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Rice Krispies treats

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Hello, my name is Shana, I am 28 years old and I have never made rice krispie treats before ::::hangs head in shame:::: LOL I’ve always wanted to so I finally went out and bought the ingredients I would need, all three of them and got to cooking.

Here’s what you need:
6 cups of rice krispies
3 tablespoons of butterĀ 
10 oz of marshmallows
First lightly spray a 13×9 inch baking pan with cooking spray

Get six cups of rice krispies

The chitlens waiting patiently (sort of)

Melt your butter in a pan and then pour in the marshmallows. Make sure to melt them completely

One the marshmallows are completely melted remove it from the heat and add in your rice krispies.

Mix until the cereal is completely covered in that wonderful gooey mixture

Throw it into your baking dish, or lightly toss, whichever works for you

Now smooth and press it down until it’s all even and filling the dish. IMPORTANT! If using a spatula or wooden spoon spread some butter on it so it doesn’t stick (not a lot, just a like coating) or smooth it with a piece of wax paper.

Let cool and serve same day or cover and save for later.
Since it was the kids first time eating home made rice krispie treats I took pictures. I think they enjoyed them.

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