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Wordless Wednesday-This kid

This kid, I LOVE him. I could just leave it simply at that, but I just have to add that this kid is my world. He’s one of the most amazing little dudes I know. He has the personality like no other, a laugh that is contagious to all, a smile that is all trouble, and he gives the best cuddles. I love this kid!

Quick explanation….I woke up to find both the kid and the dog had snuck into my bed some time during the night. The first pic you can only see his bum sticking out from under the pillow. This adorable swollen eyed smiley face, I get to see it every morning. It hasn’t changed in five years, he always waked up just like this.


See’s Candies now open in Penn Square Mall, OKC

The other week my daughter and I had the honor of attending a pre Grand Opening event at the See’s Candy in the Penn Square Mall.  As soon as I stepped foot into the store I may or may not have done an inner squee. The saying “just like a kid in a candy store” stands true for adults too you know. There’s something about stepping into a See’s Candies store and smelling the chocolate (oh my gosh the chocolate) and seeing the classic black and white tiled floors that brings out the inner child in every one. As if they knew what we were all thinking we were given a chance to take a peek behind the counter, and get this, we did packing races! Lets just say I now know how to efficiently (not speedily) pack a 12 count chocolate caramel marshmallow box of candies.   It was a lot of fun watching everyone try to figure out how exactly to get the little papers that the candies sit in separated with one hand AND not touch any of the candy with your hands, it was a fun process but also educational in learning that they don’t actually touch the candies and that they actually inspect each box to make sure it is up to their standards before it can be sent out to be sold.

While there we got the opportunity to learn more about the company and let me tell you they are a company deep with history. I knew See’s was a company with many years behind them but knowing there was a story to those years makes it makes it all that much more special. Here are a few interesting tidbits I learned during our visit:

1. See’s sells over 26 million pounds of candy every year!
2. In addition to the 26 million that they sell they give away approximately 1 million pounds in samples.
3. Every single person who walks through the door has the option to receive one sample of candy.
4. The first See’s Candies shop was opened in 1921 in Southern California.
5. They have two factories in California. One in Burbank (which I have driven by so neat) and one in San Francisco.
6. See’s Candies was started by Charles See the son of Mary See who’s picture hangs in every See’s Candies store.
7. They still make a few of Mary See’s original recipes from when she first started baking such as the fudge.
8. See’s uses no added preservatives in their candies.
9. They now offer Gluten Free options.
10. The LollyPops are made in a different factory then the chocolate candies so that along with the chocolate drops are the only candies that they can guarantee are allergy friendly.
11. The chocolate drops is the same chocolate that they cover their candies with.
12. See’s employees are AWESOME! Seriously they pour their heart and soul into their job and love not only what they do but the company they work for.
13. And my favorite little tidbit they shared was that the scene in I Love Lucy, you all know which one I’m talking about right? The one where she’s in the candy shop trying to keep up with packaging the candy along the assembly line and she get’s so overwhelmed in the classic Lucy fashion that she starts shoving her face with chocolates? Yeah that one! It was filmed in the Southern California facility.

Okay so I learned a little bit more then just a couple of things but it was all so fascinating to me I just soaked it all in. I’ve always been a See’s fan. I still remember going into a See’s store as a little girl and walking out with a chocolate LollyPop in hand. I want to personally thank Adam, Jermaine, Diana and See’s for allowing my daughter and I to take a peek inside the magic behind your wonderful company. 

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Weekly Meal Plan 07/28

I am attempting to jump back into this (again) and what better way then at full speed? Might not work for some but unless I jump in like this I will fall right back off the wagon. So fingers crossed I last longer then a month this time!

I am still piecing together which meal we should have on which day but this is the menu I’ve come up with so far.

Lemon Blueberry Muffins
Onion Mushroom & Leek Fritatta 
Veggie Paella
Mushroom Pasta
Fish Tacos 
Some type of chicken dish that I haven’t decided on yet
Chicken Tortilla Soup

My grocery list is pretty long for these meals because my fridge is pretty bare right now so I don’t have anything on hand. I’ve been sick and cooking has been the last thing on my mind, same with shopping. So tomorrow will also be a restock shopping kind of day, yippee.

Grocery List:
Cheese (I only buy reduced fat sharp cheddar. Still the great taste with half the fat. I should be in commercials.)
Cream Cheese
Red Bell Pepper
Mushrooms (a bunch!)
Cannellini Beans
Whole Wheat Flour
Penne Pasta (I get the veggie kind, gotta sneak as many veggies in as I can)
Salt Free Chips
Sour Cream
Soft Corn Tortillas
Whole Roasted Chicken

I think that’s about it plus a few odds and ends like bread, salad dressing, beets, hearts of palm, coffee creamer and fruit, can’t forget the fruit!

The nice thing about the fish tacos and the soup is that they share a lot of the same ingredients so that cuts down on the cost a bit and my husband already purchased fish so I wont need to purchase any more of that. FYI fish out here is 1) very expensive and 2) the selection sucks. If you are lucky enough to have a Trader Joe’s near you I highly recommend checking their fish selection out. They are very reasonably priced and have a very decent selection.
Do you plan out your weekly meals? Tell me, what does your weekly menu look like?


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Disney’s PLANES new clips released

Disney just released three brand new short clips for the movie PLANES which is set to hit theaters on August 9th! These clips are a lifesaver for my kiddos since every time we see the commercial my youngest says to me “Hey Mama that’s the movie you talk about, can we watch again”? THe replay button is an awesome feature LOL

Bulldog Shamed

Dusty Meets El Chupacabra 

Strut Jetstream 
You can also check out their YouTube page for all types of videos related to the movie! They even have tutorials for making paper airplanes

Disney’s PLANES on Facebook:
Disney’s PLANES on Twitter:
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The Hunger Games: Catching Fire new posters & Trailer

The 75th Hunger Games Quarter Quell has been declared!
On the 16th of July it was officially announced on Lionsgates Facebook page that every quarter century, the Capitol honors the anniversary of its victors over the districts with a special edition of The Games. For the first time in history the favorite Victors, Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark will return as this years Tributes.
In honor of Lionsgates big announcement they released new Quarter Quell character posters for the wildly anticipated sequel, The Hunger Games: Catching Fire! Here is a sneak peak of a few of the posters that were released.



And because I know you’ve been waiting for it, here is a brand spanking new trailer for The Hunger Games: Catching Fire.

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire opens in theaters nationwide November 22, 2013! I know I was late the the Hunger Games club but I am making up for lost time here. I cannot wait to see this movie. I especially love seeing Donald Sutherland as such an evil conniving man which is not his usual forte. 

You can also keep up with all the recent information for the movie on these social sites.


Disney Planes Printable’s

Download Race to the Finish! Activities

If your kids are as obsessed with PLANES as mine are you’ll want to follow on Facebook to keep up on all the happenings and the website has a lot of fun things for the little’s to do. But in the mean time here are a few printable for you to keep your kiddos busy until the movie comes out. 

If you can’t get them to print directly from the images below you can download them from here. I also have a PLANES Paper Airplane pdf if you’d like to print that out for your kiddos as well.
All materials featured above were provided by Disney. 


Captain America: The Winter Soldier

I give to you Captain America: The Winter Soldier new teaser poster. I know I know I am so mean only showing you a poster but when I got this in my email I totally squeed because dude this mean Captain America will be back! Yes I am a total fan girl of Captain America, hello Chris Evans YUM!
Okay enough gushing. The new poster above shows the famous Captain America shield with scratches on it, paint chipped off, is that blood on there? Either way the infamous shield is noticeably beaten up. Can this mean that there may be a darker tone to the sequel? That may be the case as from what I can tell about the movie is that Steve Rogers struggles to embrace his role in the new modern world of today. Together with Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), they battle a powerful and dark enemy.  The Winter Soldier, an assassin who just so happens to be his best friend Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan) who has been brain washed.
So much we still don’t know, but one fact we do….April 4th 2014 Captain America will open in theaters and you can bet your bottom dollar I.WILL.BE.THERE!


CAPTAIN AMERICA on Twitter @CaptainAmerica 


Boy Meets Girl

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by The Blogger Connection.

I love hoodies. I may or may not have at least six of them in my closet right now, and that’s not counting the one’s in my coat closet or my husbands that I steal borrow. Most of my hoodies are back from my punk rock days so they’ve seen better days. Still totally wearable but a little rough around the edges. Finding an edgy, stylish yet contemporary look is not as easy as you would think. Until now. Stacy Igel, the designer behind Boy Meets Girl captures the innocent spark between a boy and girl perfectly with these vintage cameos. The rest is up to you. You can personalize the Boy Meets Girl hoodies however you like, whether it be a monogram of your initials or you wedding date. It can even be embroidered on to the cozy hooded sweatshirts.

Some fun examples for Personalized Hoodies:

• Wedding/Bridal Gifts….Groom and Bride or Shakle and Chain (haha I added that one)

• Graduation Gifts….Yale Alumna and UofM Alumna

• Sorority Events….Mr. ZBT and Mrs. AXO

• For the house divided….Sooners and Longhorns

• Single and Fabulous….TBD and Me

• The social media savvy girl….@you and @me

• The pop culture obsessed….Peeta and Katniss

Or if you slightly twisted like myself and have not so nice but totally fitting nicknames for your significant others you could use those. I would share our pet names but I’ll keep this pg so I don’t scare anyone. But seriously how cute is this hoodie? It has all the classic elements to a hoodie AND with the boy and girl silhouette. My favorite is the black and pink because well, they’re my favorite colors. 

If you’d like to check out Boy Meets Girl on Facebook you can find them here, Twitter over here and of course their website right here. 

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by The Blogger Connection. I was provided with a product in exchange for this post. All opinions included in this post are my own.


Get outside & play with Coca-Cola’s #TakeItToThePark

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by She Speaks and Coca-Cola.

We love the park. And when I say WE I mean all of us, yes that most certainly includes myself. I love watching the kids have fun and seeing their smiling faces brings me joy. Knowing that I can sit for a minute and relax while they go play to their hearts content is an truly awesome thing. And something a park adds extra value to because you’re almost never the only person there. It’s very rare occasion for to be no other families also at the park doing the same exact thing. One of our favorite parks out here is what the kids call “The Wolf Park” but to us adults it is more commonly known as Reeves Park. One part of the playground has a wolf head hence them calling it the Wolf Park. I didn’t snap a photo of it this time but I have in the past. It’s actually pretty neat. Another thing I LOVE about this park is it’s all wood. Well excluding the slides and swing set seats of course.

Prior to moving here and going to this park I had never before seen a park made entirely of wood. Heck I don’t think I had ever seen a park made with any wood before. Everything was all metal or wood. So this park is extra special for that reason. Also it is completely fenced in. There are two main sections to the playground. The older kids and the wee kids. Each of them are fenced in (you can see the fence in the background in the photo above). There are two entries/exits. Both on the same side of the playground so you can’t miss if your child runs out. Having that little added security feature is really important to me since my youngest is still a bit of a runner. One last thing I’ll mention….TREES! A park is not a park if it doesn’t have trees. They provide many functions but most importantly on an extremely hot day they provide shade! For all these reasons and more is why I love taking the kiddos to this local park. Since the first time we went we knew it would become a favorite park of ours and even though we’ve been countless times it’s still awesome each time we go there.

Coca-Cola recently introduced the America is Your Park campaign. The idea behind the campaign is to help bring people together to improve the health of their communities. And with the start of the campaign the hunt is on to find Americas Favorite Park! Now here’s the special part, the park that wins 1st place will receive the title of Americas Favorite Park AND a $100,000 recreational grant which can be used for improvements to the park. The 2nd  place park will receive $50,000 3rd place $25,000 and the there will be a $15,000 wildcard grant that will be awarded to a randomly chosen park from the remaining 25 spots on the leaderboard! Another thing I love about this campaign is anyone can put together their own park meet-up and make things happen! If you are interested in doing your own meet-up but need a little help they put together a great checklist filled with ideas on how to make your outdoors day a success. You can view the page here.

Here is a brief video explaining more about the campaign.

This is the part where I shamelessly ask a personal favor of you all. The park that is currently in the lead with 147628 of the votes (as of July 4th) is the the Veterans Memorial Park at 1900 SE 4th Street, Moore, OK. During the May 20th tornado it was destroyed. I would love to see the park rebuilt not just for the children but for the city of Moore as a whole. Moore has a long way to go until it’s fully rebuilt and how amazing would it be to start with a place where community comes together to play, interact with each and overall come to have a fun time. Below are a few photos from the Veterans Memorial Park. The first one is a before shot and the second is an after of the same place. Then the following two photos show how the park was completely destroyed.
I received permission from the Veterans Memorial Park to use any photos as I see fit on my post.

To cast your vote in the Coca-Cola’s America Is Your Park campaign visit HERE. To vote for Veterans Memorial Park in Moore, OK you will need to search for the park by name & city. It will not bring it up if you search just by name. You will need to log in to vote but it is a very simple process, you can even log in using your Facebook account! 

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by She Speaks and Coca-Cola. I was provided with a Coca-Cola Park Kit along with a Subway gift card so my family & I could have a fun park day. All opinions included in this post are my own.
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Please excuse me

Please excuse the current state of affairs on my site. Things are just a wee bit messy in my attempts to transfer to WordPress. Yes, I finally caved and let everyone talk me into making the switch. BUT it’s a step in the right direct and one I can’t turn back from sooooooo things may be a bit wonky but we’re working on it and hopefully by the end of the week we will be fully functioning and back in business!

As for my giveaway that I have up right now, I know the links got a screwed up so I will more then likely extend the end date to give you all a chance to enter.

In other non related to anything news, look at me as a youngin, wasn’t I cute!

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