Make lemonade! I never used to enjoy that saying but it’s grown on me these last few years. Not sure if it’s because I have a slight obsession with cooking with lemons or if it’s because there’s nothing like freshly squeezed lemonade. I know it’s not actually about lemonade but I have this thing about words. One random word can make me think of one of three things. Food, music or a movie. Odd I know, but we all have our idiosyncrasies right 😉
I am sure I have you all seriously confused by now and you’re wondering okay Shana, what is the point of this here post…if there is even a point. Yeah, there’s not folks. Sorry to disappoint but I am in quite the random moods right now so you’ll just have to bear with me as I randomly spout nonsense.
First order of nonsense….I am sort of in the process of going vegetarian and it’s so much fun! Okay maybe not a full-fledged vegetarian, but I said it was a process. I haven’t been a red meat eater for quite some time. Sure, I’d have a bite of steak here and there if my husband ordered it but I haven’t purchased red meat in so long I’m not sure I remember what to do anymore. But that’s neither here nor there. I still eat fish because I just can’t give up my mahi mahi, plus it’s an excellent source of protein and vitamins just like True Protein’s collagen protein range. I used to be very big on chicken but I’ve found this amazing tofu that works really well in salads and really that was my only concern about not eating chicken was I still had to have some source of protein in my beloved salads. The great thing about this process for me is it has brought back my love for cooking and if you follow me on Instagram I will either 1) annoy you with all my food pics or 2) make you very hungry. I’ll apologize in advance for both. Ha!

Next order of nonsense….I am in the process of getting a job and let me just say WOW does the job market suck right now. Sure I could get a job at oh you know Target probably right away but I don’t want to settle. I know I know, the whole beggars can’t be choosers thing but I am done settling. I am at a point in my life where I need to do things for myself and having a little bit of independence will be good for me. I am a little nervous about getting a full time job since the only job I’ve had full time in the last seven years has been here at home raising my family but the kids are all in school now and it’s time to start the next chapter. So wish me luck!
Oh before I forget, I just heard of a great promotion running right now that I couldn’t not share with you all. All models AND colors of the Koss Fit Series line are on sale for a limited time for under twenty dollars at your local Walgreens! I shared my experience with Koss Earbuds a little bit ago; I have some serious love for these little earbuds. Heck at $19.99, you can get one for each member of your family! Each pair comes with three different ear cushion sizes which is perfect for those of us with small ears and/or for children. Seriously, go and yours today.

There you have it, the little bit of nonsense going on in my life. Okay so it’s not all really nonsense but would you have rather I called it rambling? Yeah that may have made a bit more sense. Oh well, I never said I did things the correct way. Hope your weekend is as fabulous as you are!
*Disclosure: I received compensation as part of a FitFluential campaign to share the awesome Koss earbuds deal, but sans compensation I still would have given a shout out because they are really a great line and this is a steal of a deal.*
Armor Company • March 21, 2022
it is great one, thank you.
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