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White Chocolate Banana Cream Pie

I know that got someone’s attention. It did mine when I was browsing my Moms recipes this morning. I offered to bring a dessert to dinner for Rosh Hashanah tonight but I didn’t want to just pick something up. I wanted to make something and I rarely bake or make desserts of any kind so this was a good excuse, especially since it wouldn’t be sitting in my fridge calling my name for a week.
This was actually a recipe my sister entered at the local fair a few years ago and got raves about. Oh and did I mention it’s insanely simple to make! So I copied it and ran off to the store to get what I needed.

White Chocolate Banana Cream Pie
1 ripe banana, sliced
1/2 cup chopped almonds (I omitted these because of the nut allergies in my family)
1 box (about 5 oz) instant banana or vanilla cream pudding mix
1 can (12 oz) evaporated milk
2/3 cup grated or finely chopped white chocolate
2 cups frozen whipped topping (cool whip)
1 frozen pie crust, baked according to directions
Arrange the sliced bananas on the bottom of the pie crust. Sprinkle 1/4 cup of the chopped almonds on top of the bananas. 
In a medium bowl whisk together the pudding, evaporated milk and 1/2 of the white chocolate.
Pour the pudding mixture over the bananas in the pie crust

(Of course you have to let the kids lick the spoon)

(And don’t forget to share)

Top with the cool whip and then sprinkle with remaining white chocolate and remaining almonds.  I had a few pieces of banana left over so I put those on there too.

I can’t wait to enjoy this tonight after dinner.

Oh, I almost forgot! This needs to be refrigerated for at least one hour before eating. 


Photo Challenge, Week 2

Yay, were on to week two of Brandy’s Photo Challenge! This weeks theme is, don don don…..Emotion! This is such a great theme. There is emotion in so many things and it is so easy to find in every day life. My problem is figuring out which picture of many to use seeing as I have three subjects that just exude emotion every day LOL

I chose this picture for many reason. To me the emotion is as clear as day. Love. There were also many other emotions happening this day. This was the day my Grandpa went on his first motorcycle ride. It was on his bucket list of things to do in his life time. So not only was there a lot of love that day there was happiness and joy and a little bit of sadness. This was a picture that I was able to capture of my Grandpa giving my oldest a hug before his ride. I am just in love with this picture and it brings so many emotions for me. My Grandpa passed away just a few days later and to see this picture brings tears to my eyes to know that my son was blessed with getting to know and love him and receive those same things from my Grandpa.

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I love salads cause they’re so delicious

I used to eat a lot of salads. I’ve unfortunately kind of gotten out of the habit of making them. But I am trying to change that. Today I made my own version of a taco salad.

Shana’s Taco salad 
Romaine lettuce
Red leaf lettuce
Bell Pepper (I used yellow)
Green Onions
Spanish Olives
Crushed Chips
Black Beans (I can’t believe I totally forgot to put these in)
Chicken (cut into cubes)
Chop all ingredients into bite sized pieces and throw into a bowl.
Mix with a salad dressing of your choice. I used Litehouse Light Salsa Ranch. 

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Best way to cure cabin fever???

Well that’s simple. GO TO THE PARK! I’m watching my niece this weekend so we up from the normal three chitlens to four. Most of the time the kids play great together but just like an adult, they get sick of each other if they’ve done everything there is to do while stuck inside. Easiest way to cure this was to load all the kids up and take them out. It was six in the evening but I didn’t care because it was gorgeous outside.

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Brandy tagged me!

This is a first for me. I’ve been what? Tagged? Like you tag a picture in facebook? Um, well no LOL Brandy over at The Not So Average Mama tagged me in this fun little questionnare. You see she got tagged and had to answer ten questions her friend asked her and now she has tagged me and I get to answer ten questions she asked and then in turn I get to do it to some of my friends. Oh yes, be scared, be veeeery scared. haha totally kidding. But it will be fun to see everyone’s answers and how far this stretches. Kind of like a chain letter back in the days. Okay so here’s the questions Brandy asked little ole mwuah.

1. Did you Graduate High school? I actually left my high school two months before graduation but I refused to end up with anything but a high school diploma so I enrolled myself in home school and graduated a tad later then I was supposed to. But hey I got my high school diploma!

2. What is your favorite book series? Just one! I really enjoy the Night Huntress series, The Immortal Instruments and The Meredith Gentry series.

3. Have you ever stolen anything? Who hasn’t. lol The answer to that would be yes. I used to a lot back in middle school and a little bit of High School. Never anything huge, just like little pieces of jewelery from hot topic :X

4. Have you ever been arrested? No

5. What movie scared the crap out of you? Don’t laugh at me. Jurassic Park. Hey I said don’t laugh! I do not like any type of science fiction that in my mind can one day come true. Who cares that it could be 200 years down the line and I wont be around. The simple fact that it might be able to come true scared the crap out of me. I still wont watch that movie.

6. What is your favorite kids show? Phineas and Ferb. I love how creative those kids are and their sister is always trying to get them in trouble and not succeeding. Cracks me up every time. Oh and they should totally bring back Fraggle Rock!

7. What is one thing you would love to change about yourself? Besides the obvious stomach bulge, thunder thighs and ghetto booty. Well, I would change how I always try to please others before myself. It is okay to say no and I just don’t know how.

8. Are you where you expected yourself to be? Actually yes. I always wanted to be a mommy and all the little dreams I had of “careers” were very short lived except that I knew I would become a mom one day and that would be the best thing ever.

9. If you could live anywhere, where? Right here in California. I love living here, it’s just so dang expensive. But to be more specific I would be in Huntington Beach if I could.

10. What was your dream career? When I was little I wanted to be a veterinarian. Then when I found out there was actual blood involved sometimes and surgery I quickly nixed that. I would love to be a professional photographer now. I just need some classes and to learn to use my camera to it’s full potential.

And now for my questions.

1. What is you all time favorite movie?
2. What is a place that you’ve always wanted to visit?
3. How many hours do you spend online? (Be honest LOL)
4. What’s the weirdest dream you’ve ever had?
5. Do you get along with your family?
6. If you won the lottery what would you do with the money?
7. What was the best present you’ve ever received?
8. What is your favorite season?
9. Would you ever go skydiving?
10. What is your favorite dessert?

Okay now it’s my turn to pass this along. My tags are:

Gena @Fairytales & Puppy Dog Tails
Jenny @ Fun Times with the Gatton Family
Tara @ Through Hazel Eyes
Janessa @ Life is a Zoo
Kim @ Mentally Inked

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Hams rolls please

I know what you’re thinking. What the heck are ham rolls??? First let me say. Don’t get grossed out! These really are quite tasty and my Mom used to make them for me growing up and I loved them and because my Mom made them that means they’re good LOL.
It’s really easy peasy and takes like all of two minutes to make. Okay, here we go.

Slice a pickle into the thickness you prefer. I usually slice a while pickle in either 6 or 8 pieces.
Take a piece of ham out.
Spread on some mayonnaise
Place pickle on ham

And whala, you have a ham roll. My husband thinks I am totally disgusting but we have drastically different tastes in food sometimes. My oldest does not like mayonnaise so I just do his without it. No biggy. Now the other two chitlens love them.

Case and point:

LOL this face cracks me up. I asked him to smile and this is what I got.
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First day of soccer!

Registration for soccer was back in March and Jr has been asking me weekly when does soccer start! Talk about a long wait for the poor little man LOL His first soccer practice was supposed to be last week but it got canceled due to lightening and rain. Jr was sooooo disappointed. But finally, after much anticipation he had his first practice. To say he had a blast wouldn’t even cover it. He is so in his element meeting new kids and playing outside. He made friends right away and of course became a tad bit of a trouble maker. He’s the type that just gets so excited he kind of goes into his own little tunnel and doesn’t pay attention to his surroundings. He was like this last time he played soccer and as the season goes on he gets better, we just have to keep reminding him. But the whole point of him playing is for him to have fun, and there will be lots of fun to be had I’m sure.
What would a post be without any pictures of my little man!

See, trouble maker.
Can you tell he’s having fun LOL
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Photo Challenge

I’m so excited about this. I love photo challenges! Brandy over at Not So Average Mama is hosting a weekly photo challenge on her blog starting today. Every Monday she will post a new theme. All you have to do is blog your picture for that weekly theme and link it to her blog. Easy peasy right.
This weeks challenge is: take a photo that shows their favorite color.
This is easy. I have two. Black and pink. YES I know black technically isn’t a color and in fact the void of color but I don’t care. I still love it LOL Here is my picture for this weeks challenge. Obviously the pink is on the flowers and the black is the shadows.

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A day at the fair

The kids and I went to the fair with a good friend of mine, Jenny yesterday. The fair ends today and since I wont be home I wanted to take the kids one last time since we haven’t really been able to spend a lot of time there.
Last year Jr didn’t want anything to do with the rides. I brought him on the bumpers cars with me and he hated it. I also carried him up the slide (hardest workout ever LOL) and he wasn’t really a fan of that either. So this time when he asked to go on the bumper cars, the slide all by himself and his first roller coaster I was so proud of him!

 Now I just have to throw in a picture of my little diva. All her little divarisms just come naturally to her, she doesn’t even realize she’s doing them. To me they are just too flippin cute. So when I saw her standing watching Jr on the bumper cars I had to snap a shot of her little pose.

Now, this little obstacle course Jr had his eye on since the first time we came to the fair. While it may seem small and nothing of difficulty for some. Jr is a very timid kind of guy. He will talk about how he wants to go on big rides and do big things but when it comes time to do it he gets scared. Nothing wrong with that. I was the same way growing up. It was really neat to watch him go through the course. I could see on his face that he didn’t really want to do it after he got inside. The little bit of fear but my boy pushed through. I am beyond proud of him. Normally he would have cried and ran out the other side but he just kept on going. He would pause a few times but he didn’t quite. This is a really huge step for him.

 My boy just kept on surprising me yesterday! Next he asked if he could go down the slide. As soon as I handed him his ticket he was off. I didn’t even get a chance to take a picture oh him before he got on. But I did manage to catch these few pictures which just speak to me on so many levels on how much my boy is growing up and maturing.

I love how he is smiling back looking at me in the first picture. He was so excited to go on like a big boy without mommy there to hold his hand. And that smile didn’t go away the whole climb up or the way down.

And last but not least his first time on a roller coaster. I tried getting Samantha to go on with him but that was a no go. Im bummed that all the pictures I took of him actually riding the coaster came out was a big huge blur. But hey a picture of him sitting on it right before it goes is proof right LOL

And that concludes our day at the fair. It was a lot of fun. OH, and I won two free tickets to Knotts Soak City in a free raffle drawing. I know I am such a dork but I was shaking I was so nervous to go in front of all these random people and claim my prize. But I did it and I can’t wait to go with my family.

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Waaaah, life is so hard

I decided to take a video of my oldest whining to me a little bit ago. I took it as an attempt to make him smile cause he just loves attention and what better way to get attention then to watch mommy watching you on the computer laughing LOL I know I’m so mean but it worked hah!

So in my first official video on my blog I would like to proudly announce my handsome six year old whiny man aka Jr. And in the background is mantha panta aka Samantha and bugger butt aka Shawn.

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