or something but it does the trick. 

So I have told you what two songs move me to tears and I am wondering if there are others out there that are emotional basket cases beings or if I am alone. Personally I think that everyone out there has at least one song that touches them so deeply they can’t help but cry when listening to it. What say you? 

Don’t forget if you are participating in Tuesday Tunes to head on over to High Impact Mom and link up so we can all listen to each others tunes! Click here to be brought directly to the linky.
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