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Shana Dieli



Today is a total lazy day. We have all been in our pj’s all day. Why bother getting dressed when it’s butt ass cold outside and were not going anywhere…lol
On a sucky note, with this cold dry weather Sam’s skin is flaring up. Poor thing is so itchy. And it’s weird her hair is like flat, very little curl to it. I don’t get it.
Okay yeah I have nothing interesting to talk about right now. I’m tired and I’m brain farting big time right now.

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I’m back

Ok I think I’ve been gone long enough. Things are going okay over here.
Jr is same same, loving soccer. They have won one game so far but it’s okay because they are all having such a fun time just being out there playing.
Samantha is also doing good. My little tornado. She loves to get into things and tear it apart. She has mastered the word uh uh, her version of no. She also recently has started telling me when she goes poop so I’m hoping that’s one step closer to potty training!
Shawn is doing great. Growing like a weed. He is four months now and 18 lb 1 oz and 26 3/4 inches long. My big boy! We’ve been having sleep issues but nothing I haven’t dealt with before. Just wish I could get a good nights sleep instead of being up every single hour like clock work 🙁 He is also loving sitting in the boppy. He looks like such a big boy sitting there it’s so flipping cute.
Steve and I are doing good. Nothing new to report with me. I’m boring. Steve on the other hand submitted some of his pictures from the airshow onto an airshow website and the team of the airplane he took pics of found them and want to use them I believe for their site. I am very proud of him.
Um I think that’s about all that’s been going on here. Oh were going to the pumpkin patch this week. I can’t wait. It’s the same one I used to go to when I was a kid. Jr has been there once but this will be Sam’s and Shawn’s first time.

  • Amanduh Huggenkiss

    I’m glad you are back! How can I be nosey when you stop blogging? LOL!

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I don’t know that I’m going to be posting for a bit. I’m not feeling up to par lately and just not in the mood to talk or be happy. I haven’t even been taking pictures and that’s well just odd for me.

  • Jen

    (((Shana))) I know the feeling!! If you need to talk/vent, you know my email!

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Well nothing new to report over here. Things have for once been rather boring. I got my new steam cleaner from my mom that was supposed to be my birthday present but Samantha decided to smear pooh on the floor. It’s nice and cleans out the dirt from the carpet pretty well but not the stains. I need to get some spot spray and hopefully that helps. If not I might be taking it back which I really don’t want to do.
I bought Samantha’s Halloween outfit today. I’m so excited to see her in it. I’m going to try to get to the Halloween store and pick up Jr’s and then to the mall for Shawn’s unless I find something better there. I can’t believe my little baby will be two and Jr will be five! Where the heck has all the time gone.


Friday Five

Five things I am gratefull for

1. My husband-he is my rock, the love of my life
2. My children-they remind me that everyday is wonderful and to cherish it with them
3. My family-they help keep me smiling
4. My friends-they are here for me when I need then and visa versa
5. To be alive-so I can cherish all these things I just listed
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Train Collision 09/12/08

I’m sure many of you heard about the train accident that happened yesterday in the Chatsworth Park area. It is so devastating to see something like this happen and to know it was from human error makes it worse. My dads secretary’s daughters fiance was on that train. We all prayed from the moment we heard that he was okay. We sadly got news last night that they found his body in the first train. He was only 18 years old. I didn’t know this kid but I cried. It just broke my heart. This poor kid is never going to be able to marry the girl he loves and raise a family with her and his family wont be able to watch him grow into a man. He was ripped from this world to early. Please keep his family and his fiances family in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you everyone.

Here is a link to the story they published in the local paper today

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They have hit my household full force! First it was me with a sore throat then Steve got it and turns out he has strep throat then Sam started running a temp, went up to 102.8 today and I think she has strep also and I have a pounding headache and have been getting NO sleep. I hope Shawn isn’t getting sick cause he isn’t sleeping. Only one still normal is Jr. Sickies leave my house!!!!!

  • Tena

    {{{{ gentle hugs }}}}Hope you are all feeling better soon!

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Mil is here

I am so happy to report that when my mil walked in the door the kids went right to her with open arms! I was really surprised of Samantha because she normally isn’t like and I know that made my mil’s day. She went to Jr’s soccer practice with Steve while I stayed home with Samantha and Shawn. And I’m excited Jr’s first game is this Saturday. Kind of wish it wasn’t at 8:00 am. But I can’t wait to see my little guy playing, it’s going to be so cute!

  • HopelesslyDevine

    I can’t wait for the pictures!!!!! So glad MIL arrived safely!

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So much to do…

And so freaking little time! I have to bust ass, and I mean some serious busting ass today and clean. I haven’t been in the mood to clean the past two days. I get tired of doing the same thing over and over and over everyday and it never staying nice for longer then five minutes. So I went on a mini strike. So now it looks like a tornado hit my home.
Lets see, what do I need to do.
1. Dishes
2. Vacuum
3. Laundry, omg so much freaking laundry
4. Figure out what to do with my last three boxes!
5. Clean of computer desk
6. Sort mail, make files for bills and file them away
7. Mop the kitchen floor again
8. Oh yeah got to shower some time today
I hope that’s it. I’m probably forgetting something, I tend to do that. Oh and tomorrow is going to be a crazy day. Shawn has his newborn screening appointment at 10am, then I need to take him for the blood screening after that, then run over and apply for a social security card for him. Oh and mil is coming somewhere in between all this so Steve is going to have to drop me off because our car wont hold one more person. Ah, crazy world I call my life. Okay I better get started on my to do list.

Now playing: HIM – Vampire Heart
via FoxyTunes

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