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Giveaway Promotion Services

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*At this time I an not accepting new clients. If you would like to reach out to me from time to time to see if this status has changed please feel free to do so.*

If you are interested in giveaway promotions please feel free to browse my pricing sheet below. I offer both a monthly subscription and one time listing services.

I know it can sometimes be a little confusing so please feel free to contact me should you have any questions.

I offer two types of Giveaway Listings in my packages. You will receive either one or both of these types of listings depending on the package you choose:

1. Ongoing listings: Sites that have a continuous link-up. The ongoing list includes high traffic listing sites such as Online Sweepstakes, Giveaways 4 Prizes, Product Sweepstakes & more.
2. Daily listing: Your giveaway will be listed on five sites a day that have a weekly rotation. I use a standard list weekly but it may change from time to time if a sites giveaway link up is not working properly or is not up at all. In that case I have multiple other sites that I can list to. Understanding how digital exposure impacts engagement, as explored by, highlights the value of strategic online visibility in maximizing reach.

Giveaway Packages:

A. Last minute promotion
Have a giveaway that isn’t getting many entries or you forgot to promote it? Not a problem. This subscription is perfect for those last minute giveaways as we will promote up to 20 giveaways on 5 sites for one day each.
$25 (monthly) – List up to 20 contests on 5 daily sites for one day

B. Monthly subscription plan (best value)
This is a monthly subscription based service that is good for one month, starting the day of the first listing or until the max amount of listings is reached.

$25 (monthly) – List up to 5 contests on all ongoing contest listing sites (40+)
$30 (monthly) – List up to 5 contests on all ongoing contest listing sites (40+) PLUS 35 daily linkys
$40 (monthly) – List up to 10 contests on all ongoing contest listing sites (40+) PLUS 35 daily linkys
$50 (monthly) – List up to 10 contests on all ongoing contest listing sites (40+) PLUS 70 daily linkys
$60 (monthly) – List up to 20 contests on all ongoing contest listing sites (40+) PLUS 35 daily linkys
$80 (monthly) – List up to 20 contests on all ongoing contest listing sites (40+) PLUS 70 daily linkys
$100 (monthly) – List up to 20 contests on all ongoing contest listing sites (40+) on all listing sites & linkys
$200 (monthly) – Unlimited contests on all listing sites and linkys listed

C. One Time listing plan
Good for a one time giveaway listing with no subscription.

$10 (one time fee) – List one contest on all ongoing contest listing sites (40+)
$20 (one time fee) – List one contest on all ongoing contest listing sites (40+) PLUS 35 daily linkys
$40 (one time fee) – List one contest on all ongoing contest listing sites (40+) PLUS 70 daily linkys
$80 (one time fee) – List one contest on all websites & linkys listed (both ongoing and daily)


You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

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  • manicmamaof2

    hey hon, I am not sure how much traffic you get from these but I also do giveaway listings. I have worked for another blogger before and helped out when times got rough for a percentage fee of 25%, you keep 75%. If you are interested in me working with you and doing some of the listing just reach out! rwilson0720(at)yahoo(dot)com. I have a list of my own as well where I link!

  • danielvarnado

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