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The one I love

So I realized I never really post about my husband. I try to keep a lot of our life private and making sure I do that it’s hindered me from posting about him. But no more. I want to talk about what an amazing person he is. He is my world. He has stood next to me for twelve years now and never has his feelings for me gone astray. He loves me just as much as he did twelve years ago, if not more. He is an amazing father. He loves playing with the kids and helping me with them, reading them stories, looking at airplanes (all the kids are mini Steve’s in that way…lol) and just all around an awesome father. He treats me like a queen. I’ve never asked for it and sometimes feel bad receiving such treatment but he says he is just treating me the way I deserve to be treated 🙂 He has taken over the kitchen duties. He cooks amazing dinners every night he is home. We are eating so much healthier because of that. I love cream sauces and cheese, it’s my down fall. I never knew he could cook. I used to tease him the only thing he knew how to cook was prego sauce but boy was I wrong. He is my rock with a lot of things that have been going on in my life. He is always there to let me cry on his shoulder if I need to, to give me a hug or cheer me up when I need it. He is my one true love and I just had to express how I feel and how blessed I am to have him in my life.


What do you think

I made this layout myself. Not bad for my first try huh. I’m just a little excited cause I thought I lost my blog yesterday attempting to get it on (thank goodness for my html smart hubby) and now today I got it to work lol go me 😉 Okay done bragging!


Once again

I have fallen behind in my blogging. Life has just been so busy lately it’s insane. And I haven’t been running on full energy in a while 🙁 Things have been going good as far as family life goes. All the kids are doing wonderful. Shawn has had a cold for two weeks now, poor guy just can’t seem to shake it. We also took him in for his eyes. One of his pupils is much larger then the other. We are now waiting on a referral to a Neuro Ophthalmologist and she only see’s children. Hopefully that will come sooner then later. Have I mentioned I hate the waiting game …lol Samantha has been talking up a storm lately. A lot of it is still in her own little language but her vocabulary has really grown in the past couple weeks. Jr is still the same energetic little five year old. He had his 5 year check up a while back and they requested some blood work. He went and got it done and was such a big boy! He didn’t cry at all and barely flinched. I was so proud of him. He usually gets some anxiety when it comes to new things like that so he did wonderfully. Steve just got over strep throat and I’ve been fine lol
So that’s how things are over here.

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Keeping my fingers crossed

Okay so unfortunately Steve is working tomorrow, Valentines Day sooooooo he came up with the idea that I drive down to his work and stay the night with him out there in a hotel room! I’ve made the arrangements. My sister is going to watch the kids at my parents house (they will be out themselves) and they will stay the night there and Shawn and I will be with Steve. If only I had breast milk stored and my little man took bottles 🙁 Oh well, I will take what I can get and I a super excited.

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I have been a very bad blogger lately. I completely forgot all about it 🙁 Not that I really have any followers lol. Um what’s new. Shawn is eight months old now. He is a full time crawler and is now standing and trying to cruise along the furniture. He has his two bottom teeth and about 4 more bumps in his mouth for more teeth trying to come through. Samantha is my happy little 2 year old. I’m telling you the girl is on crack. She is absolutely hilarious when she runs around on her tippy toes and dances with her arms to her sides and just her hands pointed out. It’s really funny to see. She is a mischevious little butt too though. She keeps me on my toes more then jr or Shawn. Jr is a wonderful 5 year old. Crap I still can’t beleive he is 5. Where the hell did the time go! He will be starting school this coming school year. Not sure where he will be going though.
As for Steve and I we are doing good. Same ole stuff there. I’ll try and be a good blogger now. I’m off to bed.

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Mixed emotions

I have always known I wanted a big family. I love everything about kids. Especially mine 😉 I love being pregnant and giving birth and watching them grow up. I love cuddles and hugs and kisses so much. It’s the best experience. Steve got the big V a couple months ago with pretty much no consideration for what I want. I know we can’t afford to have any more kids right now. We are struggling so much as it is. BUT I wanted our options open. I sometimes think I am okay with it because I love my family and I wouldn’t change anything but to accept I will never be pregnant again or have a baby to nurse and have that special bond with I just don’t think I am okay with that. It hurts me to know that will never happen again. I’m not trying to be selfish and sound like I don’t love my kids because they are my world but I just wish the option was open. I don’t know if I am making any sense and I am starting to ramble so I will stop. Just had to get my feelings out there instead of keeping them stuck inside.

  • Gena

    ((((SHANA)))) I’m sorry.

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