Today marks 12 years since Steve officially asked me out. We had been seeing each other for about a month and I wanted the official title of his girlfriend so one night, well September 1, 1997 to be exact, I was talking on the phone with Steve. He was on the payphone by the liquor store by his friends house, anywho we were talking and I told him he needs to ask me out. Of course he was like why we are together, I told him I know but I wanted him to officially ask me out. Like the good ole days 😉 So he proceeded to ask if I would be his girlfriend. Of course being the nice person that I am I said yes.
Here we stand 12 years, 7 years of that being married, 3 amazing children later. I couldn’t have asked for a better husband. Of course he has his times where I want to smack him but he is a great person. He is an absolutely amazing father to our children. He loves me for me and supports me in whatever I do. He works a full time job and has recently started going back to school full time to achieve a degree so he can advance in what he wants to do in life. I love that he is my best friend and I can talk to him about the good and the bad. I can pour my heart and soul out to him and he would listen. Of course he would throw in his two cents and I’m sure interrupt me a couple times but he will still listen and let me confide in him. He is my rock and my world.
I love you hunny and look forward to spending the rest of my life with you.
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