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Shana Dieli


Hunny Do List

I hear all the time from friends and family that they (the wives) make Hunny do lists. I’ve never done one before because I’ve always thought they were a tad silly, why make a list when you can just do it right then and there! But with our taxes coming in soon and our rental falling apart the list of things I would like fixed has gotten quite long. Well long in my opinion LOL So I decided what they heck, I may as well make a list. Here’s what I have so far:

1. Replace doorknobs on doors
a. Kitchen door
b. Kids bathroom door
c. Master bathroom door
d. Living room door

2. Replace track wheels on the glass slider

3. Replace broken tiles in kitchen and bar area

4. Repair washing “room” closet doors

5. Rent carpet cleaner

Here’s a picture of the broken tiles.

The bar area
Over the dishwasher

What upsets me about repairing these is that they have already been repaired by the prior tenant yet they have fallen off again. The one on the bar area has already cut both Steve and I. This condo was built in the late 70’2 or early 80’s. I’m thinking more 70’s due to the puke green appliances and matching linoleum on the floors LOL I can totally understand not really wanting to put a lot of money into a rental, especially if you live out of the country but in my opinion there comes a time when it is necessary and when tiles that have been repaired many times keep breaking and are now a hazard, that would be the time if any to put some money into your rental and replace the counter tops. Again, just my honest opinion LOL

Look at me, I’ve gone off track of my original reason for this post. Okay back to hunny do lists. I’m thinking the list I have is good for right now, I’m sure as time goes on I will think of more. Since this is my first time making one of these I’m wondering I’m I the odd ball out that has never made one of these or am I not alone in feeling these were silly.

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How much can one little person eat

It is only 7:48 am, Shawn has been awake for almost two hours now. He wakes up and is immediately hungry (unfortunately he got that from his mama). He had two bowls of Cheerios for breakfast, yes I actually am brave enough to give a a one and a half year old a bowl of cereal with milk in it. And now he stands at my side, going back and forth to my left side then my right saying “more more more’ as I eat, scratch that, attempt to eat.
I don’t mind that he has a big appetite especially since his older brother Jr eats like a bird most of the time. He is also the least picky eater out of the three kids but I’m wondering how much is too much? Shawn can easily put down three bowls of oatmeal for breakfast! I can’t even eat that much at one time lol I love that my little dude is a chunky monkey but he’s not overweight by any means. Yes he weighs as much as his three year old sister but he’s always been on that side of the spectrum, my other two are my skinny mini’s (as I call them).
So back to the point of this post, what do you consider to be too much or enough for a one and a half year old? Do you put a limit on your kids food intake?

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Get ready for some football!

Yesterday I hosted a Digorno believe party. They were awesome enough to send coupons for SIX free pizzas, beads, stickers, potholder, chip clip, pizza cutter and four dollar off coupons for me to pass out to my guests. The kids had a blast playing with each other while the adults watched the football game(go Saints!). And everyone really enjoyed the pizza. Towards the end of the party, after we all had some beers we took our pictures to show we believe Digorno is better then delivery pizza. We convinced by brother in law to wear his stickers with no shirt on, hes always the goofy one so it wasn’t to hard to convince him lol

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Welcome to the world of flakes

So I got approved to host a Digorno pizza party last month. As SOON as I got approved I sent out invites to my family and a few friends. I was very excited since this was going to be my first time hosting anything like this. The only parties I’ve ever thrown are the kids birthdays and my sisters baby shower. I’m no expert at throwing parties which is fine by me but I take pride in what I’ve done and I can’t help but get excited as the party nears.
So here I sit, the day before the party with only one rsvp. Well two if you count my husband LOL I am very disappointed in this. A simple yay or nay is all I ask. I have to plan how much drinks I need to buy and appetizers and the rest of the small things yet I can’t because I have no clue who is coming. I called my mom to see if she will be here and she wants to play it by ear because Jr has a cough. I asked my other sister and her response was “ughhh” so I’m taking that as a no.
I don’t ask much of my family because I know the response I will get but from a simple get together I would have liked to have my family there.
I’m wondering if I am the only one who has to deal with this? It drives me nuts beyond belief, which in turn upsets my husband because he doesn’t like seeing me upset (sweet isn’t he lol) It’s times like these I wonder what things would be like if we still lived in another state

Okay I apologize for ranting, but hey it’s better to get it out then keep it bundled up inside right 😉

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Crazy weather

Well some would say it’s crazy weather but I just think it’s awesome. I am a California born and raised girl but for a brief few years we moved around a lot. In 2003 we moved to Texas, lived there for a year and ended up moving back to California. Not by choice, they closed down my husbands work station. We stayed in California for about two years and then moved to Colorado. We only lived there for about 5 months and then packed up and left for Georgia. Again we were only there for about 5 months. By this time our family had grown from just Steve and I to Jr and little Samantha. When we found out I was pregnant again we moved back to be closer to family. Crazy, yes I know LOL
So the reason I mention all the moving is because I got to experience many different types of weather. In Texas we had a tornado in the next town over, same with Colorado. We got to experience amazing thunder storms in Texas and Georgia. And I got to experience snow (yay) In Colorado and a little bit in Texas. Seeing as I’ve experienced these different types of weather it always gives me a good laugh when it rains here in California. And how they refer to it as “storm watch 2010”. If they only knew what a real storm was LOL
So I am siting back and loving all this rain and I’m excited for more next week!

Georgia (Do you know how many tries it took to capture this lol)
Colorado (I took this pic because the sky was so green)
Colorado (Jr’s first time in real snow)
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Party Planning Giveaway

If your anything like me planning a party can be stressful, trying to make sure everything is perfect and making sure you have enough of everything. I tend to go overboard and always have extra food, drinks, decorations LOL A friend of mine, Gena is hosting a giveaway for what I think is an awesome idea! It’s for a party planning pack from Atlanta Party Planning She offers invitations, decorations, food, entertainment, goodie bags, location and more!

Hurry up and head on over to enter, the giveaway ends January 21, 2010 @ 10:00 am EST

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Shame on me

Wow, I haven’t posted in a while. I have recently found twitter and yes I will admit I am addicted LOL So a little update on how things have been over here. Busy! I am not liking Steve being in school. Well let me clarify, I am proud of him for being in school but I am not liking the intersession schedule. He goes from 8am to 11:30am, comes home, takes a nap and then does homework almost until dinner time. Since it’s only a 5 week course as opposed to 5 months he has a TON of homework. So along with him being in school Jr is back in school. I will admit it is nice that Steve has morning class because now he drops Jr off in the mornings.
The kids are doing great, no sickies…wooohooo! Sam is now asking when she can go to school by herself. Little girl is totally ready and I am so not!
Well I’m off to clean, I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

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Cool contest I found to win free groceries for a year

“I don’t know about you but I would love not to have to pay for groceries for a year!”
Hey, I just entered this contest on to win free groceries for a year. All you have to do is put in your email address.

Even if you don’t enter, please click the link to help me win. (I get an extra entry for telling you.) Thanks!

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