Disclosure: I am a member of the Children’s Claritin Mom Crew and as part of the program I received product samples and promotional items to share and use as I see fit.
Last week I had the opportunity to host a Spring In Your Step Moms Meet-Up which was sponsored by Children’s Claritin. It’s always nice to get together with other Moms who actually understand what allergy season means to my kids and I. We are mid season into that grand ole time that I like to refer to as our Sneezy Season…aka Allergy Season. I remember writing about allergies last year and being thankful that my youngest seems to be unaffected by allergies but this year he has been showing signs of having them. But I am thankful that at least it’s only seasonal/airborne allergies and not food allergies (have to think positively right). In addition to giving my children their daily Children’s Claritin I wanted to share a few natural remedies that you could use in addition to Claritin to help ease you through this particularly annoying time of year.

1. Neti Pots: I know this may not be everyones cup o tea, and if you are easily scared by the unordinary or messes then I do not recommend attempting this. If you are not squeamish then forge ahead because these little pots are a great way to flush out your nasal cavity of allergens and it will loosen mucus.
2. Saline Sprays: Pretty much the same thing you use in a Neti pot but is easier to apply/spray in your nose.
3. Air filters!: High-efficiencyparticulate air (HEPA) filters are the best one’s to purchase for allergy sufferers because they are better at trapping allergens such as dander and dust as opposed to a standard air filter. We have these in our home because who wants to be miserable in their own home?
4. Honey: You know they say milk does a body good but so does honey, more specifically local honey. Why does local make a difference to store bought brands? Well when a bee local to your area makes honey they are making it with pollens local to your area. By ingesting the honey daily ( even just a spoon full in your tea works) you will start to build an immunity to those pollens which in turns means your allergies will not be as bad.
5. Spicy food: Ever heard someone say “it was so spicy it cleared my sinuses”? Well that statement is true. While it is only temporary it can still help while in a pinch. What foods work best? For me personally I prefer horseradish or raw garlic. Either one of those will definitely get your eyes watery and open your nasal passages.
6. Hot or Cold Compress: Now this is not a remedy per say but it can help with pains associated with allergies such as a sinus headache and sinus pressure. Some people swear by a hot compress and other swear by a cold one. I think it’s more of a whatever works for you kind of deal. By laying a compress either across your forehead or over your eyes so it covers your nasal cavity can help temporarily relieve sinus pressure. This method works really well for my daughter who has really bad allergies.
7. Wash wash wash. Washing your hands and face is highly underrated. Keeping your hands clean means you are less likely to rub allergens onto your eyes. The same applies for washing your face. When my daughters allergies are really bad she knows to go to the bathroom and wash her face off. Again this may only provide temporary relief but when your allergy pains are bad temporary relief can make a huge difference.
I wouldn’t necessarily suggest some of these for children, especially the spicy foods one unless you have a brave kiddo. But the honey is perfect for the younger one’s especially since it’s sweet. My kids love having a tablespoon of honey in a cup of tea. Hot or cold doesn’t matter they just love the sweetness of it.
There you have it, my personal tips and tricks to use during allergy season for all of our kids as well as for my husband and I. Also I got to share these with the Moms at our get together so I wanted to share this checklist with you, my readers as well. If you’d like to download the full pdf file click
Disclosure: I am a member of the Children’s Claritin Mom Crew and as part of the program I received product samples and promotional items to share and use as I see fit. No monetary compensation took place. As always thoughts and opinions expressed herein are mine.