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Shana Dieli


Jr’s Christmas Party

Today was Jr’s first school Christmas party. I may not be able to volunteer as much as many other moms but I always make sure I am there to help for any type of party for the kids. It was so cute having the kids run up to me and hug me and say “I remember you, you’re Stephen’s mommy”. I worked at the reindeer hat station. Let me just say, that wore me out! Rotating between 35 kids, tracing all of their little hands and then cutting them out. Little scissors don’t mix with me being a lefty…haha. But it was a blast. I love working with kids. They are just the cutest things. I was only able to get a few pictures but this first one I just love. Mrs. Parish, Jr’s teacher was talking to the class about the holidays and the pj party tomorrow and things that got them excited and every time she stopped talking they all screamed and raised their hands, it was so funny I had to take a picture.
I have to say I really like Jr’s teacher. I was very worried when they switched him to her class at the beginning of the year but the more into the school year we get the more I like her. She’s not as lovey dovey as some Kindergarten teachers but she has her own ways. And a sense of humor which is always a plus. Another thing I like is she has always told me to feel free to bring my daughter who is three with me and to let her join in on the fun.

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What do you say…

When your six year old comes home from school and says the kids at school were laughing at him because his hair cut looks funny? I felt so sad for my little man and mad. Yes I am one of those over protective, don’t mess with my kids or you’ll have to deal with me moms. I try not to let it take control of me but instinctively I just want to protect my baby from any type of harm. I asked him what he said and he said he just told them not to laugh at him. I told him that was very good of him. I don’t have to worry about violence with Jr because he is one of the most non violent kids I know. I know this will not be the last time my baby will experience something like this. So how do I handle this type of situation? I want to teach him to stick up for himself but also not to let little things like teasing bother him. I’m sure I am way over thinking this, also typical of me, I’m just looking for some insight 🙂
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As they grow up

It is so much fun watching my kids grow up. Jr is in at an especially fun age right now with everything he is learning in school. He is asking me to spell at least ten words a day, and he loves counting. His teacher said he is very good at math. They made count down rings for Christmas, besides story time that is his favorite time of day. Getting to take one ring down and count the rest still hanging up.
He has never been much of a board game player because he didn’t grasp it. Now he LOVES to play them. We have played Sorry three times in the past week and my sister just got the kids Chutes and Ladders for Hanukkah tonight. He can’t wait to play that next Sunday when my husband is off work. The best part about tonight, my Jr man won!!!

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So tired

I have slept most of the day and still all I want to do is go to bed, but of course when I lay down my brain wont stop thinking. So I sit here with my eyes burning as if I haven’t slept in two days. Have I mentioned before I hate being sick.

I thought I would update on how our little family is doing since I have some quiet time to myself. Jr is now six years old. He had a blasty blast on his birthday yesterday. He asked me the night before if he could get up early, I told him I’d prefer him sleep in but that he could stay up late if he wanted. 7:45pm I look over and he is passed out on the couch. I had my sister Tia and my other sister Kyla and her family over. We had pizza and cake and present. Small and fun. Perfect. He is excited about his new pj’s and bath robe. His school is having a Polar Express party on Friday. They get to wear their pj’s, bathrobe, slippers and they get to bring a blanket. They’re going to read the Polar Express and then get a golden ticket so they can watch the movie. I don’t know who’s more excited, me or him. I think that is just the cutest idea ever.

Samantha is doing good. My once little chunky monkey is now my skinny minny. She has the same personality she had while in the womb. She likes to do things her way and in her own time. I do not believe in pushing kids to potty train. We have worked with Sam on and off for about the past year when she shows interest. But it never lasted long. Well go figure on her third birthday she just woke up and said okay I’m ready. She has been in panties ever since. She has only had three accidents since then! She still sleeps in diapers but I am sooooo proud of my little girl for doing so good at potty training. She is like a little sponge just waiting to soak up knowledge. Jr is on a spelling kick right now so anytime he asks me to spell a word she then asks. So I’m teaching two of my babies to spell 🙂

Shawn, my “little” Shawn, haha. He is a WILD child. And I say “little” cause he is not little. He is my chunky monkey. He weighs just 1.5 pounds smaller then his bigger sister. I am convinced he is going to be bigger then both Samantha and Jr when he is older. He will be our football player. The kid is so strong and has no fear at all! I am still young but he will be the one to give me gray hairs lol. He loves to climb on everything, loves to jump, and to everything he shouldn’t be doing. I love how curious he is about everything but man does he keep me on my toes. He has such a contagious way about him. He runs around with big smiles and giggles and anyone who sees him just instantly smiles. If it’s not his expressions it’s his hair. We get a lot of comments on his wonderful curls. I was surprised out of the three kids he got the curliest hair. He has almost all of his teeth, he is getting his eye teeth right now, three of them. He still has one eye tooth to come in then that’s it until he’s two.

Time is going by so fast. I am loving watching all my babies grow up but some days I just wish time would slow down so I could enjoy it more and soak it all in. But I am so thankful for what I have. Three beautiful, happy and healthy children. I couldn’t have asked for anything more.

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My first born

Six years ago I was laying in the hospital in Texas in labor. I had a wonderful labor experience (thank you Jr lol) I remember laying there thinking hmmmm maybe I shouldn’t of had those crab stuffed jalapenos with dinner last night haha. As soon as my little man was born I cried. He was just the most beautiful baby I had ever seen.
He is growing up to be such a wonderful little man. Happy as could be and FULL of energy. I never knew a kid could have so much energy! He loves figuring new things out and asking questions and he is just a smart little guy. He has his fathers love of airplanes. I think it runs in their blood cause both Samantha and Shawn have the same love.
Jr I love you more then you will ever know. I look forward to continuing to watch you grow into a young man and seeing everything you do. Happy 6th Birthday to my first born, Stephen Jr!


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Princess pampering

I always knew I would have a little girl and I couldn’t wait to do all the girly things with her. I wasn’t the girliest girl growing up, sure I loved my barbies and Strawberry shortcake but I wasn’t one for makeup and dresses and all the frilly stuff so I couldn’t wait to do that with my own little girl.
Samantha is such the little princess and boy does she know it. She just has to bat her little eyes and Daddy, Papa and Aunt Tia just give into her every little need lol This morning while Jr was at school and Shawn was napping I did Samantha’s hair and painted her finger nails and toe nails. She had a perma smile on the whole time. It’s nice everyone in a while to get some one on one quality time with each kid.
Here’s a few pics of my princess getting pampered.

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Britax Giveaway

I never knew about Britax until after my son was two years old and we were involved in a car accident. Thankfully he wasn’t hurt but when we went shopping for a replacement car seat my husband found Britax. I was apprehensive because of the price but after doing my research and talking with a lot of my mommy friends we decided to go ahead with it. I couldn’t be happier with the Britax seat. It has so many safety features and the easy latch system is the best!
The reason I’m writing about this is because MrsMoneySaver is having a WONDERFUL giveaway sponsored by Britax for an Advocate CS Convertible car seat! Go check it out

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10 little monkeys

Jumping on the bed. One fell off and bonked his head. Daddy called the Dr and the Dr said….NO MORE MONKEYS JUMPING ON THE BED.
Jr was singing this when I picked him up from school yesterday. Talk about bringing back some memories. I used to love singing this song and acting it out on my bed as a little girl. Can I just say that this is beyond exciting to me. Seeing my little boy having so much fun at school and learning things and coming home and showing me. And then seeing him experiencing those exact same things I did as a child. It’s just awesome to me.
I love watching my babies grow

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