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Shana Dieli



Was Jr’s soccer party. All the kids had a fun time. Who wouldn’t, pizza, cup cakes and games. All three kids are sitting on the couch and Jr and Sam look about ready to pass out. They’re so cute. On Monday we have Jr’s award ceremony. That’s going to be so cute seeing all the little kids getting their trophy’s. And gosh dangit I freaking forgot my camera! Me of all people had no camera. Pick your jaws up off the floor. It happens occasionally. But I WILL NOT forget it for the awards. Okay off to get a really cranky little girl to bed.

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It’s cold in here, there must be something in the atmosphere…lol Name that quote!

Ok it’s not really cold in here but it is outside. So glad I don’t have to go anywhere today especially since I have no idea where any of my warmer clothes are.
Little update on our household. Samantha and Shawn are sick. They go in and out of being happy and cranky which I totally understand. Shawn is having troubles nursing because he’s so congested 🙁 Poor baby.
Steve, Jr and I are not sick. Steve is still recovering. He did his normal shift, light duty of course. He is still sore from time to time but man he needs to hurry up and heal cause I need to get me some lovin…lol
Other then that things are same same over here.

Now playing: Paradise Lost – Shades of God
via FoxyTunes

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Our Halloween

We had such a fun night. Steve had to work which sucks, the kids and I missed him 🙁

The kids and I went over to my parents house and my friend Tiffany came over with her bf and two kids. We all (my family, Kyla’s family, my mom and Tiffany’s family) went out t.o.t. together. We went to the track homes across the street. At first there was like no one there but after a while the streets started to fill up. Everyone loved the kids costumes. We got a lot of awwwww’s for Samantha. Shawn spent most of his time either in the stroller or or in the baby hawk. Oh Jr was dressed as a fireman, Samantha as a flower fairy and Shawn as a polar bear. Jr of course loved t.o.t. and was totally on the ball this year. He knew exactly what to do. Samantha also got the hang of it pretty quick. After the first house her expression was so cute, like wow all I have to do is go to people’s doors and I get all this candy….lol When we were almost done, about three houses left Samantha started saying “Twick Tweet” at the doors, so flippin cute.
Okay enough rambling, here’s a link to some pics if anyone is interested.

Now playing: Bad Religion – The Grand Delusion
via FoxyTunes

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All done

We are officially not having anymore kids. Steve went in on Monday and got snipped. So we are complete as a family of five. I’m wondering if this is even a topic I should be sharing about…lol
Okay, I’ll stop and post about something else later or tomorrow

  • Gena

    LOL The Fabulous Five!!!

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I know we haven’t been busy but I feel like we have been. Yesterday we brought over bratts, turkey sausage and turkey dogs to bbq at my parents. I made a mac and cheese casserole and baked beans. And fed my dad and sister. Then today we went over there and brought pizza. We also went to the library today to get some specific books and of course they didn’t have the one’s I wanted 🙁 But Steve and the kids got books. And bad bad mommy and daddy. I cannot believe we freaking forgot all about Jr’s soccer practice! I’ve never done that before. I feel so bad.
Okay random, Jr just told Steve that he wants mommy and daddy to go to bed so he can pay for stuff on the video game…lol
Anywho, so yeah I feel tired like we’ve been doing a bunch but we really haven’t. We had our car fixed from the little fender bender Steve got into. The estimator came out and gave us a quote for 570 bucks. I thought that low. They gave us a mini van for a week! I was soooooooooo in heaven. No having to climb into the back of a two door car just to get the kids buckled in. But we had to give it back yesterday 🙁 My mom asked how we liked having our car back yesterday and Steve and I answered at the same time. But his answer was he loves it and mine was I hate it…lol. Seriously I hate our car. It kills my back just putting the kids in there and it is such a pain in the ass. When I have the car I avoid going places because I don’t want to have to put them in the car.
Okay enough complaining, I’m off to catch some zzz’s.

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On a mission

Okay I’m on a mission to have an entirely clean house! Lets see last night I did the dishes, cleaned the whole kitchen, cleaned our two bathrooms, emptied the last three boxes, took the trash out, cleaned the kids room and started a load of laundry. I think that’s it.
Today my mission is to finish as much of the laundry as I can, put away the remaining kids toys that are in the living room and then vacuum the house and the wha la, my mission will be accomplished. I got music going and I’m ready to go! Yay me 🙂

Now playing: HIM – Join Me In Death
via FoxyTunes


Not myself

I can’t talk about it but I just had to say out loud that that the only thing that is keeping me going right now is my three babies and my husband. Without them I don’t know, well I just don’t know anymore.

  • Gena

    You will feel yourself again soon. I am always here for you! Just give it some time.

  • Tena

    Hang in there sweetie!!!!{{{ gentle hugs }}}}

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Tagged: Sixth of the Sixth

I’ve been tagged for the first time (at least that I know of…lol)by Amanda

I went into my thousands of pictures and picked the 6th month of 2008 and the 6th picture in that album.

In this picture is my baby Shawn only a week old here and Samantha 18 months old. She was in awe of her new little brother and had to know everything that was going on, including our little photo session.

Now it’s my turn to pass the torch too…



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