Today’s question from Girly Gazette is: Who is in your βtribeβ. Who inspires you? Who do you turn to for inspiration and encouragement? I do not have many friends but the one’s I do have a I love to death. I have many acquaintances who I wouldn’t put in my tribe because well they’re just acquaintances. But the few friends I have are the best. I have tons of online friends, funny I seem to bond better with people via the internet then in real life LOL
My list doesn’t consist just friends. I have family listed in here because not only are they my family they are also my closest friends. Okay so the one’s in my tribe are:
Gena from Fairytales & Puppy Dog Tails. She is such an awesome person and mama. She has always been there for me when I needed her and has never been one to judge. And yes I can say that truthfully. There’s aren’t many people who are truly like that but she is one of them.
Jenny from The Gatton Family. I have known this chikie since highschool! We lost contact for many years but finally got back in contact when I moved into the same condominium complex as her last year. I am so happy to have her back in my life. She is such a sweet person and has the cutest little boy. Seriously his eyes are to die for! She also loves my kids and is never bothered by them. Not all people are kid friendly, especially when their not their kids but she is not one of those people.
My mother. Do I need an explanation for this LOL My mom has always been an inspiration to me. Of course we have our differing opinions but when it comes down to it she will always back me up and visa versa.
My husband. Again, explanation??? LOL My husband and I have been together since I was 15 years old. This March we will be celebrating our 8 year marriage anniversary and in September will be 13 years together. HOLY CRAP, we’ve been together forever haha. We have both grown so much since we have been together and it’s like we are one in many ways. We are both there for each other through the good times and the bad times. And trust me just like every normal couple we have had our good times but we have definitely had our amazing times too. He is my rock, my love and my best friend, who could ask for anything more.
My children. Although they are young they are my second biggest support team so to speak. No I don’t lean on them for support but they are like my little cheerleaders. I love that they are so young yet they have so much love for someone and that someone is me. All I have to do is listen to one of them giggle or say I love you or give me a hug and no matter what type of mood I’m in I am instantly happier. They are the biggest blessing that have come into my life and I am so proud to be their mother.
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