Wordless Wednesday-View of the Valley
iHeart Faces photo challenge-May Flowers
Pirates is almost here
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides is scheduled to be released in the theaters on May 20th. With less then a week to go Disney has released a special little activity pack for all Pirate fans out there. The pack includes things lots of fun things like coloring pages, face masks, door hangers and more.
To download the activity kit please click here.
My kids aren’t the biggest fans of the movies but they are still quite young so that’s understandable. I am a huge fan which I’ve stated before and my kids do say they like Pirates and will sit down to watch it with me but they aren’t really into it. So I will either be going by myself next week or with a friend. Either way I am excited to see some old characters like Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) and some new like Angelica (Penelope Cruz).
I am not perfect
Wordless Wednesday-My first born
I can’t get over how much my “little” man has grown. I could swear that he was just born and in reality it was seven years ago. How has that time flown by so incredibly fast?
I miss my Nikon
I am a Nikon girl all the way so missing my camera is an understatement (corrupted card number four has got me halting use right now) but while enjoying the weather outside at my parents yesterday I grabbed my Dads camera from the house and started shooting and I am quite surprised I am saying this but WOW I might prefer the Cannon over a Nikon for close up nature photography. The biggest issue I have with Cannon DSLR cameras is the speed of taking photographs. It is slow at best. Not sure if it’s just the memory card but my sisters camera (same model as my Dads) is also slow. So for capturing pictures of running children it’s not the best, but as I was squatting in the garden and on my hands and knees taking pictures of the flowers and lady bugs it was awesome. Case and point:
Of course I am biased but I think they came out pretty darn awesome. No editing was done of these pictures so for coming straight of the camera I am really pleased. Now I am not saying my Nikon is nothing short of awesome because it is, I’ve had it for going on six years now and it has become a part of me. I have it with me at all times and I take a million pictures of every thing and nothing. Using the Cannon has helped me get over my pity party in not having a working camera but I am a Nikon girl at heart and don’t see a Cannon in my future, unless I somehow won and awesome giveaway but seeing as I rarely enter giveaways I doubt that would happen LOL.
And just so I have an even number of pictures of here because I am slightly odd and don’t like odd numbers, here is one more. See all those tiny little aphids, nasty little things!
Lets celebrate Mothers Day by celebrating all mothers
- Have an old cell phone collecting dust in a drawer? You can donate it through Hope Phones.They will supply a postage page shipping label, all you have to do is put it in the mail.
- You can join the movement and spread the word. The best way to get things started is by word of mouth. The power of people uniting for a cause is a magical thing. In fact as of April 26, 2011 Babycenter is now teamed up with with Every Mother Counts in spreading awareness for this wonderful campaign.
- You can host a Watch Party. Simply RSVP to watch the “No Woman, No Cry” premier on OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network). Simply RSVP on the facebook page & a party kit will be sent to you.
- Become an advocate for family planning and help eliminate barriers to basic reproductive health care services.
- Become a skilled birth attendant an advanced practice nurse who is trained in child delivery, prenatal and postpartum care.
- Buy a Lifewrap a first aid device used to stabilize women who are suffering from obstetric hemorrhage and shock
- Support obstetric care to end fistula and restore health, hope and a sense of dignity to women living with this condition.
- Support The Birth Place Jennie Joseph’s practice in central Florida featured in No Woman, No Cry.
Let me introduce you to Mr. Teddy
P&G is doing a wonderful job in the Future Friendly campaign to raise awareness on saving water and reducing waste. You can check out their facebook page which has a lot of useful tips on how to help achieve these things.
Wordless Wednesday
I just realized a little bit ago that today is Wednesday. Pretty sad considering it’s eight o’clock at night now. It has been a long day though, many many hours spent at the Orthodontist for my son, my youngest is sick and I’ve had a migraine all day. But I just can’t miss doing a Wordless Wednesday post.
Monday we celebrated Passover at my Aunt and Uncles house. This is the first holiday we have been together at since my Grandfather passed. It was definitely different with out him there but I am very thankful we got to spend that time with my family since it will be more difficult after the move.
My beautiful Grandma <3
He thinks he’s being sneaky, little bugger LOL
And I am not sure why but every time I look at this picture I think of my Grandpa
There you have it, a very late but still within the time limits Wordless Wednesday post.