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Shana Dieli


Ahhhh, I need help

I don’t know what is wrong with my camera but it has been slowly dying I think 🙁 First it started erasing pictures after I took them, well actually it says file is corrupt so it’s blank, no pic. Then my youngest pulled it off my desk and broke off the door that houses the memory card. And now I’m trying to put the pictures onto my computer and it keeps saying error, unable to download pictures because they are the wrong format or something, I can’t remember lol I’m just worried about loosing all my pictures on there. I love my camera and I don’t know what I’d do without it. It has treated me well for 4 years and over 15,000 pictures later.

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It’s that time of the year

To ask yourself what you are thankful for. Here’s my answer

I am thankful for many things, first off my family. My wonderful husband who works a full time job to support this family and he is going to school full time to be able to excel in another career. All this he does for his family and for that I am extremely thankful.
I am thankful to have three healthy and happy children. They keep me on my toes, especially my youngest Shawn, he is a wild child and I don’t mean that lightly lol
I am thankful for my parents, I don’t know where I would be without them. They have loved me no matter what and supported me with everything I have done.
I am thankful for my sisters. We might not always agree on everything but they are there for me when I need them, good times and bad.
I am thankful to have a roof over my families head and food on our table. Sure we struggle, don’t we all at some time or another but things could be worse and for that I am thankful.
And lastly I am thankful to be alive to be able to experience life and the joys it brings

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Amazing giveaway

I just came across I think one of the most amazing giveaways I’ve ever seen. Momstart is hosting a giveaway featuring F-secure and the 10 ways to protect yourself while holiday shopping online. First off, this is very informative, even if you don’t enter the giveaway reading their list is a must know if you shop online. Second the giveaway is beyond amazing. They are giving one lucky winner $500.00! Yes you read that right, I said FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS. There will be 5 gift cards, $100.00 to each of the following stores:

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Swadde Designs Giveaway

Leslie Loves Veggies is having another great giveaway. This one is for a Receiving Blanket and a Stroller Blanket from Swaddle Designs. I just have to say that these blankets, especially the stroller blankets looks soooo soft. There is nothing like wrapping your baby is a nice soft snuggly blanket and snuggling up with them 🙂

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Kitchen & Bathroom Faucet giveaway

Now who wouldn’t love a remodel? I don’t know anyone who could turn that down. Something as simple as a faucet can make a huge difference in the appearance of your kitchen and bath. Leslie Loves Veggies is having an awesome, and I do mean awesome giveaway for a new Kitchen & Bathroom faucet giveaway from Price Pfister!
Head on over and take a look at this great giveaway.

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Taste of Sam’s Club and Giveaway

Okay I just have to say WOW! The brochure from Sam’s Club for their Holiday Taste looks amazing. Everything in there looks, well amazing. I know I keep using the word but seriously take a look and you’ll agree.
Now I only came across this brochure because Mom talk with 3 Kids & Us is having a great giveaway for a 75 dollar gift card to Sam’s Club. There is also a coupon for a free one day pass to go to Sam’s Club and experience this wonderful food for yourselves at their sampling this weekend. So head on over and check it out.

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Natural Toothpaste giveaway

I have to say, FINALLY a natural toothpaste! I have been looking for something like this for quite sometime. I am excited reading the site about the products that The Natural Dentist offers. I am also excited that Leslie Loves Veggies is having a giveaway for a product of your choice from The Natural Dentist. I’ve already entered, have you!

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100 Postcard Giveaway

A great friend of mine is having a giveaway for 100 postcards from UPrinting. Now I don’t know about you but I could always use help around the holidays especially with Christmas cards. They don’t have to be used for Christmas though, they have a plethora of designs over there to choose from. So head on over to The Morris Bunch Blog and enter for these wonderful cards!

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Awesome giveaway

This is for all my mommy friends with more then two kiddos. The “typical” double strollers can be so heavy and hard to maneuver but the Bumbleride Indie Twin is very lightweight and with the two front wheels is looks like it would be easy to steer. Hop on over to to enter to win one of these amazing strollers!