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Shana Dieli


Hmmm, do you think they look alike?

I hear all the time how my kids all look so similar and that there is no denying that they’re related. For me I see in mainly in their eyes. They all have the exact same eyes. They got Daddy’s big eyes and Mommy’s coloring (brown). 
I look at pictures of the kids all at the same ages and I don’t see it at all. I look at them now and I see the resemblance but to me they each looked completely different when they were younger. So I am asking you, what do you think?

I tried to get pictures all around the same age to make it easier to compare. So spill, what do you think?
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Oklahoma here we come!

I am so excited. I am literally bouncing off the walls here. When my husband decided to go back to school I knew that moving out of state was a big possibility. At first I hated the idea but it eventually grew on me. So when my husband submitted his application to OU-Oklahoma University last month I have been dying to know if he got in or not.

Well he just spoke with them and he got ACCEPTED! It was so nerve wracking waiting to hear because even though he had awesome grades and made the Presidents list (so proud of him for this) at the local college it doesn’t always mean an automatic acceptance.  So now that we have the word we can finally start planning our move. I am very excited for this new part of our lives.

OU here we come!

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A belated birthday wish

A week before Jr’s birthday I was planning on submitting a birthday wish on for Jr. I thought he would love seeing his picture on TV and having seeing his birthday announced. As we all know things happen and he ended up spending his birthday in the hospital. It was really hard seeing him in the hospital sick and especially on his birthday, a day we should have been at home celebrating. 
So when we got home I contacted Sprout on twitter asking if they would be willing to do a belated birthday wish for him since we weren’t able to be at home for his special day. Can I just say Sprout is amazing. I cried, yes I cried when they quickly agreed to air a special birthday wish for him even though his birthday had already passed.
Here is my little man’s special birthday wish!
Happy belated birthday my Jr man! 
Thank you so much Shannon & Melissa for doing this, I appreciate it more then you know!
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What do you do when your childs hair is a rats nest?

Why you pamper them of course! Well I see it as pampering, not having to do your own hair, it’s like going to the salon for free! Maybe when she’s older she’ll do it for me haha. 
Back on the subject here. My daughters hair has always tangled very easily. She has my hair (poor thing). A LOT of hair but it’s very fine and fine hair tangles enough on it’s own, add into the mix curls and you’re just asking for tangled hair. Brushing her hair used to be a nightmare, not only for her because could be painful but for me, I hated seeing her cry and knowing I was making her cry just made it worse. I have tried almost every single detangler out there. Scratch off all the kid detanglers, those don’t work AT ALL. I’ve even used Biolage products on her hair hoping they would work. But every time it was a fail. 
I was out shopping one day and like always I ended up in the hair care section of the store looking for something I haven’t tried when I came across Three Minute Miracle by Aussie. Excited to find something new I grabbed a bottle and went home and gave her a bath. 
This was the FIRST time I was able to get a brush through her hair without a single tangle. No cries, no whimpers, no whining just completely smooth and tangle free hair. To say I was amazed would be an understatement. 
Now her hair still tangles during the day and sometimes the three minute miracle conditioner doesn’t get it all out (no biggie) so I have started blow drying her hair. It gets rid of any knots that weren’t smoothed out by the conditioner and it allows for some painless mommy daughter time all by ourselves. 
Isn’t her hair gorgeous!
If you or your child have hair that knots easily I recommend you go try some Three Minute Miracle. It’s very inexpensive and seriously, this stuff will rock your socks off! 
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Wordless Wednesday

Imma gonna getcha!

And she was having a blasty blast being chased

And then Daddy pulled out the legos, “Look I built a camera” LOL

There’s really nothing better then watching the kids play with Daddy. This was while Daddy said “My castle is indestructible, just try and break it” which started the legos flying through the air.
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Once Upon a Time Challenge

I love reading, it’s one of the ways I relax after the kids are in bed. Okay I’ll be honest, if it’s a good book I have been known to read throughout the day and into the night. A friend of mine, Tena is also big into reading and regularly does book challenges. When I saw her Once Upon a Time Challenge it immediately perked my interest. One because how fun is it to read fairy tales from growing up but with a new twist to them, and two I’ve always wanted to do a book challenge. 
Here are a few of the details on this challenge:
*This challenge is quite simple….. read the fairy tales you grew up reading but from another view than Disney’s version. There are so many great fairy tale books out there, that might take the same story we know but with an added twist.
These books can be Young Adult, Romance, Erotic, e-books, audio books…. your only limited by your own imagination.*

* 1-3 books: Born into Royalty
*4-6 books: Princess in Training
*7-9 books: Awaiting Prince Charming
* 10+ books: Queen Bee

*The time frame for this challenge will be January 1, 2011- December 31, 2011. Plenty of time. Please do not start this challenge before the time, and don’t use books you have already read. Cross overs are okay!*
So I decided that I will be starting off 2011 with the Once Upon a Time book challenge! If you would like to participate head on over to Crazy Book Slut and add your blog to the Mr. Linky she has set up.
Happy reading everyone.
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Music Monday

I know there is a theme out here like this, I’m not sure what it is so I am doing my own. Yeah that’s how I roll. I really don’t get to listen to the radio much, usually it’s on my drive to take my oldest to school which is about a 10 minute trip each way or out running errands and that’s about all all the exposure I get to anything new out there.
The other day while I was running an errand I heard this song that I instantly loved. Of course they didn’t say who the artist was or the name of the song so I searched on youtube and google like a maniac. Yes I am a little obsessive. Finally I found the information I was looking for. 
I present to you a new favorite song of mine:
Undisclosed Desires by Muse


Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse

It’s Christmas Eve here in California and I just laid my chitlens down for bed. It’s been a long day, emotional and stressful for me but I finally said enough and remembered what this time of the year is all about. Family. I asked my sister to come over while I ran to the store so my youngest could nap and when she got back I invited her to stay for dinner and to bake with me. I haven’t spent a lot of time with my sister lately so I am happy we got to do this today. So the pizza went in the oven while we went to work. I will post pictures and a recipe later but for now I want to share pictures of my kids. You can’t help but smile at the excitement kids have over Christmas. Even while they’re arguing over where Santa lives or the names of the reindeer’s, it’s all adorable to me.
This is our first year putting milk and cookies out for Santa and carrots out for the reindeer’s because my oldest just turned seven and is just now grasping the concept of Santa. So without further ado, I present pictures 🙂

Short story, my sister, Tia (who I baked with tonight) made this cup for me when she was about 10 years old. So glad I kept it because it is now going to be Santa’s cup when he visits every Christmas

Jr explaining to the younger kids what Santa is going to do LOL
Just a little warning, expect a lot of pictures in the days to come.
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Wordless Wednesday

I haven’t been taking a lot of pictures lately of the kids, just some random one’s of the rain here so I thought I would go back in time and find one from last year. When I saw this one I immediately laughed and then saw it was taken exactly a year ago to the day I thought well now that’s perfect. So here is a picture of my “little” man exactly one year ago.
So not a flattering picture of him but it just cracks me up every time I see it. This picture was courtesy of my husband, he has a knack for taking pictures when people have food in their mouths and well really just overall awkward pictures LOL (shhh don’t tell him I said that haha).
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