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Shana Dieli


My sister

She gave me flowers the other day along with a special card. I was really touched by this. Here’s a picture of the flowers (straight out of the camera btw, a little proud of


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Typical Day in the Dieli household

Jr went with my mom in the motor home to run some errands. He LOVES bring in that thing. He even got to make cookies while at my moms house. Of course they are all gone now :X Here’s a couple pictures from our day today.

  • Christine

    LOL at the last pic. Charlie is forever trying to get into the fridge! He can get into the pantry and he always pulls out everything from the bottom shelf!

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The big ONE year old!

I still can’t believe my little man is already a year old. I swear it was yesterday morning I woke up and was in total denial of being in labor. I was online talking to my friends Gena and Amanda and they kept trying to convince me it was real and I should contact my midwife…lol
Steve was working on last Saturday, his actual birthday so we had a party for him on Sunday. It was a fun day. Here are a few pics of his party. And the link to all of them since you know I just don’t take a few pictures 😉


Breakfast time!

The kids favorite part of the day! They all loves fruit smoothies and I don’t feel bad giving it to them since they are just fruit and juice. I promised Jr we would make Popsicle’s for a treat today so I froze some this morning. Here are a couple pics from this morning.

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Trying to keep up

With everything over here. Got Samantha and Shawn to bed and I did the dishes, swept and mopped both the kitchen and the bathroom. Finished cleaning the rest of the bathroom including bleaching the tub because Samantha thought it would be okay to poop in there. I vacuumed the dining room and just need to finish the living room then that’s done. Oh and I swept and mopped the entry way….lol even though it’s tiny.
Everything is normal in the Dieli household. The kids have a ton of energy. They love to play and Trouble Maker 1 (Samantha) and Trouble Maker 2 (Shawn) are like little clones of each other getting into everything. But they are so cute.
I weighed Shawn the other day and it said he weighed 24.5 lbs. My jaw dropped when I saw that. I don’t know if that’s right or not but if so, damn! lol
No Palm Springs this week. Not sure if Steve is still going to continue with ot classes. It is so damn hot out there. Blech.
Um I think I ran out of things to say…haha so farewell for now

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Wii time

My mom came over the other day and we were playing the Wii so she tried her hand at it. She’s never played before. It was cute…lol Here’s a couple pics

Sam “playing”. Her controller wasn’t active but she still had a blast

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My little brag

I have to tell you all how very proud of my baby girl I am. I was taking oranges out of the bag this morning and after each one I took out Samantha counted. She counted all the way up to SEVEN with absolutely no help from me. I am so proud of her. I don’t remember when they are supposed to start learning these things but imo I think she’s way early. So yeah I am very proud of my baby girl.

  • A.V.A

    Aw Justyn could count to 10 in Spanish at this age, but Jacob is no where close. He makes sounds for counting but he doesn’t talk much.

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Man it is so hot out! It’s six o’clock and it’s still 90 degrees outside. I don’t mind the heat usually but I am not handling it well this year. I’ve handled it better while preggo…lol And their talking this weekend it’s supposed to be back down into the 60’s. That’s just crazy. Right now I am really missing living at the beach with the nice ocean breeze to cool me down.

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