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Verizon FiOS Empowering Our Youth #PlayLikeaGirl

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When growing up I had a love-hate-love relationship with sports. I definitely enjoyed playing sports, but my interests waned easily and this often led to my deserting the fun of sport for the mall or boys. Looking back I regret some of the times I didn’t see my various interests through to the end, especially when it came to athletics. The sport that kept my interests captivated for the greatest amount of time was soccer. For seven years, I played and created lasting memories that I still hold in high regard today. However, it was a short seven years.

Looking back, I could have played all the way through high school and possibly longer if I hadn’t given in to my wanderlust. Even though soccer was the sport that grabbed my interest and attention, I did have the opportunity to play another sport that gave me the feeling of teamwork and empowerment and that was powder-puff football. My position as kicker was crucial (lol), but the experience nonetheless provided a grip of good times that will last a lifetime! My childhood may have past, but my children are neck deep in it. If they ever want to try out different sports, promotions like the Indoor Golf Shop deals may be worth a look.

Living in the middle of the country and being blessed with three children, two boys and a girl, I have been made aware of the disproportionate sports play options for boys versus what is offered for girls. However, this limitation has not prevented my daughter from enjoying the empowerment provided by the interests that drive her. I have always reminded her of the power she possesses by reinforcing her in positive ways, even when it’s a male dominated interest. What is important here is that she believes in herself and follows her heart. My daughter isn’t really a tomboy and she’s definitely not the biggest sports nut, but she does enjoy playing baseball and soccer with her brothers and friends. She is quite the princess and her love for the arts is second to none. Her “sport” is what she derives from the right half of her brain. If it involves singing, dancing, or drawing she’s on it. It’s the air she breathes and my husband and I fully support her love for it. When my daughter was born I was so excited about all the possibilities she would have for herself when she grows up. She’s only seven years old, but my daughter has found her passion in the arts. She talks all the time about wanting to be a music teacher when all grown up and that makes me so incredibly proud of her. And one day, if she decides sports are more her thing, then my husband and I will be there on the sidelines to cheer her on- I may even dust off a few of my old jerseys and let her wear them to practice!


Verizon supports our youth and the impact that sports can have on the lives of girls. They recently started this awesome campaign and to kick it off they are holding a fantastic giveaway. Be sure to check out their YouTube page for some cute videos and follow along in some coversation. You can share your story of how your daughter #PlaysLikeAGirl with photos or video at for your chance to win the Grand Prize, a Deluxe Tech & Sports Equipment Package. Prize package includes:

  • Samsung Galaxy NX 20.3MP Camera with 18-55 Lens (ARV $1,699)
  • Microsoft Surface Pro 2 – 128 GB (ARV $1,000)
  • Type Cover 2 for Surface Pro 2 (ARV $130)
  • HEX Surface Sleeve (ARV $40)
  • Surface Mini Display Port HD AV Adapter (AVR $40)
  • Monster iSport Victory In-Ear  Headphones (AVR $150)
  • Apple iPod Nano (ARV $150)
  • Amazon Gift Card for Sports Equipment purchase (ARV $1,800)

The approximate retail value of the Grand Prize is $5,010.00! All Grand Prize details, including specific product models and features, will be determined by Sponsor in its discretion.

Verizon FiOS gives your family the connection and speed you need to play with the big boys. Share your proudest moment of your daughter’s athletic achievements at You could be chosen to win a grand prize valued at $5,000!

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Verizon. The opinions and text are all mine.


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