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Shana Dieli


(Not so) Wordless Wednesday

Last night we had an amazing storm. Well more like two storms. If you want to be technical we had two cells move in that produced hail, rain, thunder and lightening. In other words, it was AWESOME! I have never seen weather like that out here in the desert of California. In TX and GA well yeah but not here. It made me miss living in the south and very excited to move back next year.
Yes I am one of those nuts who loves the crazy weather and I just happened to be married to a nut who loves it too. He loves it so much in fact that he is going to school for meteorological science. So while it was hailing and pouring down rain and lightening was striking every two seconds we were outside enjoying it and I was standing out in the rain camera in hand. Ahhhh I miss my dslr so much. It would have been perfect to shoot with it instead of my p&s but I will take what I can get because I did get some good shots.
And now onto the wordless part.

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A blip into my wonderful life

No I am not being sarcastic. While my kids may drive me nuts sometimes I love my life and everything in it.
The kids and I were bored this morning so what’s more entertaining then seeing yourself on the computer.

And of course we had a little bit of fun with the camera.

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Every little bit helps-Fundriaser for sweet Madison

There is a sweet little girl who went to my sons school with a heart breaking story. Her name is Madison. She is a six year old little girl who was recently diagnosed with cancer. They discovered a tumor the size of a baseball in her head. They did surgery and the Dr’s told her she would fine after a round of chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Right before she started to begin the treatments she began to get sick and they discovered that she had tumors along her spine so they suggested more aggressive treatment.
I am not positive on her prognosis because the family wants it’s privacy which is completely understandable but I do know it is not good. My heart is breaking for this family. The reason I am sharing this is because I would like to ask for prayers for Madison and her family. I would also like to inform you of the fundraiser friends are holding for her. It will be at Pars Restaurant in Palmdale, CA on October 26th from 4pm to 8pm. They will be serving and all you can eat buffet for $12 a person and 20% of the proceeds will be going to the family. If you would like to rsvp please click here to do so.
Also the school is collecting donations in any form for the family, i.e. gift cards (grocery stores or target, walmart, gas cards), money, any little bit helps. If you would like to mail such things to the school please contact me and I will give you the address.

Thank you so much for reading this and any support you may give. My prayers are with you sweet Madison.

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Such a girl

My daughter is such a girly girl when it comes to clothes and accessories such as hair things, shoes, purses, necklaces, ect. I love it, but it’s so cute because she is also a tomboy. She loves to get dirty and she has an obsession with all things cars, motorcycles and trucks. Every day she hoards ALL the hotwheels we have in the house and fights with her brothers for them. Then she lines them up all in a row and oh my goodness, it is the end of the world if anyone touches them or gets them out of line. I think it’s adorable. Yesterday I bought her a new skirt that she couldn’t wait to try on! So as soon as we got home she stripped and put in on so I just had to take her outside for some pictures.

I am so excited to get my camera back. I sent it in for repairs and using my p & s get’s me by but the pictures just aren’t the same. I’m really bummed the second one came out very pixelated but I still think she looks adorable 🙂

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Chicken and Wild Rice Casserole

Oh my was this goooooood. Everyone had two helpings and there were barely any leftovers left. It’s not often I find new dishes that are that big of a hit in my house. So I will not be loosing this recipe and since it was such a success I thought I would share it you all. Now I got the recipe from but I changed it around a bit so if you want the original version just click on the link above.

Chicken & Wild Rice Casserole
4 chicken breasts
1/2 dry white wine
1 tsp curry powder
1 onion sliced
2 (6oz) packages of long grain & wild rice mix
1 1/2 cups chopped mushrooms
1 cup sour cream
1 can of cream of mushroom soup
1/2 cup of Parmesan Cheese
Garlic Salt
Cayenne pepper
Onion powder
Cooking spray
Place the chicken breasts in a crockpot and cook on low for five hours. After five hours, take the chicken out and set aside. Strain the fat and save the chicken broth. 
Once the fat is strained add back in your chicken, curry, your wine and your onions. Cook for one more hour. 
Start your rice. Substitute how ever much broth you have for the water the rice calls for. So if you have 1 cup of broth and you need three cups of water only use two cups of water.
Now you get to shred the chicken. The GREAT thing about a crock pot is that the chicken will be so tender it will be really easy to shred. 
Preheat oven to 350 degrees
In a large mixing bowl mix the sour cream and soup. Then add in the chicken with onion mixture and when your rice is finished add that in. Add in remaining dry ingredients (onion & garlic powder & cayenne pepper). And lastly your Parmesan cheese. Give it a really good stir.
Once everything is completely mixed pour into a prepared baking dish. Put in the oven and cook for one hour.

I completely forgot to take a picture before it was devoured by my family. Can you tell it was a hit here LOL
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KitchenAid "Rescue My Appliances" Contest

Have a kitchen that needs some help? Are your appliances broken or maybe not working properly? Is your kitchen just really old school and you’d love to have it updated? If you answered yes to any of these questions you are in luck because Kitchenaid/Sears is having a contest where you could win over $8,000 worth of appliances!
Oh yes, you read that right. KitchenAid and Sears are holding a contest for people who need rescuing with their kitchen appliances. And it is really easy to enter. Just head on over to the KitchenAid/Sears site for a chance to win. Simply submit a photo of your kitchen in need of rescuing and you will receive a confirmation email confirming your entry within 48 hours.
But wait I haven’t told you exactly what you could win. I’m just drooling looking at this list.
1.  KitchenAid Stainless Steel 30″ Double Oven Freestanding Dual Fuel Range
2. KitchenAid Stainless Steel 26.6 cu. ft. French Door Borrom Freezer Refrigerator w/ Dispenser
3. KitchenAid Stainless Steel Superba® EQ Series 24″ Built-In Dishwasher w/ Pro Scrub®
4. KitchenAid Stainless Steel 30″ 1.8 cu. ft. Microhood Combination Microwave Oven
5. KitchenAid Monochromatic stainless steel 24 cu. in. Undercounter Beverage Center

I went ahead and submitted my entry earlier this morning because, well have you seen my kitchen LOL I titled my picture “My kitchen, Circa 1970” because to be honest when you walk into it, it almost feels like your stepping back in time with my original late 1970’s avocado green stove and our matches linoleum tile floors.

While my kitchen does have a little bit of that cool retro feel, it’s old, it’s dirty no matter how much I clean and my stove is the biggest problem. The temperature is off of the oven and the bake light doesn’t come on anymore so if I happen to forget to turn off the oven (yes I’ve done it on occasion) I have no way of knowing except if I walk in front of it and feel the heat. The part of the stove that you cook on (it’s electric and I’m not sure what those round parts are called) are lopsided and some sit higher then the others which causes uneven cooking. My toaster which we got for a wedding present is now almost 9 years old and is slowly dying. I usually have to double toast our bagels or they come out cold. And our fridge, oh I love our fridge but after 7 years and 8 moves the poor thing has seen better days. The door handle was pulled off on accident in attempt to remove the door and it doesn’t sit flat against the door anymore. 

I entered the KitchenAide giveaway. If you want to vote for me that would be awesome but if you also are in need of some new appliances I encourage you to go, hurry, right now, click here and go enter for your chance to win!Entries can be submitted from October 5, 2010 until November 2, 2010 and the voting will begin November 3, 2010 until November 17, 2010.

And even if you don’t want to enter each time you vote for someone’s entry you will be entered to win a KitchenAid Artisan® Series 5qt. Stand Mixer.

    *Disclosure* I was not compensated for this post in any way but it is in hopes of winning a prize

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    They don’t have hamburgers in stores Mom!

    It went down like this……

    Me: What would you like to have for dinner tonight Jr?
    Jr: Wendys
    Me: No were not doing fast food
    Jr: But I only want Wendys
    Me: Why what is it you’d eat there?
    Jr: A cheeseburger
    Me: Ok well I can buy that stuff at the store
    Jr: haha No you can’t Mom, it’s only at Wendys
    Me: Um, no it’s not. They sell everything you need at the store to make a cheeseburger
    Jr: No they don’t
    Me: Actually yes they do. Lets go to the store and when I find what we need you can pay me five dollars for arguing and not believing me
    Jr: haha Mom but I don’t have five dollars
    Me: Okay well then how about a dollar?
    Jr: haha I don’t have any money Mom
    Me: What about a quarter then?
    Jr: haha I still don’t have any money Mom
    Me: Okay then you will give me a bunch of hugs then okay?
    Jr: :::giggles:::: Okay Mom

    As were walking through the store I stop and gasp (cause I’m totally dramatic like that) and say “Oh my goodness, what is that! I think it’s hamburgers”.  Jr was so excited he was doing little jumps and he ran up and gave me three BIG quick hugs. It feels good to be right LOL

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    It’s the simple things

    I mean truly it is. What is one thing you enjoy to do? Sit and read a book, drink coffee & read the paper, watch your kids faces light up when they see their Daddy. Simple things that just make your day a whole lot brighter. 
    This morning I had a Dr’s appointment and in order to try and get Shawn to be occupied while I was talking with the Dr I blew up a glove into a balloon. It worked like a charm and when I got home I blew another one up for my daughter and they were in heaven. So we went outside for a little bit to run around and play with their balloons. It was so cute to see how happy they were with something as simple as a glove blown up. Who would’ve guessed it was that easy LOL

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