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Shana Dieli


Meat & potatoes…meat & potatoes!

Every time I say that I say it like Dana Carvey in The Road to Wellville. If you haven’t seen that movie you really should, it’s a great movie! So my Mom used to make this recipe for us as we were growing up all the time. It was one of my favorites. That and Chicken w/ Cheese were my two all time favorites. I’ll have to make that and share with you another time. I know when I say meat & potatoes people think what’s so special about a piece of meat and some potatoes. Well only that it’s not a piece of meat with a side of potatoes it’s a casserole. Not only is it really good but it’s really simple to make. Now I don’t do ground beef so I use ground chicken instead. Takes exactly the same to me but feel free to use whichever you prefer. This recipe that I am sharing is double the normal amount that I make.

Meat Chicken & Potatoes 
8-10 medium/large russet potatoes
2 lbs ground chicken
2 cups sharp cheddar cheese, shredded
2 packets Lipton onion soup mix
2 cups milk
2-3 tbsp ketchup
1/4-1/2 tsp onion powder
1/4-1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/4-1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
Preheat your oven to 350 degree.
Peel, cut and boil your potatoes. While those are cooking start to cook your chicken. Cook the chicken through but before you take it off the stove season it with the dry seasonings. I gave variations in the measurements because everyone’s tastes are different so use how much you’d like. You can also substitute one of the powders for either garlic or onion salt just don’t make it too salty because the soup mix has salt in it also.
Mix the two cups of milk with the two the two Lipton packets and heat in the microwave for one minute. While that mixture is heating up add in your ketchup to the chicken. I know it sounds totally gross but I promise you it will not be nearly as good if you leave it out!
When the milk mixture is done mix and then pour in with the chicken. Let simmer on low for about five minutes. You want to let the liquids soak in a little bit so it’s not too runny for the casserole.
Now that the potatoes are done mash them and prepare to your liking. I usually add about a tablespoon of butter, some milk and onion powder along with a dash of cayenne powder. Mash them up until they are nice and smooth.
Grate your cheese, or you can go easy, which I normally do, and buy pre-shredded cheese. Cuts out a lot of time. 

Now you are ready to build your pie.

Step 1: Put all of the chicken mixture into your dish.


Step 2: Layer the cheese on top of the chicken.


Step 3: Add the potatoes on top of it all. Smooth the potatoes so it’s all one level.



Pop your completed pie into the oven uncovered and cook for 15 to 20 minutes. Or if you are in a hurry you can stick it in the microwave for 8-12 minutes, possibly less.



This dish is full of yummy goodness that my entire family enjoys.

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I am no fashionista

Anyone can tell just by looking in my closet or at the clothes I am currently wearing, although I do love my Old Navy pajamas.  My “sense of style” isn’t horrible but I do go for the more comfortable clothes as opposed to the cute, stylish, and a little more pricey options. But that still doesn’t mean I don’t drool wish like some seriously cute clothes.
Cupcake Special Occasion Damask Full Skirt
The Original Vamp Dress
The “It Girl” Dress
Erin Wiggle Dress
I am trying to think of excuses completely justified reasons for me to get that cupcake dress. And that Erin Wiggle Dress is seriously to die for.
Now what fun is dress shopping if you aren’t going to at least look at some shoes. If you can’t tell by now I like a little bit of the retro look. One of the things I love about retro looks coming back is you can easily add in some personal touches to outfits especially with shoes. You can go completely outrageous shoes and still pull off a fabulous outfit.
Here are some shoes that I love.

Black with Burgundy Vampire Mary Janes

STOKKER by Steve Madden
BOSSIEE by Steve Madden

 Now all I need to do is learn how to properly walk in heels and not fall and break an ankle and I would be golden. And just because I don’t know how to properly walk in heels doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate the beauty that is called the heel.
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Wordless Wednesday-Trip to OU

Last time my husband and I took a trip out to Oklahoma our oldest was quite upset that he didn’t get to come with us. So we agreed that next time we went he could come with us since he would be out of school by then.
It was a great trip having our little man there with us. While out there we stopped by the stadium. I had seen it before but this time we had our realtor with us and she said we could take our son right on the field. One guess what my son said when we asked him. 
In this first picture I know it’s very hard to see but if you look toward the middle left there’s my little man LOL As soon as his feet hit the field he ran across the entire thing about four times.

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iHeart Faces photo challenge-From a distance

This weeks theme on iHeart Faces is “From a Distance”. 
As soon as I read what this weeks theme was I knew which picture I would use. Now I did not take this photo but my father did with my camera while we were on a mini family vacation a few years ago. And since it is a picture of my family and I own the rights to the photo I am submitting it for this weeks theme. 


This was our first family picture ever taken.

If you would like to enter into iHeart Faces weekly photo challenges head on over to their site. Contests now open on Mondays and close on Tuesdays at 9pm (CST).
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Schools out for summer!

And yes I am singing it like Alice Cooper because I am that excited! 
This last month has been crazy busy. With my youngests birthday party, my oldests field trip, then his school performance, his last day of school annnnnd my husbands last day of school, of course filed with finals that he stressed hard core about. Not even going to count how many times my kids have been sick this month. I am so glad to be saying/singing good bye to the 2010/2011 school year. Peace out. Thank you for the memories but seriously summer 2011 BRING.IT.ON!
Little mans last day of school. I am proud Mommy  
And on a random side note I have decided that when we move I will be doing a garden at our new place. I’ve never had a garden and my “green” thumb is more of a brownish, reddish, I will kill you soon enough thumb. So wish us luck because we/I really need it.
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Happy Birthday to my little man

I’ve never shared my youngests birth story here before and since it is his birthday today I would like to share it. So here we go.
I woke up on Friday, May 30, 2008 at 7:08 a.m. and immediately started feeling contractions. I sat down at the computer and started timing them. Surprisingly they were all at 3 minutes apart. There were a couple that were 5 minutes apart and then they were back to 3 minutes and 2 minutes apart. I was in denial for the first half hour, okay more like an hour that this could be real labor.  I had woken up that morning with the intention of getting all my last minute stuff done before the babies arrival. But he had other plans. My friend Gena finally convinced me that I should call my midwife and this was more then likely real labor.
I contacted my Christy, my midwife around 8:00 and she was like your not in labor are you? I laughed and said actually I believe I am. So she said okay I will drop my kids off and grab my stuff and be on my way. She was coming from Whittier which is an hour and a half away so she rushed to get here. As soon as I hung up with her I called my husband and told him I think that he needed to come home. So he also left right then. I then called my mom and told her I needed her here to help me so she went and got my sister from school and came over. I took a shower to help me through the contractions and brought the kids in with me since it was just us at home. By the time my mom got here it was 9:10 a.m. I was bent over the side of my bed breathing through the contractions and the kids were still playing in the shower. My sister helped me with the kids and my friend Laura offered to called my mom and give her a list of things to buy for the birth. So she left and it was just me, the kids and my sister. My sister made them breakfast and kept them busy which I am very grateful for that.
By the time my mom got back which was around 9:45-10:00 it was a mad rush. They lined the bed with a shower curtain and lots of towels and then put one on the floor also in case I wanted to move. I “quickly” got onto the bed, on all fours with a pillow under my arms.  My husband walked in a couple minutes later. I was so happy he was finally home. He came over and held my hand the whole time. I told my mom I feel like I need to push because I was having pressure in my lower butt area. She then picked up the phone and immediately called Laura and was like what do I do!!!! She said it might help to put pressure on the sides of my hips, HOLY CRAP that did not help. Steve was like uh yeah no she does not like that.I have bad hips so I assume it’s from that.
About 5 minutes later my midwife Christy came running in. She quickly got gloves, grabbed her jar of olive oil, rubbed it on me and said okay whenever your ready Shana. I always told myself I would NEVER be a screamer, but man oh man did I scream. Christy told me that the screaming doesn’t help because it makes me tighten which pushes the baby back in (For all of you pregos out there, remember that bit of information for when you’re in labor).
Soooooo I tried my hardest to grunt/breath instead of screaming. I think I did pretty well, at least they told me I was. Finally after about 3-4 pushes the head was out. Christy said hello to the baby and giggled and said she always loves this part because it’s their first look at the new world. Everyone there was saying someone take a picture. My sister Tia (who was 17 at the time) was the only one right there with a camera but she was very hesitant so I said in my nicest during labor voice “Just take the fucking picture Tia”. Everyone got a good laugh out of that one. Two more pushes and we had a baby at 10:31 a.m.! He was 8 lbs. 8 oz. and 21 1/4 inches long and just absolutely beautiful. My oldest was the who announced that it was a boy 🙂 I was so excited and I KNEW it was a boy! Steve was in shock. He was totally convinced we were going to have a girl. 
It was an absolutely amazing birth experience. I enjoyed doing it all natural, being in my home, my own element. It was very comfortable and no one was telling me what to do or how to do it. It was all up to me. Example, when Christy said okay I’m ready Steve asked does she push now and her reply was “whenever Shana feels the need to. She is in control here, it’s her body and she will know what to do when the time is right”. I loved her look on birth. In a hospital it’s the Dr who delivers your baby but that’s not how she see’s it. It’s the mother who delivered the baby, the Dr, midwife, whoever is there to assist but the mom did all the work. Midwifes rock!
So that was how our beautiful bouncing, wild, crazy, full of energy, very curious, happy baby boy was born!
Happy third Birthday to my little man. I loved you as soon as I found out I was pregnant and that love has grown each and every day. You are by far my most challenging child but I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. I can’t wait to watch you continue to grow. You are my baby, today, tomorrow and forever <3


Best pork roast recipe ever

If you have a pork roast sitting in the fridge and have no idea what to do with it then you have come to the right place. I bought a six pack of pork loins at Costco & then realized I’ve never cooked this before & and I don’t even know how to let alone have a recipe for it. So naturally I searched online. My one stop place to go to for recipes is Allrecipes. While browsing I came across this simple recipe. And when i say simple I mean four ingredients kind of simple. My kind of recipe! It took all of five minutes to prepare and then I put it in the fridge to marinate for a few hours. I told you, simple. 

And since I love sharing recipes I had to post it for my readers. 
Balsamic Roasted Pork Loin

2 lb. boneless pork loin
1/2 cup olive oil
1/2 cup balsamic vinegar 
2 tbsp. steak rub
Mix the vinegar, olive oil and seasonings in a small bowl. 
Place the pork loin in a ziploc bag and pour the marinade over. 
Marinate in the fridge for at least two hours. 
You can marinate it over night also. 
Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Place pork in a glass baking dish along with the marinade.
Bake for approximately one hour or until your pork loin is 165 degrees (internal temperature).
Bast your pork loin while it’s cooking every 20 minutes. 
Let the roast rest for ten minutes. Slice and serve.
Now I have had pork loin before but I have never had one with such flavor. While taking my first bite I was instantly in love with this meal and new it was a keeper. I did make a change because I do not have steak rub in my house so I used roasted garlic chicken rub. I have since made this dish three times and the last two times I put my little spin on it. Instead of using chicken or steak rub I created my own rub.
1/2 tbsp onion powder
1/2 tbsp garlic powder
1/2 tbsp cayenne pepper
1/2 tbsp freshly ground black pepper
It’s a basic rub but I personally like the little bit of bite that the cayenne peppers adds to it.  You can find the original recipe from here.


Wordless Wednesday-Did anyone else see this?

I walked out to go get the mail on Sunday and for some reason that I am not sure of, I looked up at the sun. My mouth dropped to the floor and I ran back inside to get my little point and shoot camera. Probably not a big deal to most but I just thought it looked amazing so I had to get some pictures of the sun. There was a complete ring around it. I’ve seen partial rings before but never a complete one and one so pronounced.
If you would like to link up your Wordless Wednesday picture head on over to these blogs:


What is your preferred DSLR camera

I am personally a Nikon girl. I’ve mentioned before that even though I have used a Canon I am standing firm with my love for my Nikon.  The Nikon is a little heavier then a Canon but the speed at which the Nikon shoots with literally no wait in between snapping photos outweighs (pun intended) any other “issues” for me. Once again I am back to a non op camera, my husband thinks it’s the memory card but I am thinking there might be an issue with the camera itself since this is memory card number five since I have had the camera. I am currently drooling keeping my eye on the Nikon D7000 and hey why not shoot for the stars, I’m also loving the Nikon D300s. But I am not picky, I’ll take either of them LOL


Jumping on the wine bandwagon

I wasn’t a wine drinker until recently. Well actually it all started a few years ago when I came across a sweet wine called Moscato Bianco by Robert Mondavi. All it took was one sip and I was in love. The sad thing about finding a wine you love is when you run out of it and go to buy another bottle only to find out your new love has been discontinued and that you will never again be able to taste it’s perfection. I searched high and low holding onto hope that maybe some random place will have a bunch in stock that they bought before it was discontinued. That hope was squashed after a year of searching. But luckily I have found a few replacements that satisfy my quench for a late night relaxer that I can enjoy while reading a book.
I am not a wine aficionado so those that are may view this as an abomination for even doing this but hey, I am channeling my inner Jewel from Cougar Town and calling this beauty of a glass my “Big Bob”.  Yes I drink my white wine in a red wine glass, and no it doesn’t matter to me that it is not it’s intended use. Say hello to Big Bob, my red wine glass that I gladly pour white wine into, because hello it holds more then a white wine glass does! Last night I enjoyed a glass, or two with some friends and they brought over Chardonnay. Not normally what I drink but I have to say I was pleasantly surprised and might be making a switch.
Sorry it’s such a bad picture. My camera died so this was taken with my phone. Here is another picture so you can see exactly how this glass looks.
Allure Aerating Pinot Noir Bonus Pack (Set of 6 + 2 Free)
Red Wine Glasses

To see this glass and other beautiful glassware like this one take a peek at Wine Enthusiasts site, they have a huge selection and at a great price. 

*I was provided two wine glasses from Wine Enthusiast for review. As always opinions are 100% mine.* 

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