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Shana Dieli


Go figure

I write a post about how big my baby boy is getting and he goes and looses his second tooth! Well not so much loosing as pulling, mommy pulling LOL He actually really surprised me. He doesn’t let me touch his teeth. When his first tooth was loose he freaked out and cried that it was loose. I kept asking if I could see how loose this tooth was but he refused to let me touch it. Yesterday he had been playing with it off and on all day and right at bed time he looks at me and asked me if I could pull his tooth out! I was shocked to say the least but excited he asked me so I didn’t waste anytime doing it.
These were taken this morning with his present from the tooth fairy. As you can tell he is still half asleep LOL

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My baby is growing up

I know it’s not much for some but for me it’s little things that make me realize just how fast my first born is growing up. He is six years old and growing so much every day. He is beginning to learn how to read and knows his alphabet, counts to 100, asks a million questions each day and now he knows how to make popcorn all by himself. And yes it was the learning how to make popcorn all by himself that almost made me cry. I still remember bringing him home from the hospital, walking up three flights of stairs and putting him in his bassinet for the first time. Oh where did my little itty bitty baby go šŸ™ I wish I could keep my babies young, selfish yes, realistic no LOL
On the other hand it makes me so excited to think of the man he will grow up to be one day. He’s already listed off about ten things that he would like to be when he grows up. Fireman, police man, Dr, working in construction. Of course some of the things he listed were just hilarious, go figure I can’t remember them right now.
Anywho, I’m realizing my baby is growing up and it’s hitting me hard today. I’ll just give him some extra cuddles when he’s asleep tonight.

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As I laid in bed last night I had hundreds of ideas pouring through of what to write about today, tomorrow, heck the rest of the week. And of course when I woke up this morning they were all gone! I’m wondering where everyone (bloggers) get’s their inspiration from. Obviously the main one for me is being a mother and talking about my kids. They are the biggest part of my life so why not talk about them, what’s wrong with a little bragging right LOL But there are other things in my life I enjoy like photography, cooking, the outdoors (except when it’s cold). As you can tell I am having a hard time coming up with things to talk about lately.
Oh on a side note, I made a button for my blog. Nothing special, actually it’s quite boring in my opinion but hey it works, right??? haha


Want to try to win a bumbleride stroller!

Momstart is hosting a great giveaway. Okay not great it’s awesome! From everything I have read and seen about the Bumbleride strollers they amazing. One lucky reader will win the Flyer by Bumbleride. Hurry up and enter because the giveaway ends on January 18, 2010!

Here’s the direct link also:

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What canā€™t you live without?

For me thatā€™s easy, my washer and dryer!Ā 


We actually have this love hate kind of relationship going on. I love them because without them I would go nuts hand washing all our clothes. I hate them because they donā€™t fold my clothes by themselves and put them away LOL

Iā€™m starting off the New year by cleaning my house and catching up on things I havenā€™t been doing (laundry).


And thatā€™s not even half of it. Not even close haha. Please excuse the unmade bed. I spent most of the morning and part of the early afternoon doing laundry and I am happy to say thatā€¦ is ALL done!



Samantha wanted to get it on the pictures šŸ™‚

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Happy New Year!


I got to ring in the New Year with two out of the four most favorite people in my life. I even got my New Years KISS from my wonderful hubby! Yay. As you can tell by the picture Jr was not in the picture taking mood but too bad haha, I wanted a picture of us on the first minute of the year 2010.


January 1, 2010 @ 12:01am


Ahhhh, much better

That was really nice to get out for a bit. Although my sister is, how do I put this nicely, um energetic lol oh and has a tendency to be a tad loud, but I had a really good time. Enjoyed some yummy Thai food and then on to the movies. Mmmmm, can I just say Edward is hot. And Jacob, with those bulging muscles, yummy. Gotta love a movie that involves vampires and hotties. I can’t wait for the third movie to come out. I think I might just have to pick up the series and read it again.
Now it’s seven o’clock, the two little’s are in bed and Jr, Steve and I are sitting watching Peter Pan. I doubt Jr man will make it till midnight but I usually ring in the New Year with him because Steve is usually working but it would be neat since he’s off this year if we can both ring it in with Jr. I hope every one has a wonderful New Years and stays safe!

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And I’m off

I’m so excited. I get adult time. I haven’t been out without the kids in so long. Don’t get me wrong I love my babies more then anything but everyone needs a little time away every once in a blue moon. My mom, my sister and I are heading out to lunch (Chinese food yay) and then were going to go see New Moon. We originally wanted to go when it first came out but my mom has been back and forth at my grandparents for two months so we haven’t been able to go. Soooooo I am outie 5000. Yummy vampires here I come! hehe

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Two out of three aint bad

(Btw, I am not a fan of the word aint. Every time I hear it all I think of is growing up and my parents saying “aint aint a word so you aint gonna use it”. I just couldn’t think of a better word right now)

Back on topic. I love that out of the three kids, two of them are not in the slightest picky eaters. My oldest (Jr) would never touch what I made Samantha and Shawn for lunch, Shana’s version of Shrimp Scampi, minus all but a tablespoon of butter. I just added some garlic, a little bit of salt and cayenne pepper and wha-la, lunch is served! Shawn is currently on helping number two. He will probably go for one more too. Actually I should specify that he will eat more shrimp, the rice is now covering my dining room floor.

And yes my kids are either half naked or still in their pj’s. Nothing wrong with having a nice lazy day around the house šŸ™‚

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