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BlackBerry Q10 Qwerty Shortcuts

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* I am part of the Verizon Wireless Ambassador program. A device was provided to me with three months of service in exchange for my honest opinions about the device. All thought and opinions expressed therein are my own *

I have been using the BlackBerry Q10 for a few months now and one thing I didn’t think the phone would be capable of is speed. Yes I was a skeptic. I had never heard of the qwerty keyboard and I thought there is no way this keyboard could be fast. I assumed that by having ot press the shift key in order to type out certain characters or number, that it would slow me down. I am happy and not at all embarrassed to admit that I was completely wrong. It’s not often that I am wrong, or at least that I admit I was wrong but when it comes to technology I actually enjoy being wrong because then I have learned something new. And with the constant change that is technology learning about new technology is always fun.

One thing that helped me A LOT in my first few weeks was this handy handy little shortcut sheet. Little may be the wrong word to use since it is four pages filled with helpful shortcuts to help you navigate through your BlackBerry Q10. I hope these shortcuts are helpful for you if you have a BlackBerry Q10.

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Screen Shot 2013-10-16 at 6.43.02 PM


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