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Shana Dieli


My husband

The happiest day of my life is when I became your wife

We have had our rough times, heck what marriage doesn’t but I love him. He is my world. I don’t know what I would do without him. We had a long talk today and opened up to each other and realized some things we could do to improve ourselves and I am excited to take this next step in our lives. As many of you my friends we are under A LOT of stress right now and I know that can take a toll on us but I think in a way it is helping bring us closer and stronger. I love that we can hash it out and at the end of it still love each other as much as we did before, if not more. We have always been like that and value that so much about our relationship. We are not the traditional husband and wife, we don’t do things as everyone else always would but being different makes us special 🙂
Ok, done spilling my guts about how much I am in love with my husband. Off to bed.

  • HopelesslyDevine

    I am soooo happy for you guys! I think you two are a fantastic couple and can get through anything together!

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Here I am

I’m here and I’m square…lol. Not really. But I’m trying to get back into blogging more often. I have been in a funk lately and there’s so many things on my mind but I just can’t open up with the world and tell it. It’s way to personal.
So anyways, moving on. My mother in-law will be coming to visit us on Thursday. I’m looking forward to it and not looking forward to it at the same time. I love her but she can be a downer a lot. I’m not going to let her get me or Steve down though. I hope the kids aren’t scared/shy around her. Sometimes, well especially with Samantha, they can take a little bit to warm up to people and since it’s been what I think over a year since they’ve seen her it might be hard for them. If it is I do not want to hear it from her. This is where she is a downer. She will get upset that they don’t like her but what does she expect. She never comes out to see them. She has a hell of a lot easier time coming out to see us then us traveling with three kids and hoping Steve has a day off.
Ok I don’t want to talk about that subject again. Moving onto happier things. Samantha is a little fireball. I swear if I get grey hair it’s her fault…lol. She is such a mischievous little bugger. She went into their room to I thought play and this is how I found her.
While we were at my parents she was “fishing” and the little bugger wouldn’t stay away from the edge of the pool. She was scaring the crap out of me.
Oh and I can see into the future….lol. Here’s a pic of my LITTLE girl walking in her aunties stiletto heels.

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Shawn is three months

I can’t believe my little man is three months old already! Where has the time gone, obviously way to fast gosh dangit. I tell him all the time to stop growing up so fast, it’s just not fair. And the fact that he is a HUGE baby doesn’t help. HE weighs 18 lbs and is 26.5 inches tall. Jr weighed 18 lbs at one year old! And he only weighs 5 lbs less then Samantha.
He is a wonderful baby, happy as can be and just the best addition to complete our family. I couldn’t have asked for anything better. His big brother and sister LOVE holding him and making him laugh. And I love watching it. It’s so heart warming to see my kids play together.

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At a loss

I think this is the most upset, depressed, down, whatever you want to call it, that I’ve been in years. I don’t want to talk about it though.
On a side note Jr is staying at the fair with my mom and sister. He loves spending time with my family, doesn’t matter where they are just that he’s with them.

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I don’t get it

Just when I start feeling like things might be looking up I get hit with a ton of shit. In this case it’s bills. Our electric bill because we had the old house also is 745 bucks.! Our gas bill is 300 also because of the old house. Oh and I got an explanation of benefits from our old insurance company for Shawn’s hospital stay, that was 50 THOUSAND dollars. I am so scared to see what the actual bill is from our new insurance company since it’s a PPO. So much for things looking up. I don’t know how were expected to make a living for our children when were being raped by medicals bills and just bills in general.
I HATE THIS SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!! Ugh okay done venting, I might go cry now.

  • HopelesslyDevine

    More people know how you feel then you realize. I know for sure that I do! You can do it! It just takes time. (((((SHANA)))))

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Let’s see what do I need to do today.

1. Laundry
2. Vacuum
3. Make the kids beds back up since I washed their sheets
4. Unpack some more boxes
5. Go with Steve to clean my parents pool
6. Maybe see if the kids and I can go to the fair to see my sister, scratch that were going tomorrow
7. Oh yeah, shower….lol

I think that’s about it. I really should get off my butt and go do it huh. Maybe while Steve is cleaning the pool I’ll take Shawn and go for a walk around the block. Hope everyone is havign a great weekend.

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So every school or daycare that I’ve looked into about possibly working there as some type of assistant wants at least 12 ce credits. I’ve always wanted to be a teacher but have put my wants aside. I’m also realistic and now that with three kids and no one to watch them it’s not really something I can do. But I’m thinking that maybe I can do it part time online. Just a thought, not jumping into anything because I can’t financially right now but now that the possibility is there I might look into it later.
On a side note. I started getting chest pains again today. It better not be because I went walking. But let me tell you pushing a 4.5 yr old and a 1.5 yr old in a double stroller is hard and then carrying Shawn in my carrier. I had a good work out with that even though it was a short walk. I have a feeling it has to do with my weight. When i get heavy I start getting chest pains and well I’m slowly gaining weight. I hate my body. Why can’t I just stay at the weight after I have a baby and not gain only loose. Every time I pop a kid out I do GREAT and loosing all the baby weight but after about two months it always creeps back up. I hate my body. I am so scared of ending up obese. But man I have no motivation to get off my ass and do anything about it. I just let it get to me and get me down and that’s it. Ugh I make myself sick sometimes.
Okay done with the pitty party. I think it’s bed time now.

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Happy 21 months Sam!

Happy 21 months Samantha!

She is just the best little girl I could have ever asked for, Yes the girl gives me a freaking heart attack every day because she is such a mischievous little thing but I love her to death. She is so sweet and loves her brothers and Daddy and she still is a mommy’s girl 🙂 So I just had to come on here and tell her Happy 21 months baby girl! Can’t beleive she’s almost TWO!
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Jr’s First Soccer Practice

Today at 4 Jr had his first soccer practice. It was a mad dash before hand to get a ball, shin guards and cleats. Yes, bad mommy waited until the last minute to get his supplies. Well I didn’t get a call from the coach until Monday so I really didn’t have that much since I didn’t have a car. Any ways. three stores later we got all the stuff he needed 🙂 He was soooooo CUTE at practice. When the coach would ask a question all the kids would raise their hands and Jr would look around and raise his too even though he had no clue what the coach was talking about. He ran and ran and ran it was awesome, and the boy still is full of energy! Each of the kids told the coach what they thought their team name should be and then he picked from a bag. So Jr’s team name is Soccer Monsters….lol I am in charge of the banner, I have to say I’m proud of myself for volunteering to help. I’m trying to get myself out there a bit more. Here are a couple pictures from his practice today!


Go Jr!

Hi fives

All done, going home



Here I sit, 11:38 pm all the kids are asleep and I am wide awake and bored. What should I do….hmmm. I already did the dishes and cleaned the kitchen. I can’t vacuum cause I don’t want to wake anyone up. I have four boxes sitting here that need to be collapsed and taken out to the trash but I’ll leave that for Steve. I am going to go shower in a little bit so I can get the smell of spit up off me. Actually Shawn’s reflux has been much better lately. Don’t know why but I’m not complaining.
Oh little bit of an update on the drama in my life. I got a notice in the mail today that we have to go back to court on the 25th at 8:30 am so I’m assuming we will be there all day again like last time which sucks big monkey balls. This time I am making sure Steve will be there even though the freaking notice is in my name. Same as last time but I don’t want the judge to talk shit to me again. And now Steve has to take a day off of work for this shit. This is bs you know that! Ugh
Okay enough of that crap. The kids are doing great. Jr and Sam are always full of energy and are great little kiddos. Shawn is just adorable and such a good baby. He did have a little bit of a rough time napping cause Sam kept waking him up ;( but he’s asleep now, well actually has been for a while. He wont be getting up until around 3am, hopefully.
Okay enough random chatter, I’m off to shower.

Here’s a couple pics of my babies

Jr man during a bath

My little Shirley Temple

Here’s our little man fast asleep sucking on two of his fingers

  • HopelesslyDevine

    The kids are beautiful as ever! I hope that things clear up with the “crap” fast! Hopefully court will be done and over with that day! I love ya!!

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