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Shana Dieli


I got an award!

I got a nice little surprise from not one but two people. My wonderful friends that I have known for almost two years now (omg I can’t believe time has flown by that fast) Gena and Tara.
Thank you so much girls, it as a nice surprise!

So along with the award comes some rules…here they are…

Rules do accompany this honor:”These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.”

I don’t have that many friends that blog so this was all I could come up with 🙁

Tena-Punky Monkeys

Virginia-Mommy is blessed

Valerie- A day in the life of Valerie

Jen- It’s a Preemie World

Now playing: Fear Factory – National Panel Beating
via FoxyTunes

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Well so much for that

I was supposed to get a colonoscopy done today BUT that is a no go. I started the oh so wonderful tasting drink to “cleanse” my body and has a pretty sever allergic reaction to it. I started breaking out in hives and my throat started to itch and I could feel it starting to swell a little bit so I took two benedryl and had to cancel my appointment. Everyone at Kaiser is stumped. They have no idea what I could have had an allergic reaction to and they wont reschedule me because that is the only prep option they have. Soooo I have an appointment with the GI Dr on April 16th to see where the hell to go now. Fun times eh…lol At least I got to eat and not go almost two days with no food.

Now playing: Klaus Badelt – Walk the Plank
via FoxyTunes

  • Jen

    (((Shana))) How scary!! Glad you are okay!

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Can you say yummy

We went to my parents tonight to make my dad and sister dinner since my mom was gone. We try to go over there once a week to do a family dinner and just hang out and we can’t tomorrow so tonight it was. Of course we brought mahi mahi over. Steve usually cooks it blackened but was in the mood for something different so he said he thinks he’s going to try for something Italian tonight. OMG it was soooooooooooooo good! This man comes up with some good recipes off the top of his head. He marinated the fish in a little bit of garlic salt and olive oil. Then when he cooked it he seasoned it with some parsley and oregano. In a separate pan he had garlic onions and red bell peppers carmelizing and about ten minutes before those were done he added some white wine in. Poured the finished veggies over the fish. Cooked for another couples minutes and whala, and amazing dinner.


What to do today

hmmmm, so much to do and so little time. We were going to all walk to the park but Jr is still coughing a lot when he gets excited so scratch that idea. So were going to go to the mall and exchange Jr’s shoes that I bought that were too small. Hopefully they’ll let us since I don’t have a receipt. Then I want to get my ring cleaned cause, well it’s disgustingly dirty lol. I have a ton of things that need to get done around the house but I think I’ll let them wait a little bit. Although I do want to go through some baby stuff we will no longer be needing and try and sell it 🙁 Bye bye baby stuff….waaaaah. Oh well had to come some day right.
Oh yeah, on Friday I will be getting a colonoscopy whippee (insert sarcasm). I’m so not looking forward to it. Thank goodness I’ll be asleep but I have to eat only clear liquids for two days. So uncool. I’m going to be moody. At least my mom will be coming over to help since Steve has to go to work that day. Wish me all luck and that the results come back completely normal.

  • Gena

    You are in my thoughts hon! I’m glad your mom will be over helping!

  • Jen

    I hope the colonoscopy goes okay and you get good results! ((( )))

  • •••
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Just wanted to send out a few pics of my silly kids.

The princess

Our silly little man so happy to be covered in food

And our Jr man messing around

Even though some days are stressful and the kids are on super crack I am so blessed to have my healthy babies. My life is wonderful and wouldn’t change anything.
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Dr appointments

We took (Actually I should say Steve took) both Jr and Samantha to the Dr today. Jr is sick and was running a 102.5 temp with a yucky cough and there was something going around out here a couple weeks ago so I just wanted to be safe and get him seen. The Dr doesn’t think it’s anything like bronchitis but get this he put down a diagnosis of sinus something or other just so he could write him a script of Ammox just to ease my mind. I wasn’t at the appointment just texting Steve while he was there. Now imo that’s BS. If your a Dr and you think there is medically nothing wrong then why the hell would you write a prescription to treat something that isn’t there! Ugh so I’m just trying to get him to take as many fluids as I can and control the temp.
Now for Sam, her skin is really bad again. And now she has one of those little white bumps that she gets on her inner thighs and bum on her hand. Yes her hand. Not even close to the same area. Still don’t know what they are but we requested to see the Chief or head Dr in dermatology. No one else since the guy we saw was a pud. The pediatrician said they don’t have a head Dr there so she is going to send her to the next best thing which is in her opinion the best Derm with Kaiser. She is out in Panorama City but I don’t care. I will drive anywhere to get help for my baby girl. She has started scratching again in her sleep so she has sores on her hands and legs 🙁

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Yay it’s Sunday

I know most people don’t like Sunday’s because their kids go back to school Monday or their hubby’s go back to work but I love Sundays because Steve comes home and we get to spend Monday through Thursday together as a family. I’m a little bummed he’s working a double shift today so he wont be home until like midnight but we still have the rest of the week. I’ve been keeping myself busy with the house today. So far I’ve done the dishes, taken out all the trash, done two (working on the third) loads of laundry, the kids have all eaten breakfast and Shawn is down for his first nap. Um I think that’s it. I need to vacuum. I vacuum twice a day now sometimes three. Shawn is just the messiest little eater. It’s cute so I don’t mind but I wish I had a better vacuum. Oh well. I will take what I can get 🙂
Okay off to get my laundry. Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!


Win a free Mei Tai

Just wanted to share this awesome giveaway! You can win a free Mei Tai carrier which are a great way to carry around your little one’s.
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The one I love

So I realized I never really post about my husband. I try to keep a lot of our life private and making sure I do that it’s hindered me from posting about him. But no more. I want to talk about what an amazing person he is. He is my world. He has stood next to me for twelve years now and never has his feelings for me gone astray. He loves me just as much as he did twelve years ago, if not more. He is an amazing father. He loves playing with the kids and helping me with them, reading them stories, looking at airplanes (all the kids are mini Steve’s in that way…lol) and just all around an awesome father. He treats me like a queen. I’ve never asked for it and sometimes feel bad receiving such treatment but he says he is just treating me the way I deserve to be treated 🙂 He has taken over the kitchen duties. He cooks amazing dinners every night he is home. We are eating so much healthier because of that. I love cream sauces and cheese, it’s my down fall. I never knew he could cook. I used to tease him the only thing he knew how to cook was prego sauce but boy was I wrong. He is my rock with a lot of things that have been going on in my life. He is always there to let me cry on his shoulder if I need to, to give me a hug or cheer me up when I need it. He is my one true love and I just had to express how I feel and how blessed I am to have him in my life.