The Diagnosis
Well they said that Steve’s liver enzymes were slightly elevated and so was his hemoglobin. They also said there is some kind of obstruction in one of his lungs. And that’s all I know. He has an appointment this Thursday to get an u/s of his heart because of his palpitations. But as for any kind of treatment or anything they didn’t say anything. I don’t like this not knowing what to do shit. I’m guessing it was just written off because he’s “getting older”. I don’t know but when the new year hits and we switch insurances he’s going to see a Dr at Kaiser and see what they say.
I hope you get answers. I would make him call the dr and ask what caused thus and what they will do about it.
Blah Blah Blah
Monday is here, yay. I know it’s not a yay for most people but Steve is off on Mondays so it’s yay for me. Steve has been sick but he’s been getting a horrible pain in his chest. He went to the Dr today. A lot of help they were. They took x-rays and blood tests but gave him no answers as to what could be wrong or if he has a virus. Nothing. That pisses me off. He’s worried. He thinks something is wrong. Now my husband can be a bit of a hypocondriact but I still don’t like seeing him worried.
My oldest baby is going to be FIVE in 5 days, ack. How did it go by so quickly??? The boy knows how to push my buttons but I love him so much. I am so glad and honored to have him as my son. He is a very good boy and loves his family. I say this and he and Samantha are playing and all I hear is giggles 🙂
We still have a bit of the sickies over here. The kids still have coughs but that’s it. It sucks cause all they want to do is play but the more they play the more they cough and then have problems breathing. Have you ever tried to get a two year old and a five year old to stop playing and having fun??? Not easy!
Okay gotta run and give baths. Samantha is covered in spaghetti sauce.
((((SHANA)))) I Hope you all feel 100% better!!!
This weekend
Has been about the kids. Last night I took them to the Annual Lighting Ceremony in downtown Lancaster. They lit all the lights that were lining the street and two little Christmas trees. There was caroling and a marionette show and face painting, and of course hot chocolate and cookies.
Then today I took them to the parade. Also in downtown Lancaster. We all had a good time. Here’s a couple pics. I didn’t get many last night because I was taking turns between holding Shawn and Samantha.
This first set is from the parade this morning.
The last three are from the puppet show. See the little blond kid with the green sweater, that’s Jr…lol
Great pictures 🙂 Looks like the kids had fun!!
Such beautiful & happy kiddos- they radiate!!!
- •••
For a good cause
This was brought to my attention by Amanda. I think this is for a wonderful cause so I wanted to share and tell everyone to go check it out.

Wordless Wednesday
awwww, sweetness!!!
Tackle it Tuesday
Not the traditional tackling it Tuesday, but my mission is to stay healthy. All three kids are sick and so is Steve and I feel it trying to make me sick but I’m not going to let it! I started taking emergen c cause it’s the only thing I know I can take. Come on immune system, don’t fail me now!
The sickies
Have hit my house full blown, again! Shawn has been sick for a week now, Sam followed four days later and Jr yesterday. All running temps from 100-103. And Samantha has thrown up a couple times. Not a lot, I think from the excess mucous. And now Steve is sick. So far I’m the only healthy one (knock on wood) which leaves me to take care of everyone. It’s been a rough week cause Shawns coughing is worse at night. So any get well vibes anyone wants to share we would love some 🙂
Thanksgiving was nice. We went over to my bil Paul’s parent house. They are just the nicest people ever. So welcoming and loving. They loved seeing the kids. We haven’t seen them in over two years so it was their first time seeing Samantha and Shawn. We had a really fun visit with my sil Heather and bil Paul. Makes me miss living right down the street from them. Maybe one of these years we’ll be able to live near each other again.
Now playing: Sevendust – Rumble Fish
via FoxyTunes
To my baby girl
Happy Birthday my little princess! I can’t believe you are two years old already. I swear it seems like yesterday I found out I was pregnant with you. I have always wanted a little princess and I got her! You are such the princess. You are mischievous little thing too but all you have to do is give us one look and it just melts our hearts. I love watching you with your daddy. Seeing that special father daughter bond that is so important in a little girls life. It just makes me wanna cry (happy cry of course) watching the love shared between you two. I love how you are a very independent little girl but you are also such the mommies little girl. You have such a fun personality I don’t think a day goes by that you don’t make me laugh. I also love watching you with your brothers. You look up to Jr so much and follow him around like a puppy dog sometimes. It’s so cute. And I love that you are such the little mommy to Shawn. You like to help me get him dressed and change his diaper and love holding him. It’s absolutely adorable. I couldn’t have asked for a better daughter and I can’t wait to watch you grow into a wonderful woman.
I love you my little Mantha Pantha and always will!
AWWWWWWWWWWWWW NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! She can’t get bigger! She’s so beautiful. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
My baby girls birthday is tomorrow and she is running a 102 temp 🙁 Only positive is it will be a day of cuddles. I’m going to go into her room at 12:01 and take a pic of her sleeping. So I’ll be back later to post that.
Poor Baby
nike blazer low