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Shana Dieli


Wordless Wednesday

Yesterday while cleaning the kids room I got this overwhelming feeling to switch Shawn’s crib into a toddler bed. Why did I do this? Well over the past six months or so he has become a master at climbing in and out of his crib. Seriously I have never seen a child get out of a crib so fast. It was as if the crib bars weren’t even there. So I finally (after bawling internally) took off the crib bars and converted it into a toddler bed for my baby boy, who by the way will be 2.5 years old on the 30th this month.

He looks like such a big boy!

LOL leave it my kid to do this during pictures

My Jr man <3

Daddy trying to tell Mantha Pantha that there’s nothing to be scared of at night (Ignore the pillow without a pillow case, I am constantly putting it on and as soon as she gets in bed she takes it off, yuck).
This was how he was sleeping when I went in to check on him. I just love the leg and arm over the side. Good thing for the rail or he would have rolled right off the bed.
Awww, I just love watching my babies sleep.

He only got out of bed once before he fell asleep which is better then when he was in the crib. He did wake up at 3 and 4 am to come into my room but that’s normal, except now I put him back in his bed. So all and all it was a success!

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Happy Halloween everyone!

Well now it’s a little belated but hey it’s the thought that counts right! We went over to my parents last night and met a few friends before we went out. I love getting together with them. This is the third year we’ve done it now and not only do the kids have a blast with each other it’s nice to have adult company and people to enjoy watching the kids with. I took over 160 pictures last night. I know maybe a little crazy but hey you never know when you could catch that perfect picture so I shoot like mad. 
Here are a few of my favorites from last night. 
Samantha and Madison posing before we go t.o.t.

My pretty little princess

Jenny and I

My Jr man dressed up as Jango Fett or as he likes to call it “Jango Fat”

I caught him sneaking a candy LOL

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It’s done, it’s finally done!

When decided what to do for Halloween this year I knew I wanted to make my daughters costume. I’m not the craftiest person out there but how hard could a costume be to make. So I got all the fabric and went to work. All was well until I started working on it while I was tired and well just not thinking about what I was doing. I sat down and looked at the fabric and asked my friend Jenny “Why didn’t I cut any of this fabric”? So I went to work and proceeded to cut all the fabric. Once that was done I went to put it on the elastic and realized OMG I cut ALL, yes every single piece in half! So now they were all too short too use. I think if Jenny hadn’t been there I would have cried.
Fast forward to the following Friday (today) Jenny came over and saved the day with tons of replacement fabric. This time I made sure that I was cutting the correct way before I did anything. The end result, a beautiful costume for my princess. I’m calling it a strawberry shortcake princess tutu dress LOL I really don’t know what to call it but I went with the color theme of strawberry shortcake and it is a dress so it works.

The finished product.

Her wand to go with her costume

Samantha was so excited to put her costume on and of course didn’t want to take it off. I’m so happy she loves it because in the end that’s all that matters.

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Two more days until Halloween!

And I cannot wait! I love taking the kids out trick or treating and seeing them having a blast. Today was Jr’s Halloween parade at school. All the kids and the teachers dress up and walk with their classes around the school. It’s fun for them and fun for us mom and dads to watch and see all the kids costumes.

Can’t do early morning parades without coffee! Don’t worry she was just holding my cup for me

Cranky or tired???

Here he comes, my Jr man dressed as Jango Fett. Did I spell that right? I don’t know anything about Star Wars

Not sure which costume he was looking at but he looks a little freaked out LOL

Bye Mom, see you after school!
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Do you send cards for every holiday?

I am not normally one of those people that sends out cards for every holiday and birthday, in fact I rarely even send out cards at all. While I do have the best intentions and I even take pictures of the kids specifically for Christmas cards I just never actually order them. BUT this year I’m going to do them no matter what!!

Now I know you may be saying, why are you talking about Christmas already. Well it may be a little under two months away but those two months will sneak up on you before you know it. While browsing Shutterfly I came across a few cards that I am just in love with.

The Snowflake Damask Holiday Card-I love damask print and the simplicity of this card.      

The Family Wall Noir Christmas Card-This card just seems very elegant to me. Not too busy, the collage of pictures with the family letter for the last name. Black and simple is just elegant to me and you can’t go wrong with that.
Bubble Wreath Holiday 5×7 folded card-Again very simple yet very pretty, add in a touch of color from the bubbles and you have a fun yet elegant card.
Now all I have to do is eliminate two of the cards so I will have the one to go with. But I really do love all three. This would be part of my indesivieness showing through LOL (if anyone wants to chime in with their favorite I’m all ears/eyes).
I also started browsing on the birthday invitations they offer, oh my! My daughters fourth birthday is coming up next month and I just couldn’t help but take a peek. Would if be odd if I ordered a few of my top favorites and used all of them. Hey there’s nothing wrong with a little bit a variety right???

And speaking of the upcoming holidays, I think a great present for my parents and my Grandma would be a Desk Calendar especially since we will be moving soon. It would be nice for them to have a full month of pictures of their grandchildren to look at.

*Shutterfly is sending me a voucher for 50 holiday photo cards for writing this post. I did not receive any compensation for this post. As always, all opinions are my own.*
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We finally made it to the Pumpkin Patch

It only took two weeks of planning to get over there, and lots of canceling and rescheduling due to sickies or weather but we finally got over the yesterday! The kids were excited, no that’s an understatement, they were ecstatic!

If you live in Los Angeles County, Saugus to me more exact or anywhere near that area I suggest you go to Lombardi’s Ranch. I have been going there since I was a little girl and let me tell you, it’s not like those “pumpkin patches” that are on the street corner that charge you an arm and a leg for a pumpkin and to ride their scary carnival type rides. Lombardi’s actually grows their own pumpkins. Imagine that a pumpkin patch that grows pumpkins, huh what a concept. Every year they grow their own pumpkins and pick them when they are at their peak and set them out throughout their land for families to come and choose their perfect one. They have a sunflower maze that you get to walk through and see all different types of scarecrows that local organizations and schools have made for display. They have a corn maze and a little animal area, even a train ride around the grounds of the farm. Not only does Lombardi’s sell pumpkins they also have corn, tomatoes, squash and watermelon. They are only only for a few months out of the year so don’t delay, check out the link above and head on over for some good family fun.

Now what would a post about a trip to the pumpkin patch be without some pictures.

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Mr. Fosters Wild Ride

That’s the title of the article in the Hoffman Hospice seasonal magazine. Hoffman Hospice is the company that took care of my Grandpa while he lived in a retirement home for the last few months of his life. I know I’ve already posted about his Harley ride but I wanted to share this article. I still get very emotional talking about my Papa and reading this made me cry but a happy cry that his family was with him on such a momentous day.

I know it’s small but I can’t make it any bigger on my blog so just click on the picture and it should open up in a new window full sized.
Thank you Hoffman Hospice for featuring my Papa and thank you to everyone who helped make this day happen for him. Also I’d like to thank you for taking care of him. I couldn’t have asked for a more gentle, caring croup of women not only for my Grandpa but you also helped my Grandma and my Mom so much during this time. You ladies are truly amazing.

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Sick of it all

Not really, that’s a name of a band I listen to but it kind of applies to how I’m feeling right now, well except I’m only sick of one small thing. I have to hear pretty much weekly, if not more that I should buy another car. REALLY! Oh gee thanks for letting me know. Let me just pull 20 thousand dollars out of my bum and get right on that. 
I hope you caught the sarcasm in there LOL. Here’s the deal. We are a family of five, we live pretty modestly. Once in a while, yeah sure we splurge but it’s on something we’ve saved up for. We don’t have credit cards because they are evil. We don’t mooch of the system, any of them. We don’t mooch off family members or friends. EVERYTHING we have we have from hard work. Can’t say that about a lot of people these days. 
One thing that is on my dream list is another car but it’s just not in our budget right now. Is it hard having one car, yeah. Does it suck commuting to LA every week, you betcha. Don’t you wish you had another car, uh duh! Well why don’t you buy one? Simple, I refuse to put our family in a financial crisis just to get temprary relief on the situation. Soooo, we deal. I run back and forth between two schools all day and then there’s soccer practice and games and general errands but at least I am thankful for what I have. I can’t imagine how much more difficult things could be if we didn’t have any car. 
So here’s the deal. Of course I want another car but it’s NOT going to happen right now. It’s not your decision on whether I should buy one or not. When the time is right we will get another car, until then leave me alone about it.
*This post was not directed at any one in particular, just venting my frustrations out*
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Fish Tacos

I love fish tacos and my family does too. And after sharing I had some the other day I got a few requests for the recipe so I’m going to share my recipe that I came up with with you all.  This is more of a healtified version (no breading or deep frying involved) but it is still full of a lot of flavor. 
One thing I need to work on is getting some exact measurements, since I’ve only been making this recipe for a little over a year now I’ve never written it down or used any measuring tools. I just do it by eye so I’m going to lay out the ingredients for you all and you can do it by your preference. 
Also with the fish I buy the packed mahi mahi from Trader Joe’s and that will feed my family of five (2 adults & 3 young’ins) if you are serving mainly adults I suggest getting two packages of fish. 
Mahi Mahi
Garlic Salt
Onion Powder
Cayenne Pepper
1-2 tbsp. Olive oil
Light Sour Cream
Salsa Verde (I used trader joe’s salsa verde)
Corn Tortillas (if you can find fresh home made one’s they are so much better)
Avocado chopped or thinly sliced 

I start the sauce for the tacos first so it can blend all the flavors together. Mix 1 cup of sour cream to 1/2-3/4 cup of salsa. Add in some lime juice and cayenne pepper to taste. Stick in the fridge until later.

Season the fish with the dry seasonings and then cook in the olive oil. Cook fish until flaky with a fork (about 10 minutes).

While your fish is cooking thinly slice up your cabbage and dice up some onions.

To prepare the tacos, warm up the corn tortillas, place on a piece of fish, squeeze some lime juice on the hot fish then pour on a spoonful of the salsa sauce, then put on the onions and then cabbage. Dig in.

If you aren’t a fan of sour cream just use your favorite salsa. The avocado is optional, I’ve never tried it in my homemade fish tacos but as I was typing the recipe out it sounded really good.

I hope your family enjoys these as much as mine does <3
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Donations for Madisons Family

Last week I posted about a sweet little girl named Madison and her fight with brain cancer. It breaks my heart to inform you all that on Saturday October 16th Madison lost her battle and passed away. The family is struggling with loosing their princess not only emotionally but financially. Her mom, Christin works nights and her dad Andy just graduation from school and put his job search on hold so he could spend as much time with Madison as he could. They also have an 18 month old son. Together they moved into Andy’s parents house because financially they couldn’t get by on their own with everything that was going on. I just learned that now the grandfather has lost his job. Not only did they loose a very special and sweet little girl but now the family is struggling financially. 
I am writing about this because I was just informed that a donation site has been set up for Madison’s family. I do not normally come on here and ask for donations but this family needs them and their story is just so heartbreaking to me I felt I had to do anything I could to help. If you are in a position to help could you please Madisons Donation site and help this family out. The great thing about this site is that 100% of the money raised goes to the family. I’d also like to ask if you could help me spread the word about this family. Share on facebook, tweet, forward and email. remember every little bit helps!
Thank you so much.
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