I am not going to lie or sugar coat things. 2014 was a horrible fucking year. Oh my, Shana just dropped the F bomb. Why yes, yes I did. What ever would posses you to do that? Well I did warn you that I wasn’t going to sugar coat it! Last year was one of the hardest years of my life. And it will go down in the memory books just as that. Going through a separation and divorce isn’t easy peasy lemon squeezy. No it’s emotional, stressful, heart breaking at times and one of the most raw things a person an go through. If you are one of the lucky one’s to end up with a civil divorce I applaud and congratulate you and think you guys are awesome. If you can end up civil and friends in the end I will do the same as previously mentioned and hug you. Ugliness is just that, ugly and it doesn’t do either party any good. And even more important is it doesn’t help the innocents….your children (if you have them). Well look at me rambling on here. That was not my intent of this post. Anywho, if you are going through a divorce I am wrapping you in giant hugs and I offer my shoulder in support to you.
Now, to the point of this post….HELLO 2015!!! A new year, a new beginning. I never really paid much attention to New Years resolutions and such. Yeah sure I made them in the past but I never stuck to them because really, what was the point. If someone wants to make a change they should make it, why does it have to be at the new year? Yes part of me is a cynic. Shhh don’t tell anyone. With all the changes 2014 brought I want to start 2015 right.
So here we go, my list of things I want to change, I’m going to try and change but I will not call them resolutions so that may help me stick to them longer hah.
1. Don’t stress so much over the state of the house
Yes it get’s messy. Yes the kids will pretend to clean when in all actuality they’re making it worse but why stress over it? Why waste that time getting upset when you could be spending it with your babies doing something fun like…I don’t know a food fight. Wait what?!? Okay maybe not a food fight but something as simple as coloring with them can make their day. Do it!
2. Wake up earlier
Ugh, so not happy about this one but it’s got to be done. Getting into a new routine with the kids has been rough and it doesn’t help that you’re constantly running late and barely making it to school then work on time. You have got to do this the right way. Get up earlier, feed those cranky heathens breakfast, shove all your faces out the door and get to school/work on time. Don’t worry….you got this!
3. Don’t forget to play
Whether it’s outside or inside, and no I don’t mean on the computer, iPad, etc. I mean together. Okay despite my fighting on this I will cave and save the WiiU does count cause we can play it all together and laugh at each other so that totally counts as play time and together time. Just spend time with those babies and soak it all in. Pull out those games that are collecting dust in the closet and do a weekly game night.
4. Assign chores
Hey this is a weak point for me. Not a small one but a big one. I do EVERYTHING. While I am a single mom and duh it’s kind of in the description I still shouldn’t be doing everything for my children. They need to learn independence, responsibilities. You know all the fun stuff. Start out small but a chore chart needs to be done. They’re all old enough that this should have happened years ago but there’s no time like the present so snap to it girl.
You only have one life. Remember to breath. Stop and enjoy the special moments, if you don’t you’ll look back and realize all that you missed. Don’t over process, don’t over complicate. Just breath.
There it is. My list of things to work on. I’m so gonna do this, for myself but especially for these three loves of my life.

2015 is going to be an amazing year!
FCNSC • July 7, 2022
I am always looking for new ways with chicken.
نقل اثاث داخل الرياض
شركة عزل اسطح بمكة • October 20, 2022
أنا أبحث دائمًا عن طرق جديدة مع الدجاج.