Yeah what’s new huh! We had a great Easter, minus the 4 hours Steve spent at urgent care. I’ll post about that in a bit.
My sister Kyla and her bf Robert and my niece Marisa came over about 9:30 yesterday morning so we could do a Easter Egg hunt for the kids. My mom came over right as we were about to start. The kids had a blast trying to find all the eggs. It took Samantha a minute to figure out what she was supposed to do but once she did she loved it. The kids found all the eggs. Shawn got one…lol. I posted just a couple pics on my 365 Blog if anyone wants to take a peek. I uploaded even more to our family picture site also, just click the link. After the kids woke up from their nap we went over to my parents house for dinner. OMG I ate way too much! We had ham, mashed potatoes, deviled eggs, salad and broccoli. And for desert there was brownies, ice cream and a chocolate mouse pie. Good thing I hate mouse otherwise I would have gained ten pounds eating that also lol. I took more pics and of course forgot my camera at my parents. And my sister got a ton of great pics of the kids playing outside so I need to get her memory card so I can share those too.
All in all it was a great family day!
black nike blazers