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Rub a dub dub

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Two kids in a tub. We can’t fit anymore then that in our tub otherwise it would be three kids with my oldest in there LOL Bath time is a multiple occurrence in this house. My youngest is like a dirt magnet. I take that back he is an anything that can make you dirty, whether it be food, dirt, milk dribbled on himself, diaper mess, anything, he is a magnet for it. So he gets at least two baths a day, sometimes three. And whenever he gets a bath my daughter comes running in begging to take one also. What can I say, my kids like the water.
While giving them a bath last night they found a new way to play in the tub.

Laying in the tub

Funny thing is I’ve tried getting my daughter to do it many times before but she never wanted to BUT as soon as little brother does it, it’s A-Okay with her. They got such a kick out of it and of Shawn was such a ham, eating up my laughs so he had to make me laugh even harder by trying to drink the water while laying down.

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