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Shana Dieli


iHeart Faces photo challenge-Wind

iHeart Faces

Living in the high desert of California I know a little something about living with wind. No wait, I take that back. I know a lot about it. We experience about 350 days out of the year of some speed of wind out here. It’s not gale force winds but sometimes it’s down right scary listening to the howling while inside my house.

My point being, I have many pictures that I was hoping would be amazing only to end up being disappointed by the wind coming up and either not being able to go outside or to not be able to see my children’s faces at all because they were covered by their hair.

But today, the weather was awesome. So I decided last minute to take a trip to see the Poppy’s. The wind was for the most part calm and the temperature outside was a beautiful 82 degrees add into that a bubble machine and you have the makings of a perfect day.

So without further a due, here is my picture of “Wind”.

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Wordless Wednesday

My daughter has been interested in dance for quite some time now. We took her for a class last year just to see how she would do. She spent the entire time crying or just standing there with a pouty face. Of course after the class was over she was all smiles and couldn’t stop talking about how much fun she had. Makes me laugh every time I think about it. Fast forward to last month. My sister asked if she wanted to try dance again and since her daughter also goes to dance she offered to take her with them. I figured since it’s been a year it couldn’t hurt to try. And guess what, she did great! She loved every second of it. So we signed her up.


I made the girls stop for a picture before we went in because they looked so cute together.


And I just had to include my son in here. He is my little mini photographer in training.

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Yo ho yo ho, a pirates life for me


Oh yes, pirates. Pirates of the Caribbean 4-On Stranger Tides to be exact.  I like many other women out there is a Johnny Depp fan, and I love the Pirates of the Caribbean. Even as a pirate Johnny Depp is hot, dirty, tan skin, long dread-locked hair. H.O.T. Enough swooning and onto the good stuff.

Disney will be releasing the fourth installment to the Pirates of the Caribbean on May 20th this year. Along with some of our favorite characters like Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) and Captain Barbosa (Geoffrey Rush)  and Gibbs (Kevin R. McNally) there are also some new characters that have been added to the cast. Penelope Cruz who will be playing Angelica is an old acquaintance of Jack Sparrows that forces him into helping her in finding the Fountain of Youth. This movie is sure to be full of action and adventure and of course a little bit of comedy thrown in.

  Pirates of the Caribbean On Stranger Tides is scheduled to be released on May 20, 2011 at local theaters. If you want to see little sneak peaks including pictures and videos check out the movies facebook page. They have even started a countdown for the movie to be released.

One last peek just because. If that wasn’t enough go check out the movies facebook page!

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This and that

Life right now is hectic. It may not seem that way for those that see me on a regular basis but inside I am going just a little bit crazy. We are moving soon. Really soon and it just hit me today that this is really happening. Don’t get me wrong I’ve known for a few months that this was real but the full extent of it has hit me and I may or may not be slightly emotional over it all. Right about now I am entering “freak out” mode. You remember the scene in The Exorcist when her head spins around?
Yeah that one. That’s kind of how I am seeing myself right now, except on the inside. LOL Okay all kidding aside (sorry I had to, that movie just cracks me up) I think it’s more the stress of what we are about to embark on and my worries of how every thing will affect the kids.
We have moved quite a bit in the passed few years. Eleven times in nine years to be exact. And no we are not military. For a while there it seemed to be our thing. But thankfully we have been where we are now for three years. In those three years my children have become very close to my family and taking them away from that worries me. We wont be able to just hop in the car and drive over there. Sure there will be phone conversations which trust me, I know how much those help but I still worry. I try not to stress over it to much because it’s not something that should consume me and I know we will deal with it, if it ever comes up.
So enough of the down side. On the up side.
I went and visited OU for my first time. Let me just start by saying the campus is absolutely GORGEOUS. So many of the buildings are built in the old time Gothic architecture which I find stunning. While we were there we went to the student store, I mean really, who goes to visit a college campus without buying some kind of memorabilia right! As soon as I saw this I couldn’t help but burst into laughter and of course I had to take a picture.
Boooo on Texas, yay Oklahoma. Okay maybe my football pride needs some work but it’s a start and since I have been informed that once we move we HAVE to become Sooner fans I will work on my football trash talking.
My husband says the library is beyond amazing. I cannot wait to go check that out on our next visit. The town is definitely different then any of the other places we have lived. It reminds me of DFW area but on a much smaller small town feel kind of scale.
I mean come on, isn’t that just beautiful! And that was inside town.
I am excited to be starting this new adventure in life with my husband and children. There will be an adjustment period but as we all know with moves that is normal. So bring on the boxes (I haven’t even started packing yet, ahhh) and come forth moving truck. I will tackle you and conquer this move and bring nothing but joy on our new adventure.

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How do you keep your kids busy during school breaks

I love when my oldest is on breaks from school. He gets a chance to play more with his younger brother and sister and catch up on the time he misses with them while he is in school. And I just love watching the three of them together. I also get more cuddle time with my big boy when we stay up a little bit later and watch How the Earth is made together. He is completely fascinated by that show. For the most part my kids get a long great but just like adults, they have their moments so keeping them entertained is key.

Yesterday and today have been spent making crafts. Luckily my kids love all things craft related and will spend all day doing crafts if allowed. Yesterday my son decided he wanted to make a bible so we ran with the idea and here is what he made.


In case you can’t read his writing here is what each page said, going down, up to the middle and from the top right down again.
Cover-Made by Stephen 🙂
Page 1-Jesus was born in a manger
Page 2-Jesus died for our sins
Page 3-Jesus rose from his grave
Page 4-Jesus loves everyone

Now we are not the most religious family but to see this made my heart completely swell. He is a very curious little man and I love that he is curious in learning about religion and all that it encompasses.

Today was a more of a free for all craft day. My house is almost completely covered with masks.


My daughter requested a little book for herself so this is what we made together.


After lunch the kids and I went back to crafting while the little man had other plans…..


I am totally liking his plan and thinking a nap sounds mighty good right now!

I hope everyone is having a beautiful day <3

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Social Media Moms spreading the word to help the children of Japan

You can click the image above to go directly to Save the Children’s donation page
Today I am writing about something that for me is truly heart breaking. I know it is a fact in life today that there will be orphaned children. But I am not here today to talk about that particular situation. I am talking about the devastation that hit Japan on March 11th. I know almost everyone out in the world has  seen what happened. We all know there was an earth quake that hit Japan at approximately 2:46 pm (local time) and then shortly after a tsunami went through and completely devastated the area and as a result of both natural occurrences the local nuclear reactor plant has been having problems since. 
The problems with the nuclear reactors, while definitely important has inadvertently caused most of the worlds attention to that matter and a lot of people have forgotten about the actual devastation and thousands of people that are missing, injured, homeless, without their family, without food. 
“We are concerned for as many as 100,000 children who may have been displaced because of last Friday’s earthquake and tsunami. Many of them will have lost their homes and been forced to take refuge in unfamiliar places like evacuation centers that might cause them to be afraid and anxious,” said Stephen McDonald, who is leading Save the Children’s relief efforts in Japan.
“There is also a risk that some of them will have become separated from their parents and family members because of the disaster. It is important we provide support to parents and children who are struggling to cope in the aftermath of the disaster,” said McDonald.
Quote from Stephen McDonald on March 15, 2011. He is leading the Save the Children’s relief efforts in Japan.

Yes, you read that right. As many as one hundred thousand children who may have been separated from their families. I cannot imagine how frightening that must be for a child. I am grown adult and I would be terrified not knowing where my family was. It breaks my heart. The reason for my post today is because I am uniting with other Social Media Moms to spread the word about helping out those in need in Japan. Please feel free to share this link with family, friends and your followers Any amount is truly a blessing. Even if money is tight and you can only afford ten dollars that can give diapers to a young child and food and a blanket. Lets spread the word and help  bring some much needed help to these children.

Today, please join Social Media Moms and Partybluprints, as we raise awareness and money to support the amazing work being done by ‘Save The Children’ in Japan. ( )

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Trying new foods doesn’t always turn out to be a bad thing

I love trying new foods and recipes. While shopping at Trader Joes last week I came upon a jar of Thai red curry sauce. I absolutely love curry sauce. The one thing I order whenever my mom and I get Thai food is chicken panang which if you aren’t familiar with it, it’s red curry sauce with chicken, bell peppers and basil served over white rice. Oh my is it good.
I don’t get to go out to this Thai place that often so I was very excited to see a ready to go sauce for my favorite Thai dish. I didn’t have any basil at home and completely forgot to buy some while i was out so no basil this time but if you have it on hand be sure to put some in.
I was kind of nervous about giving it to the kids because while most of the time they don’t fuss about dinner sometimes with new recipes they are very hesitant. Much to my surprise they kids LOVED it. Seriously loved it. My daughter had four helpings and my youngest had three. My oldest just had the one but he did scarf it down. So I am taking that as a new recipe success.
Now since this sauce is already prepared in a nice little bottle for you the recipe is relatively simple. Here is what I did. 
Thai Red Curry Chicken
1 bottle of Trader Joes Thai Red Curry Chicken sauce 
4-5 chicken breasts 
1/2 of a bell pepper cut into bite sized pieces
Basmati Rice or white rice (whichever you prefer) 
Wash the chicken breasts and lay out to but cut on your cutting board 
I am very picky about fat on my food so while many think I am wasteful I cut all fat off the chicken and then sliced each breast in half since they were pretty thick pieces 
Chop the chicken into bite sized pieces. This not only cuts time on cooking but it also makes it easier to serve to the kids and less time spent on your part so you aren’t cutting up the kids food while everyone else is eating. Now you can cook the chicken over medium heat. 
Cook for about six minutes and then pour in the entire bottle of the red curry sauce.
Mix thoroughly and cover the chicken. Once it starts to boil bring the temperature down to low and simmer for about 10-15 minutes.
After it’s done simmering add in your bell peppers. I do this at the last minute because I still like a crunch to mine.

And now it is ready to serve


Wordless Wednesday

Spring is almost here! Just a few more days, okay actually five more days but hey less then a week away and we already have flowers and trees blooming. I absolutely love seeing fresh new life. Isn’t it beautiful.


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iHeart Faces peoples choice

 iHeart Faces photo challenge for this week is “Best Face Photo from February 2011”
As soon as I took this picture of my daughter I knew I would love it when I saw it in full size. Sure enough it is saved and my desktop background, my wallpaper on my phone and my Facebook profile picture. Obsessive maybe but I just <3 it. 

Here is my favorite picture taken in the month of February


If you would like to participate in this weeks challenge HURRY there is only about two hours left to enter! 
The contest is now closed and voting is open! If you would like to vote for me (I wont argue with you, I would actually love if if you did) I am entry #529


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