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Shana Dieli


Sleepy tot giveaway

Everyone has their own little comfort items. Unfortunately mine tends to be food lol. Jr had a dolphin when he was younger, Samantha, well she had the boob and Shawn has his teddy. He has to have it in order to go to sleep. My friend is having a giveaway for a sleepy tot comforter. This thing is just too cute. So head on over and enter!
Sleep tot giveaway!

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I love my hunny

Today marks 12 years since Steve officially asked me out. We had been seeing each other for about a month and I wanted the official title of his girlfriend so one night, well September 1, 1997 to be exact, I was talking on the phone with Steve. He was on the payphone by the liquor store by his friends house, anywho we were talking and I told him he needs to ask me out. Of course he was like why we are together, I told him I know but I wanted him to officially ask me out. Like the good ole days 😉 So he proceeded to ask if I would be his girlfriend. Of course being the nice person that I am I said yes.

Here we stand 12 years, 7 years of that being married, 3 amazing children later. I couldn’t have asked for a better husband. Of course he has his times where I want to smack him but he is a great person. He is an absolutely amazing father to our children. He loves me for me and supports me in whatever I do. He works a full time job and has recently started going back to school full time to achieve a degree so he can advance in what he wants to do in life. I love that he is my best friend and I can talk to him about the good and the bad. I can pour my heart and soul out to him and he would listen. Of course he would throw in his two cents and I’m sure interrupt me a couple times but he will still listen and let me confide in him. He is my rock and my world.

I love you hunny and look forward to spending the rest of my life with you.

  • Steve Dieli

    Hunny, I want you to know that I feel the very same way. I enjoyed our phone conversation that we had twelve years ago when I asked you out officially. I remember standing out in front of the Bootlegger on the pay phone with you, listening to you explain some the angst you were feeling towards your parents regarding their dissatisfaction they felt about us being together. I have loved every minute, the good and the bad, that we have had since that phone call. We’ve had our ups and downs, but I know deep within my heart that you are my soul mate, the one I was destined to spend the rest of my life together with. Without our union, those three beautiful children God gave us wouldn’t be here. You filled an empitness in my life that no one, and I mean no one, could possibly fill. I love you hunny and look forward to tomorrow, the day after, and every day beyond that, because I know you will be there with me.

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Jr’s trip to the Dr again

Jr and I spent two hours at the Dr’s today. He woke up this morning with a 100.0 degree temp. Poor guy missed another day of school. Anyways, I love this Dr we saw. He was really bothered that Jr has now run a high temp like this three times in the past month. It got to 103.1 earlier today! He was also very pissed that the Urgent Care Dr prescribed him a cough med, one because it’s suggested not to give them to kids under six and two because it was a really hard core cough med that he said could have possibly killed him. (Fucking scary) Boy am I glad I didn’t fill it! He ran a cbc test, a urine test and got a chest x-ray. He said he ran the urine because depending on what the cbc test showed it could be a uti because of the high temp. That way we wouldn’t have to come back for more tests. The x-ray did show some lines in his lungs but not bad enough to be pneumonia (at least not yet) but his bronchial tubes are all clogged up. So he has bronchitis. He still wants to wait on the blood test results and see if those tell us anything else. Oh and he is really constipated. I also like this Dr cause he is all for natural treatment. He told us to put one drop of olive oil in his ears at night because his ears were so clogged with wax he couldn’t see anything. He even let me look in there and can I just say yuck! As for the constipation I am supposed to load him up on fruit, especially berries or anything with seeds. He said throw it all, whole kiwi, apples with core and all and made smoothies. The kids love their smoothies so that shouldn’t be a problem.
The only thing that sucks about him missing school is today they were going to introduce him to his new teacher and have the kids help move their things over to the new class. And the Dr said he can’t go back to school until Wednesday and he would be starting in his new class tomorrow so he’s missing out on getting prepared for this big change 🙁 I this doesn’t make things harder on him.

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Our Days

Are so busy lately. I know a lot of people would think our schedule is nothing compared to some but for me it’s not. Unfortunately Jr is sick so he missed school today. But Steve started going back to College today! So our days are a bit hectic since we only have one car. Jr starts school at 7:55 am and get’s out at 1:50 and then depending on the day Steve has either two or three classes at different times and we don’t have a parking pass so I’m taking him. Today the kids didn’t get to nap so it makes for a loooooong day. He even has a night class tonight that gets out at 10pm but I am not getting the chitlens out of bed to go get him, he can take the car!

I had to take Shawn BACK to the lab today to re-run his allergy tests. Apparently two weeks ago when they poked him not once but twice, they still somehow didn’t collect enough blood to run all the tests so it was cancelled and now were getting them redone. I really hope that they collected enough this time, if not I’m going to be pissed. I’ve already got the Supervisors card from the lab if again they don’t have enough blood collected I’m giving him a call and the center they send the blood out to where they run the actual test. Did any of that make sense lol

Jr was prescribed an inhaler today by his ped. We have one for school and one for home and he is to use it as needed, especially when sick since that’s when it flares up. He’s excited to try it out tonight, he doesn’t remember using as a toddler lol

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Terrified of needles

Not me, but my oldest son Jr. At least I think it’s the needles he’s scared of but I’m not sure. This is now my second experience with him freaking out and for me it’s mind blowing. We went to Kaiser to get Shawn and Jr blood tested for allergies, food and airborne. I especially wanted Jr tested before he starts Kindergarten next week (ahhhh). He had heard me mention it to my mom earlier and since then he was whining about not wanting to go. I kept telling him I know but this is something he needs to get done and it will only take a minute and not hurt but a second. First off Jr wouldn’t even get out of the car. We finally got him out and I had to reassure him the whole way in that it will be fine. We get in and thank goodness we run into my sister. So she watches Sam while Steve and I go in with the boys. Jr starts freaking out just walking back so I carried him in. The whole time were in there he is upset. They start getting Shawn ready and the lady says she can help us and Jr looked at me with this look of horror and RAN. I went chasing after him, he ran out the door and into the waiting room and out of the lab and down the stairs, in the process of opening one of the doors and him spinning around running he smacks me in the face when I reach down to get him. All this time screaming and crying. I finally catch up to him and “carry” him back in. He’s kicking and screaming at this point. I get him back into the room and they are finishing up with Shawn. So I take the baby and Steve sits down with Jr. Jr still hysterical says he wants mommy. So we switch kids again and I sit down with him. He’s still freaking out and I’m trying to get him to calm down and sit still. I had to hold him as tight as I could and Steve held down his arm while holding Shawn and the lady made him promise over and over again that he wouldn’t move. My goodness it was a huge ordeal. We finally got the blood drawn and as he’s still trying to catch his breath he out of no where says he likes hotwheels. I knew he was talking about the stickers because they give out stickers there. I told him see it wasn’t that big of a deal.

Ahhhhh, deep breath. Then they had to poke Shawn again because they didn’t get enough blood the first time 🙁

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A Family Favorite

I hope Tara doesn’t mind me sharing her recipe. I love the no name recipe 🙂 I forgot to take a picture of it before I devoured it but I got a pic of Shawn chowing down.
This recipe is as simple as they come! Here’s her directions.
I added a few of my own touches to it. I only used yellow bell pepper and added some onion and some mushrooms because they are Jr’s favorite. I also added a tad of garlic salt and cayenne pepper. I add cayenne pepper to almost everything though so that’s not surprising lol

Anywho, it was super yummy and even though I’m stuffed I am looking forward to leftovers tomorrow!


Just added the yummy veggies!


The finished product



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For Lake Arrowhead tomorrow! Were only going to stay the night one night but I’m still looking forward to the mini vacation. We all need it! And I am so looking forward to the cooler weather. This 110 degree weather is just yuck imo. Sooo, I’ll be back Thursday some time and of course I will be taking lots of pics 😉

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I had an interview bright and early this morning. It was for a local Law Firm. I was the first interview and I think I made a really good impression on the owner/attorney. If I were to get this job it would be of course Monday thru Friday and the hours would be 8am to 5pm with an hour lunch and he said he usually treats his employees one to two times a month by taking them out to lunch. I’m excited because it’s right down the street from the house so I could come home for lunch (if I get it) and see my babies and hubby and then go right back to work. So keep your fingers, toes and legs crossed I get the job lol.
On a sad note Shawn is officially done nursing. He stopped on July 2nd and shows absolutely no interest in it anymore. I still can’t get over how not three months ago he was nursing 4 or 5 times a day and then all of the sudden he went to one and now none 🙁 I’m having a hard time accepting it. He’s been trying to wean for a while but I just kept trying and trying. Of course he’s not a cuddler so I can’t even get some baby lovin 🙁 Oh well I’ll just go hold him when he sleeps.


Chubby thighs and…

cribs don’t match! Poor Shawn woke up this morning crying so I went into go get him and as I tried to pick him up he fell back down. That’s when I realized his leg was stuck in the crib! I tried getting it out but it wouldn’t budge. Poor little man was just laying there unable to move, arms sprawled out with tears running down his face 🙁 I don’t know how long he was like that but I’m assuming a while because he has bruises on his thigh. I ended up having to go get the Vaseline and rub it on his leg and crib to get him out.

  • Virginia

    Awwww poor lil man!!!! How scary for you to not know he was like that- things happen!! (((GREAT BIG HUGS)))

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My Dad

Cracks me up. A couple weeks ago my parents took Jr camping. I still need to get the pictures from my mom but when I was looking at them this one just made me lmao so I emailed it to myself and thought I would share. It’s a little small so you might need to click on it to see the full size version to get why it made me laugh

  • Virginia

    That is INDEED funny! He needed to see what he was doin…lol

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