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Chocolate Banana Oatmeal Muffin Recipe

There’s one thing I have been trying to steer clear of for a while now and that is sweets. More specifically chocolate. It used to be something I craved, now (thankfully) I can barely eat it but that doesn’t stop me from treating my babies with a small sweet bite every once in a while. And, as an added benefit these muffins aren’t totally horrible for you, possibly even healthy! I said healthy in the same breath sentence as chocolate…crazy right! Let me introduce you to this wonderful concoction I like to call Chocolate Banana Oatmeal Muffins.


Banana Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Muffins
Serves 18
Naturally sweet banana muffins with a hint of chocolate goodness, yum.
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Prep Time
10 min
Cook Time
25 min
Prep Time
10 min
Cook Time
25 min
  1. 3 Cups Oatmeal
  2. 1 Teaspoon Honey
  3. 1 Teaspoon Baking Powder
  4. 4 Bananas mashed
  5. 1 Cup Silk Pure Coconut Milk
  6. 2 Eggs
  7. 1 Teaspoon Pure Vanilla Extract
  8. 26 pieces of See's Candy Milk Chocolate Drops (freeze them and smash with a meat mallet)
  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees
  2. Mix together all of the ingredients (except the chocolate chips) together in a large bowl
  3. Prepare the muffin pans by spraying the pan or using liners with with non-stick spray
  4. Stir the chocolate chips into the batter
  5. Divide batter into each muffin cup
  6. Bake the muffins for 20-30 minutes (when the edges turn slightly brown they are done)

These tasty little bites are perfect fresh out of the oven. The chocolate still being warm and slightly melted….heaven. You can also freeze them for snack time later or devour a handful late at night, not that I’ve done that or anything.





Bring the Spring in with #FebrezeSpring Scents

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post on behalf of Febreze & Shespeaks.  All opinions are my own.


I love when Spring finally rolls around the corner. Not only does it mean we finally get a break from the bone chilling cold (now no laughing East coasters) but the flowers start blooming, birds chirping, it’s time for renewal. I know for some spring time brings pollen, allergies, but for me it brings beautiful smells. Ever walk outside with the morning dew still on the grass and just breath a deep breath? A few of my favorite smells this time of year are nectarines, lilies, pineapple, melons and the smell right before it rains. 

Lucky for me I can now bring a few of those smells in the house with me with Frebreze’s new spring line, Spring Scents. With scents such as Sweet Pea Petals, Rain Air, Wildflower, Grapefruit Fizz and Nectar I can constantly be surrounded by a few of my favorite smells, if not all! This new line is not only offered via spray but oils, fabric refresher, wax melts, candles AND my personal favorite, vent clips for your car.


One of our favorite things to do with the weather being so gorgeous is getting outside and enjoying the air, and the best place to do that is at the park! Not only do the kids get to run outside and have a blast but I get to watch their smiling faces. Nothing makes me happy more than seeing my children happy. This last weekend the kids met up with some friends to enjoy some park time and the cuteness was just too much. Okay not really but man was it cute. My youngest loves the slide and discovered it’s also fun going down it backwards. His giggles were echoing through the slide and I just had to snap a few pictures of it. Just try and tell me this is not adorable!

Shawn Slie Collage

You can pick up your own collection of Febreze Spring Scents at your local Walmart. For coupons and other news make sure to check out their Facebook and Twitter pages as well.


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Disneys Maleficent, New Banner

Maleficent, the untold story of Disney’s most iconic villain from the classic “Sleeping Beauty,” reveals the events that hardened Maleficent’s heart and drove her to curse the baby, Aurora, only to later realize that the child may hold the key to peace in the land.


One of my favorite movies growing up was Sleeping Beauty. Beautiful young maiden in a love story with witches, an epic battle between good and evil. Not to mention she had blond hair and brown eyes just as I did. What wasn’t there to love? So imagine my excitement at hearing they were doing a story about Maleficent, the evil witch of the story. I may or may not have a slight obsession with all things paranormal, witches included so giddy would be an understatement. And then seeing who they cast to play the role, Angelina Jolie Oh. My. Gah! It’s as if she was made for this role. I mean seriously, she is beyond the perfect match. And FINALLY we get to learn just how Maleficent went from good to evil.

Movie Synopsis…

“Maleficent” explores the untold story of Disney’s most iconic villain from the classic “Sleeping Beauty” and the elements of her betrayal that ultimately turn her pure heart to stone. Driven by revenge and a fierce desire to protect the moors over which she presides, Maleficent cruelly places an irrevocable curse upon the human king’s newborn infant Aurora. As the child grows, Aurora is caught in the middle of the seething conflict between the forest kingdom she has grown to love and the human kingdom that holds her legacy. Maleficent realizes that Aurora may hold the key to peace in the land and is forced to take drastic actions that will change both worlds forever.

And if you’re as obsessed a bit much like I am be sure to follow Disneys Maleficent on ALL the social media accounts! Facebook, Twitter, InstagramPinterest, and Tumblr.

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Fight Toxins with Seventh Generation #FightToxins

I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Seventh Generation.
Did you know that we are exposed to over 300 toxins before we are even born!?! Three hundred! I had no idea, not only is that insane but it’s downright scary. I’ll be honest here, before I became a mom using non toxic products wasn’t even on my radar. I was naive in thinking if it didn’t involve those smelly harsh chemicals then it wouldn’t really work. Looking back I am not sure how I could have ever assumed such nonsense, and it’s alarming to think others may be uninformed as I once was. One of the first things I did was open my cleaning cabinet and go through  everything I was currently using and looked for alternative methods to clean my home with.
NYTIMES_SeventhGen copyI am sure many of you have heard of Seventh Generation right? If not here is a little background on this wonderful company.
Seventh Generation

We believe our products are healthy solutions for the air, surfaces, fabrics, pets and people within your home–and for the community and environment outside of it. As a pioneer in corporate responsibility, we want our products to make a difference—from their development through to their production, purchase, use, and disposal. We are always evaluating how to reduce their environmental impact, increase performance and safety, and create a more sustainable supply chain. We believe it is our responsibility to set a course for a more mindful way of doing business, where companies act as partners with other stakeholders to create a brighter future for the whole planet.

With the help of Seventh Generation and The Toxin Freedom Fighters, we are bringing awareness to congress on April 30, 2014 to make changes to the The Toxic Substances  Control Act (TSCA). The TSCA was originally passed in 1976, had has not been updated since that time. Under the TSCA tens of thousands of possibly harmful chemicals continue to be used in every day products without proper testing or disclosure by the company producing these products.  What The Toxin Freedom Fighters are trying to do is bring awareness and change to this act so that reform can happen, testing can be done on all these unknown chemicals so that we can protect the health of our families as well as to the environment.

TFF_100 percent dish1

Why is chemical reform imperative?

    • 85,000 synthetic chemicals have been introduced on to the market since the Toxic Substances Control Act was passed in 1976, the EPA has only required testing on less than 10% of those.
    • Some of these chemicals are found in toys and other children’s products, cleaning products, personal care items, furniture, electronics, food and beverage containers, building materials, fabrics, the interior of vehicles, building materials, and fabrics.
    • Scientists have linked exposure to toxic chemicals can lead to many health risks, such as cancer, alzheimer’s, learning disabilities, asthma, birth defects, and other reproductive problems.
    • The Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) was passed in 1976, and unlike other major environmental laws, has never been updated.

What can you do to help? You can show your support by sharing and signing the Fight Toxins petition!  By signing you are showing your support behind this reform and fighting for a healthier future for our children. They only need 100 thousand signatures to bring this measure to congress. And if you feel but I am only one, that one (YOU) still counts! I hope that you will join me in support of this movement. As of the time I signed the petition it was over 81 thousand signatures, so we’re almost there!

For additional information be sure to visit the Natural Resources Defense Council website.

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Earth To Echo: New Trailer

Tuck, Munch and Alex are a closely bonded trio of inseparable friends, but their time together is coming to an end. Their neighborhood is being destroyed by a highway construction project that is forcing their families to move away. But just two days before they must part ways, the boys find a cryptic signal has infected their phones. Convinced something bigger is going on and looking for one final adventure together, they set off to trace the messages to their source and discover something beyond their wildest imaginations: hiding in the darkness is a mysterious being, stranded on Earth, and wanted by the government. This launches the boys on an epic journey full of danger and wonder, one that will test the limits of their friendship and change all of their lives forever.



This isn’t my typical genre but I have to admit it looks pretty interesting. A little ET meets Transformers meets Johnny 5? Still unsure if my ten year old would go watch it with me since he’s easily spooked but I think he’d enjoy that it has kids around his age in it as the main stars.

EARTH TO ECHO opens in theaters nationwide July 2nd, 2014. To learn more about Earth To Echo make sure to check out all the social media channels listed below:

Official site: 
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Wordless Wednesday: Garden of the Gods

My husband has been away for work for a little while so last week the kids and I took a quick trip to Colorado to visit him. In between the sickies invading our home hotel we managed to sneak out for a day and explore. I had never heard of Garden of the Gods before but it was recommended by some coworkers of my husband so off we went. And wow. If you’ve never been, I highly recommend taking a trip and making a day of it.

Garden of the Gods


My daughter was being a little camera shy so I ended up with more shots of the boys but I was able to grab this great shot of our three babies all together!





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Core Power #Giveaway

If you haven’t noticed, or been following me on Instagram, I’ve been busy making some significant life changes when it comes to my nutritional intake. While I love cooking and creating appealing dishes for my family, sometimes I need something  refreshing – yet filling – on the go. Especially after a vigorous workout with my new BFF, running.

Enter Core Power. Their product speaks for itself:

“Milk is one of the best sources of protein, helping to build lean muscle and recharge the body when consumed directly after physical activity. Core Power is the real-milk based sports recovery drink and contains natural whey and casein proteins found in milk – never removed from their original liquid state. It features simple ingredients and great taste, without a chalky texture.”

5 Olympic Bottles
Some deets:

  • made from lactose-free milk and real honey
  • optimum carb-to-protein ratio for post-workout refreshment
  • helps to build lean muscle
  • uses natural sweeteners such as monk fruit juice & stevia

If you’re anything like me and love finding new foods to try you’ll love the amount of recipes the Core Power website has. It goes way beyond smoothies and shakes. Hello, muffins and pies, yum! Also one extra little tidbit that took me by surprise but I actually really love it is that Core Power is completely safe for kids! Since it’s packed with so much protein it is not suggested for children under two years of age but for those two and older it is safe for them as a form of protein. So, for those of us with really picky eaters? Core power is a nice option to have.
And then there is the little detail of Core Power recently being named the Official Protein Drink of the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games. Dude, that’s PROFESSIONAL ATHLETES!
If that’s not good enough to convince you, how about a little giveaway? Make sure you stay in the loop in all things Core Power and follow them on ALL social media channels!




Get Fit

a Rafflecopter giveaway


When life gives you lemons….

Make lemonade! I never used to enjoy that saying but it’s grown on me these last few years. Not sure if it’s because I have a slight obsession with cooking with lemons or if it’s because there’s nothing like freshly squeezed lemonade. I know it’s not actually about lemonade but I have this thing about words. One random word can make me think of one of three things. Food, music or a movie. Odd I know, but we all have our idiosyncrasies right 😉

I am sure I have you all seriously confused by now and you’re wondering okay Shana, what is the point of this here post…if there is even a point. Yeah, there’s not folks. Sorry to disappoint but I am in quite the random moods right now so you’ll just have to bear with me as I randomly spout nonsense.

First order of nonsense….I am sort of in the process of going vegetarian and it’s so much fun! Okay maybe not a full-fledged vegetarian, but I said it was a process. I haven’t been a red meat eater for quite some time. Sure, I’d have a bite of steak here and there if my husband ordered it but I haven’t purchased red meat in so long I’m not sure I remember what to do anymore. But that’s neither here nor there. I still eat fish because I just can’t give up my mahi mahi, plus it’s an excellent source of protein and vitamins just like True Protein’s collagen protein range. I used to be very big on chicken but I’ve found this amazing tofu that works really well in salads and really that was my only concern about not eating chicken was I still had to have some source of protein in my beloved salads. The great thing about this process for me is it has brought back my love for cooking and if you follow me on Instagram I will either 1) annoy you with all my food pics or 2) make you very hungry. I’ll apologize in advance for both. Ha!

Veggie Collage

Next order of nonsense….I am in the process of getting a job and let me just say WOW does the job market suck right now. Sure I could get a job at oh you know Target probably right away but I don’t want to settle. I know I know, the whole beggars can’t be choosers thing but I am done settling. I am at a point in my life where I need to do things for myself and having a little bit of independence will be good for me. I am a little nervous about getting a full time job since the only job I’ve had full time in the last seven years has been here at home raising my family but the kids are all in school now and it’s time to start the next chapter. So wish me luck!

Oh before I forget, I just heard of a great promotion running right now that I couldn’t not share with you all. All models AND colors of the Koss Fit Series line are on sale for a limited time for under twenty dollars at your local Walgreens! I shared my experience with Koss Earbuds a little bit ago; I have some serious love for these little earbuds. Heck at $19.99, you can get one for each member of your family! Each pair comes with three different ear cushion sizes which is perfect for those of us with small ears and/or for children. Seriously, go and yours today. 


There you have it, the little bit of nonsense going on in my life. Okay so it’s not all really nonsense but would you have rather I called it rambling? Yeah that may have made a bit more sense. Oh well, I never said I did things the correct way. Hope your weekend is as fabulous as you are!


*Disclosure: I received compensation as part of a FitFluential campaign to share the awesome Koss earbuds deal, but sans compensation I still would have given a shout out because they are really a great line and this is a steal of a deal.*


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Our Kid Free Trip To Disneyland

Thank you to the Disneyland PR department for sending me two park hopper tickets to facilitate this post.

I love Disneyland. I mean who doesn’t? But I never dreamed of going to Disneyland without kids. Well maybe prior to having children but after becoming a mom it just seemed….mean. When I was presented with the opportunity to go without kids my initial reaction was no, absolutely not. Not going to happen. But everyone dreams of taking a trip to Disneyland because no matter how old you are you can never deny the magic that is known as Disney. So with a little extra encouragement from some friends I brought up the idea to my husband and we decided we had to do this. We just couldn’t pass an opportunity like this up. So on Christmas Eve off we went!

Disney Collage

First let me say this dude….I really did not think it would be so crowded the day before Christmas. I went on the assumption that people would be 1) traveling or 2) at home with their families. I think it was quite possibly the exact opposite though. I have never seen it so crowded, and that’s including all the times we used to go way back in 2005 when our oldest was just a wee one. We would go every week, rain or shine. School days or vacation days. It didn’t matter we still went. But never did we see it as crowded as it was that day.

So let me tell you about the FastPass. Um, best only thing ever! They allow you to bypass the long lines and get to the ride faster. And it’s really quite simple.

  1. Look for the FastPass sign near the entrance of an attraction
  2. Insert your ticket to the park
  3. Take FastPass (pay close attention to the time printed on the pass as that is the only time you can use it!)
  4. When it’s time go to the entrance of the ride show your ticket to the Cast Member and whala, enjoy the ride with a seriously reduced  wait time

And if you weren’t aware, the FastPass is available at both Disneyland AND California Adventure. Speaking of California Adventure…..I haven’t been there since right after it opened and WOW has it changed! The biggest change I noticed was the addition of the CARS rides and fun things to do all featured around the movie CARS. We are a huge fan of both CARS movies. I can’t wait to bring my kids back so they can see Lightening McQueen and Mater in person…they will flip!

Disney Collage2

I never in my thirty something years (didn’t think I’d reveal my real age there did yah hah) dreamed of taking a trip to Disneyland with no kids but you know what? I am so glad I did. I got to spend one amazing stress free day with my husband that was filled with fun, smiles, love and memories I will never forget. 



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