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Mr. Fosters Wild Ride

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That’s the title of the article in the Hoffman Hospice seasonal magazine. Hoffman Hospice is the company that took care of my Grandpa while he lived in a retirement home for the last few months of his life. I know I’ve already posted about his Harley ride but I wanted to share this article. I still get very emotional talking about my Papa and reading this made me cry but a happy cry that his family was with him on such a momentous day.

I know it’s small but I can’t make it any bigger on my blog so just click on the picture and it should open up in a new window full sized.
Thank you Hoffman Hospice for featuring my Papa and thank you to everyone who helped make this day happen for him. Also I’d like to thank you for taking care of him. I couldn’t have asked for a more gentle, caring croup of women not only for my Grandpa but you also helped my Grandma and my Mom so much during this time. You ladies are truly amazing.

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